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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • Patch Adams in person: hes no Robin Many folks remember the film Patch Adams as a comedy about an aspiring doctor struggling with the medical society during the seventies and his revolutionary idea of using humor to heal. In reality Patch Adams is neither Robin Williams, and did not focus on humor alone. In fact he got in less trouble over his beliefs in humor than he did over his political and social beliefs. On Oct. 8, Patch came to Western Carolina to speak specifically about love strategy. At first glance this topic sounds a little cheesy, but it is surely a brilliant and important concept. Patch Adams took the stage with half of his long ponytail dyed a bright bluish green, wearing an outfit of clownish colors that you couldn't take your eyes off of. My role is provoke you, especially in a university setting like this, Adams said. Patch had everyone stand up and hug for several minutes in the opening exercise. Men hugging men, women hugging students, students hugging professors everyone was uncomfortable. Loving, he said, is the most important thing in life. He challenged the room to think of anything in life more important. A voice called out, God, and he replied, I hope you mean loving God. Patch assaulted everything in the global society, from domestic to foreign policies. He explained how he had tried to get respected news agencies, like CNN, to spread his message of love, as he hoped to show a different strategy for working out problems (other than violence). They told him no one cared. Patch seems outraged by the idea that everyone in our country would agree that teaching and understanding true unconditional love is the most important thing we could teach our children, yet no one teaches it. Patch Adams is also concerned with the green house effect. As a direct result of our global communitys inability to teach love we have neglected our own habitat and eco system. College students of today will see the end. This idea that all governments have neglected to take action to stop the global warming was a regular theme. It seemed sometimes as though his message was for every one to stop thinking in terms of what is good for his or her country and start thinking in terms of what is best for everyone in the world. He then spun the discussion by giving a pep talk for love. He recited poems, one of which was one on a lemon. He also took this moment to turn the topic away from governments and focus for a moment on religion. . | worship people he said, what you get from faith, | get from friends. My fantasy day right now would be to be trapped in an elevator with eight people who hate each other. The extreme extravert went on to talk about how he one day realized that you have to let people hurt you in order to be hurt. He explained that if you truly love others and realize that your vulnerability to being hurt is a conscientious decision, only then can you stop being hurt by people and start being happy. Specifically he remarked about his past, being institutionalized three times as a young man, something he felt the fim about him had not explained enough. He said that it was in one of these institutions that he decided to have no more bad days and apparently he hasn't had one ae Patch Adams spoke briefly about the fim made based on his life. The film couldhave made some stronger points, but the impact it had was still important. Photo by WCU OPI WCnewsmagazine WiNGAMS by Jack Eagen 11 The change in hospitals and increased use of clowns in hospitals is one of his proudest achievements. He explained that the film focused on a Hollywood formula with the humor he used as the largest confrontation, but that in reality he mostly got into trouble for his political views. Patch left his audience with this: one, turn off your television sets; if you stop watching the super bowl players they will stop getting paid billions, and maybe our teachers could get paid a little more. Two, stand up for love as a value that should be taught in all aspects of our society. Three, when asked where he thought the governments of the world should start the strategy of love he said, the people in power wouldn't listen. They dont serve the people, they serve greed. Citizens have to act as a global community and force governments to change. Four, be grateful for everything you have and realize that loving is something you can get better at with practice. In essence, this was an uplifting set of messages but with a depressing reality. His hope is that everyone will start trying to make an effort to get along and love each other in the home, office, streets, congressional floor, global war, and everything in between. WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).