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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • Merchandise could determine the Swing Vote this yeatoy Jessica Jarrard You can tell alot about a person by what they wear, and what types of things they carry. You can tell what sports teams people support by looking at t-shirts and hats displaying team names, or by look- ing at the pictures and banners in peoples homes. You can tell a lot about a person by reading their bumper stickers, as many have a way of express- ing the views of the driver in ten words or less. What would you say if | told you that you could tell who a person was going to vote for in No- vember by looking at their pill box or their drink coasters? Thats right folks! As if bumper stick- ers and yard signs werent enough this year, Kerry and Bush have an incredible list of odd merchandise with their names on them. Both Ker- and Bush support- ers have a plethora of merchan- dise to choose from. While there are still plenty traditional items like bumper stickers, buttons, and clothing, this year constituents have numerous ways of showing their pride. Inviting the guys over for a poker night? Well, you can show your support for Kerry by using a deck of Playing cards with Kerry and his wife Teresa on the Aces. | bet you'll never guess who the jokers are. Of course, Kerry couldn't resist the urge to make Bush and Cheney his two jokers in the deck. No poker night is complete without a beverage. While neither offer beer mugs, Kerry does in fact have blue shot glasses for sale for $6 a piece. Bush can beat that. He has FOUR shot glasses in a set for only $15.95, but his are clear and not blue. Per- haps Kerry could argue Bush was going for quan- tity and not quality. First impressions are crucial, especially when meeting someone you may have to work with in the future. That is why it is always important to look your best no matter what. Kerry and Bush want to help you look your best and Campaign for them at the same time. T-shirts and ball caps are great, but these candidates are much more sophisticated than that. Now dont get me wrong, Bush has a so- Phisticated side as well. If you are in need of cufflinks, his website offers top of the line sterling silver cuffinks with WW 2004 engraved on them for Political ry the low price of $69.95. While Kerry does not offer cufflinks, he still has quite an impressive collection of lapel pins for sale. The cloth- ing lines for each candidate are quite different. If you are still in that 17% of the voting population that is un- decided, perhaps this is your chance to finally pick a candidate. If you prefer polo shirts to mock Nas- shirts, car then Ker- ry is your man. If you prefer a cowboy hat and belt buckle to simple ball caps and visors, then Bush is your man. Those who cant vote are certainly not excluded in this. Both candidates have a category devoted to babies and kids. What better way to show the world you truly care about the future of America then by dressing your children up in clothing and accessories endors- = ing a candidate. While Kerry only has a dog tag made for children, Bush is ready to clothe children in hats, t-shirts, and even a bib. Just think, you could tell an entire restaurant to vote for Bush, just by putting a bib on your child at dinner! Kerry's selection for children only may not be that great, but he does have one up on Bush with the senior citizens. Only on the Kerry website can you purchase a seven day pill box with KerryEdwards written across the front. Now every time a constituent takes a pill, they are re- minded of who to vote for in No- vember. Perhaps that was a good idea, if it helps them remember to vote! What a way to rally the age group of the population that actually VOTES! merchandise is pretty typical of hand reaches out to his country and western co- horts by overing a whole line of Farm-Ranch Team prod- ucts. This of course includes cowboy hats, and belt buckles, but | bet you never expected leather drink Humor Other than the pillbox, Kerry's candidates. Bush on the other WCnewsmagazine coasters with W704 engraved on them. Thats right folks, you can own a set of four calf skin leather coasters for only $14.95. Perhaps the reason Kerry doesnt have any leather products is to avoid a run in with PETA. You too can show the world who you support by displaying merchandise. Both candidates have very user friendly webpages that make online shopping easy. For more information, or to make a purchase, go to: http:/ or http:/Avww. $2 care decd phis twa jokers! Photo retrieved from 23 a a ce soraiseleaten htt pu/ or hitp://

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).