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Western Carolinian (Volume 69 Number 05)

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  • ee ry a! ee ee rt ~ POLICE FILES September 9, 2004: 3 p.m.- A student's car began leaking gas after it struck a curb at Benton Hall. He then parked behind Harrill Hall. Then he parked at HFR Administra- tion. The gas spill was cleaned up by local firefighters. 5 p.m.- A student reported her husband missing. This is an off campus in- cident. Surrounding law enforcement agencies have been notified to be on the lookout for this person. 8:45 p.m.- Officers responded to a report of marijuana. They found an un- derage student in possession of alcohol. Referred to Judicial Affairs. September 10, 2004: 1:30 a.m.- Officers approached a male student while investigating a vandal- ism at Albright. The subject ran and was apprehended. He was charged with resisting arrest, underage possession of alcohol, and littering. 1:56 a.m.- Officers assisted EMS with a student who fell into a wall on the third floor of Albright. He was transported by Westcare to Harris Regional and later to Memorial Mission in Asheville with injuries to his face. 3 a.m.- Officers arrested a 19-year-old male non-student for felony posses- sion of approximately a quarter pound of marijuana and confiscated $4610 in cash connected to the sale of marijuana and material commonly used in commercial manufacture of marijuana. The suspect was also driving while license revoked expired tag and no insurance. The suspect was taken to the Jackson County Detention Center. 10:48 a.m.- Officers reported that a car with a female talking on a cell phone ran through the Dodson crosswalk nearly striking an officer and several students. The investigation is continuing. 6:20 p.m.- Two students were reported missing in the Paradise Falls area between Wolf Lake and Bear Lake. The search continued through Friday night. At 10:57 a.m. on Saturday, the body of the female student was lo- cated by searchers. The search continues for a male student there. No foul play suspected. September 11, 2004: 12:04 a.m.- A female student was transported to Harris Regional hospital for treatment after she overdosed on alcohol. She was treated and released later in the morning. 3:10 a.m.- Officers assisted ER staff with a female student who took an overdose of medication off campus. Referred to Student Affairs. 5:05 a.m.- Officers assisted EMS at Scott where a student was suffering abdominal pains. This was not alcohol related. She was transported to the hospital for treatment. 12:05 p.m.- Afemale student in Scott reported that she had been assaulted by her ex-boyfriend and that he had stolen some of her property. The boy- friend was banned from Scott and the incident is referred to Judicial Af- fairs. 8:50 p.m.- Officers extinguished a trash can fire at the stadium where some- one had dumped charcoal in the container. 11:22 p.m.- Two students reported someone throwing drinks into their win- dows in Walker. Officers identified the suspects and referred the situation to Judicial Affairs. 11:30 p.m.- A female student reported that she had been assaulted by her boyfriend off-campus. Officers offered to assist with the matter; however, the victim has not agreed to prosecute. September 12, 2004: 12:15 a.m.- Officers found two intoxicated students walking on Forrest Hills Road, transported them to their residence halls, and referred the matter to Judicial Affairs since the students were underage. 6:40 a.m.- Officers found two intoxicated males from Albright Hall in Central Dr. Hall causing a disturbance and took them back to Albright. 5:12 p.m.- Officers intervened in a verbal confrontation between parents and their son in the roadway of NC 1002 near Papa's Pizza. September 13, 2004: 2:50 p.m.- A female student reported receiving threatening phone calls from a male student. The male student was advised not to make any more ha- rassing phone calls to the female student. September 14, 2004: 2:06 a.m.- Officers investigated an incident where someone activated a fire extinguisher on the first floor of Albright. White powder residue coated the hallway. 8:10 p.m.- Students (at the University Center) overloaded the elevator (10) exceeding the limit of eight. Both weight and capacity were exceeded. The students were in the elevator for about an hour before being freed. Because of their failure to heed instructions they were referred to Judicial Affairs. # September 16, 2004: 11 p.m.- Officers investigated a traffic accident between a University Police vehicle and a Jackson County vehicle. 1:21 a.m.- Jackson County requested assistance at a disturbance at the Summit. On arrival a large number of people were in the parking lot intoxi- cated and disruptive. Officers assisted in clearing the parking lot. September 17, 2004: Officers assisted on Edgewater Road where a student passed a roadblock and endangered emergency service workers. He was counseled on his ac- tions and criminal charges are being considered. 10:28 p.m.- Officers cited a student for under-aged possession of alcohol and referred him to Judicial Affairs for lying to a University official and pos- sessing an altered license. September 18, 2004: 3 p.m.- Officers cited a male non-student for no operators license and run- ning a stop sign. 7:20 p.m.- Officers cited a male non-student for driving with a revoked |i- cense and no insurance. 11:19 p.m.- Officers arrested a female non-student for driving while license revoked and no insurance after seeing her driving the same car stopped above. September 19, 2004: 6:15 a.m.- Officers assisted with the investigation of a car fire at Sleepy Hollow. Two cars were totally burned after an apparent collision where one unoccupied vehicle rolled down a hill and struck another unoccupied ve- hicle. Referred to the NC SHP. 11 p.m.- Officers charged two male students with possession of stolen prop- erty after finding them in possession of DOT-owned signs. September 20, 2004: 10:56 p.m.- Officers cited a male student for repeated violations of handi- capped parking laws at Central Drive Hall. 10:30 p.m.- While an officer was writing a citation for a handicap parking violation, the driver and his friend returned to the car. The drivers friend became verbally abusive to the officer. The friend of the driver received a campus citation and was referred to Judicial Affairs. 11:43 p.m.- Officers referred a male student to Judicial Affairs for posses- sion of a butterfly knife and a belt of blank cartridges. September 21, 2004: 1:17 p.m.- A student reported that someone had obtained his identification and social security number and had charged $1800 on his credit card in Tallahassee, FI. 10:15 p.m.- Officers investigated a report of the odor of marijuana on the 6th floor of Harrill. No contact with the source. September 22, 2004: 3:45 a.m.- Officers assisted deputies at Laurel Oaks where two males were banging on doors and windows. One of the male students involved was arrested by deputies at the Travel Center for being intoxicated and disrup- tive. 11:02 p.m.- Officers investigated a report of a naked female running through the S. Harrill parking lot. Upon arrival the naked female ran inside a house. The residents denied being the person without clothes. 7:47 p.m.- A female student was charged with parking in a handicapped space, and possession of a fictitious handicapped placard. 9:37 p.m.- A student who reported his kayak taken from the top of his car turned out to be the victim of a joke. Unfortunately those who played the joke forgot to tell the victim before he called the police. September 23, 2004: 11:14 a.m.- Officers investigated a two car accident on Centennial Dr., in front of Bobs Mini Mart. 9:30 p.m.- A pedestrian crossing sign was found. The sign and post it is at- tached to has been found three previous times somewhere on campus. September 24, 2004: 1:51 a.m.- While conducting a drivers license checkpoint, a car containing two males pulled into the stadium parking lot and the occupants ran. The driver was apprehended and charged with driving while impaired. BUSTED! By Emily Weaver i) [Osan a car with a revoked li- cense and no insurance, getting caught and then letting your friend, who also doesnt have a valid license, cruise in it a few hours later. O) repeatedly parking in a_handi- capped space and repeatedly getting caught, without a limp or a tag. SPlaying a practical joke on a friend but failing to inform him before he calls the law on you. Zeunning away from an officer who only wanted to ask a question about vandalism and not about the alcohol you're hiding. Obriving through a roadblock and endangering emergency work- ers. Your intentions=reckless, their intentions=saving people who put their lives in danger, like you. Sereattrig your own handicapped tag to use. That'll solve your parking prob- lems, at least until you're caught. At packing 10 people into an 8-per- son elevator at the UC (which has only 3 floors) and wondering why you got stuck. 3 Getting arrested with a quarter pound of pot and lots of cash. But that was rent money, Officer. ok a dead give-away to park and take off running at a check point. Of- ficers are trained to outrun under-aged drunks. nes call her the streak; she shows off her physique. Then hides behind clothes so officers wouldn't know. FT ON

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).