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Western Carolinian Volume 42 Number 22

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • IHI W I SI ERN CAROLINIAN rUESDAY, NOVEMBERS 1976 TE E NAGEAWASTEMrim b\ Greg L Icclscll DID NIXON KILL BUDDY HOLLY? On Feb. 3, 1959, Rock and Roll singer Charles Hardin "Buddy" Holly ssas killed, along svith singers Richie Valen/ and J. P. "Big Boppcr" Richardson in a plane crash in the late hours en route to play another one-night stand. Although the Federal Aviation Administration ruled that poor visibility and ice on the svings of the craft were to blame in the wreck, new evidence has come to light that, alter almost nineteen years, had been withheld from the public, the FAA investigators, and the insurance company probes. After a thorough search of tin- crash sight in Mason City, losva. it has been learned thai mans members of this conservative farming community were sirs upset back in 1959 that some "Big-city type Elvis commie immitator" svas coming to tsson to entertain the local teenagers. "Now I don't wanna say that Slater had nothin' to do with the crash." reported one source close to Mason City police chief fire captain rescue squad leader lone minister school principal '"Big" Jack Slater, "but he ssas a Red Sovine fan if then- ever ssas one and. well, after what Bills Graham said on radio back then about Elvis beiif a communist and all that, well, I think old Slater goi carried assay svith things and had some of his boss ssork on the plane." Another source reveals thai Holly ssas going to declare, in public, that he ssas going lo vote for Kennedy, and in Iowa, that is. in the common folks' language, "fightin" talk." When asked about the Kennedy question, all of Holly's old friends were mum. "I ain't talkin' said one. The resl refused to even comment. When a reporter tried to talk to Holly's ssidoss she onls said cryptically "You find out where Hunt, Colson. and those Cubans ssere the night Buddy's plane ssent dossn, sou just find that out." And indeed, the search ssas on. One reporter called .lorges Jimenez, one of the so-called "Cuban Hoods" ssho ssorked svith former Nixon aid E. Howard Hunt and he ssould not talk. Neither ssould his attorney. Hunt, after scleral ssritten queries, refused to comment beyond "1 ssas never in Dallas. 1 nisei kness Rubs and have not been to Mason City, loss a since 1959." Charles Colson however, did talk. Again, a cryptic remark. "Holly svas a threat. He kness about Hiss and all the rest and sou can go ask .lack Slater what happened to the plane." John Dean, sshen questioned, said that on several occasions svhen the song American Pie ssas popular, then president Nixon ssould ask the name of the radio station playing the song, sshich supposedly contains clues to Holly's death, and ssould tell Dean to "Get the (Federal Communications) Commission to make them sweat at license time." the former aid relates. What does singer Don Mclean know? After all. he wrote American Pie. a tribute to the late Builds Holly. If McLean knosss the truth, he ssill only say tins much - "Hoover took the truth to the grave ssith him." Back in Mason City, loss a. the airport guards are mum as well. "Bobby fucker talked to some fella back, oh, 15 years ago and they found him floating dossn in Jack Slater's pond. 1 don't knoss much about it but I'll tell sou this, it svas a fella from Washington, some of the folks here say thai it ssas from orders given by Nixon, that that young Holly bos, he ssas a spy for the Russians, at least that ssas the rumor, or thai he svas gonna play for Kennedy. I don't knoss. I can't say no more." I he man referred to as "Bobby fucker" ssas one Robert .1. fucker of Mason City and on the night of Feb. 3rd, 1959 he ssas a security guard at the sleeps Iowa airport. He ssas questioned by the late Alvin Sparks of the New York Herald. Both Tucker and Sparks ssere found dead in a pond on the land of Mason Cits magnate Jack Slater two days later. Where does that lease us? Well, svith a lot of unanswered questions. But whal ssill always nag in the minds of million is "Who reallv killed Buddy Holly?" Did Nixon? Maybe Bobby 'fucker and J. Edgar Hoover look that secret to the grave. Contacts and Newsbriefs A Children's Book Week reception ssill be held Tuesday, November 9 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in K264. the Library Science library. Ibis sear's Children's Showcase Books, chosen for their outstanding illustrations ssill be on display, flu- public is invited. FOR SALE Furniture. Couch, washer, end tables, dishes, hotplate, scssing machine. Contact Wanda at 293-9098 after 3 p.m. Anyone wishing lo observe the Inter-Nation Simulation at Forsyth, Saturday, is welcome to do so. However, observers ssill please check by the control room to pick up a name lag and receive instructions. This will insure the smooth floss of the game and ssill avoid any possible confusion. ATTENTION forest Fire Fighters, there ss ill be a ting Wednesday night in the UC Cherokee Rm. al 8 p.m. Anyone interested i" joining a cress should attend. WCU's competitive swimming program is in the process of getting its feet wet. Practices are from 4 to 5 p.m. Monday. Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons at Breese. This could prove to be a very successful program if it gets the support it needs from interested students. There is a possibility of two more meets this quarter if the interest is sufficient to warrant going. Contact the Swim Club this week for additional information. Recorder Flayers ssho arc interested in joining a small, informal ensemble of baroque and medieval recorder players should contact Henny Cason in Hunter Library. Faculty, staff, graduates preferred, but ssill play ssith anyone interested. ATTENTION Need ssork svhen you gel out of school? Come to Psychology Club meeting Thursday al 7 p.m. in Killian 104 and find out boss to go about it. The speaker ssill be Larry Bixby from the CAP Center. All students are invited. FOR SALE mobile home. Number 2 trailer behind Smile Service Station. Contact: Frank or Renee Camp. Jon Voorhees HairSrylist Cosmetician • Esthetician Phone 293-5100 Super Cuts Reasonable Prices LOST Notebook ssiih name Bob Blacklej on front. Also Social Welfare book - less arc! offered!! Contact: Marta - phone 7.18 or 7.10 - Scott 610. Or Bob - phone 771 - Leatherwood .114. (Need il for test Friday!) Try-outs for basketball cheerleaders ssill be Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. in Dance Studio, Reid Gym. LOST BrOwn. female dachshund in vicinity of stadium during Saturday's football game. Answers lo Gretchen and ssears a red collar. Contact fed Mams ai 29.1-5.155 or 29.1-7122. Hanggliding Anyone interested in starting a hanggliding club should attend the organizational meeting Wednesday at 4 p.m. on the second floor, UC. No experience necessary. All FN HON: The Foreign Language Club is presenting a lecture by an exchange student on Jamaica at 7 p.m Thursday in McKee 101. The public is united to attend free of charge. Ihe winners of Friday's mugshot drawings are Janet Rickman. Tim Plowman, and Buddy Porter, ssho ssill receive free dinners for two al the Canterbury Inn. Pamela Palmer. Gary Hall. David Cowart. George Wise and Jennifer Watson ssill receive free cases of beer. Winners may come by the Catamount office in Joyner at 7 p.m. Nos. 1". flic same prizes are being offered this week to students having mugshots taken on the third floor UC. CONTACT; Just a reminder that the census enumerators ss ill be interviewing in the dormitories tonight and probably Wednesday, too. All your cooperation is appreciated. flic UCB ssould like to express appreciation to all those ssho attended Casino Night and supported the UCB. Special thanks to Shclia Radford and the S IA Dept. for entertainment, and to the UCB Committee Members for attending, working, and cleaning up. FOUND Set of keys found Friday at "Casino Night. One key is for a late model Toyota, one is a room key svith 519 as the number. Available behind Main Desk. UC. Ml 1)1 I) Ride to and from Miami Thanksgiving week. Contact Mark Wilkins in 803A Harrill. phone RIDE Amber Dawn, five years old. needs a ride to Tampa. Florida, this sveckend or soon thereafter. 293-3290. ask for Chuck. There ssill not be a meeting of the Catamount staff Wednesday.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).