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Western Carolinian (Volume 69 Number 05)

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  • 16 WCnewsmagazine This edition brings a new means of using your micro- wave as a steamer and if done correctly, will yield a meal that you may not have believed able to be produced in the dorms. We're all adults here, so lets try and remember that steam is hot, so please exercise caution as steam is released. This is said because, frankly, we know the trou- ble that we get into in the dorms as it is, and we don't need to further hassle Residential Living. # What you'll need: Whiting filets (Wal-Mart has 5lb. boxes for about $6, freshly filleted packages at a ridiculously low price, and frozen bags in the grocers aisle as well) Butter or margarine substitute Garlic powder _ Lemon-pepper powder (a tin on the spice aisle | might run you a whole dollar) ye 1-2 yellow squashes ae 1-2 zucchini _ 1 Large Zip-Lock bag The Walkthrough: 1: If necessary, thaw whiting filets until the meat is Have you ever woken up from _ took a deep breath in and stretche | member how good and refreshing th power of waking up the right way, and th ercise. In this issue, we will explore a flowing series of Yoga postures called pliable and soft. You may want to do this near window with a box fan blowing across the fish and out of the window. You and your roommate do live there, and a fishy smell im- presses no one. Also, invest in air freshener if you haven't done so already. Zz While the fish thaws, wash the skin of the squash and zucchini to remove anything that may be on them. Upon cleaning, slice the fruits (yes, by definition they are fruits and not vegetables) medially from top to bottom, cre- ating two halves. Repeat the same cut on the halves to quarter them. Finally, slice perpendicular to the previously made cuts. This is a typical julienne cut, which is a cut with the grain and then against the grain. A julienne cut maximizes the exposure of the inside of the fruits, which is crucial to a quick steaming. 2. Now that you've survived the cutting stage, it's time for every young male in Americas favorite part, the melting portion. Cut between % and % of a stick of but- ter/margarine into a microwavable container. Add % tsp of garlic powder per % of a stick of butter (about 2 Tbsp). Microwave and stir until fully melted. 4. Place cut squash and zucchini in the Zip-Lock bag and pour melted butter and garlic to cover half to two- thirds. Seal the bag completely, but leave it about half full of air. Lay flat in the microwave. Microwave for approxi- mately 3 2 minutes per pound of vegetable in the bag or, depending on strength of cook power, until vegetables are soft and slightly transparent. 5, While the vegetables steam, rub lemon-pepper onto both sides of thawed filets, but dont be too generous, as the salt in lemon-pepper can overtake the flavor of the filets. Yes, if you are wondering, lemon-pepper has salt in it and they still dont call it lemon-pepper-salt. 6. Remove the vegetables when they finish, and put aside, but dont open the bag yet, as this will help keep them hot for the meal. fe Place filets on a plate, and cover with another plate to create a dome. This will hold more heat and yet vent. Cook on high until the outsides of the filets are a pure white. Whiting has a near built-in cooking timer that tells you when it is ready, so henceforth the name whiting implies white. 8. Combine finished whiting and steamed vegeta- bles, using remaining garlic butter as a dipping sauce for fish, if desired. Mountain Pose: Stand tall with your feet under your hips and your hands over the center of your chest in prayer. Briefly close your eyes and feel your center and your power. Upward Mountain: With your next in- hale, stretch your arms up high into the air. Imagine that you are reaching up for the bliss and peace of heaven. Forward Bend: As you are exhaling carefully, fold forward until you feel a nice stretch in the back of your legs and lower back. Bend your knees a little if you have tight hamstrings. Right Lunge: Take the right leg back into a strong lunge and then inhale as you lengthen the spine and open the legs. Down Dog: Move the left leg back to meet the right and then lift your rump high into the air. This resembles a dog stretching after a nap. Deep and steady breathing as you hold. Left Lunge: Begin to inhale and move the right leg forward in between your hands to stretch the left leg and the spine. Forward Bend: On the next exhale, step the left leg forward to meet the right and hang down into a deep forward bend. Upward Mountain: Start to inhale and smoothly come up while you reach your arms and hands up to the highest stretch. It is like you are reaching for your highest potential. Mountain Pose: Exhale now and return your hands into prayer over your chest. Enjoy the peaceful aftermath of the pos- tures. Repeat six to twelve times. _ the Sun Salutation. Traditionally, this sequence is done facing the direction _ of the rising sun to praise and give thanks for another day of life. Practicing at sunrise brings an incredible sense of sacredness to your day and gives you a clearer sense of purpose in your life. If waking up at sunrise is too early for you, please feel free to practice at anytime. The benefits are tre- mendous and well worth the effort. So lets not hesitate any longer; greater health of the body-mind-spirit can be yours with just a little practice. Before discussing the actual mechanics of the Sun Salutation, | need to remind you that with Yoga we are not forcing the body into demanding postures. Please be gentle with yourself and approach the series like a whole-body massage. Breathe deeply and explore all the little sensations that arise as you move through the postures. The benefits of consistent practice are greater flexibility, strength to the large muscles and joints and ease and grace in walking and your day-to-day movements. The postures also cultivate agility, coordination, freer breathing and a calm mind. On the _ ~===___ spiritual side, the Sun Salutation reminds us of the preciousness of the day and gives great energy to move us towards our goals. With this in mind, lets begin the practice. Namaste!

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