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Western Carolinian Volume 68 Number 06

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  • & DF eset eo wllton: _____ people download or share Ce __ music files on the Ir by summer thargard | WCnewsmagazine 2.0 There is an old saying that serves as good advice: If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. This is quickly becoming evident to music lovers throughout the United States. Many people are now thinking twice about downloading songs from the Internet without paying any fees ot buying CDs. This has become possible through networks such as Napster, Kazaa, iMesh, Blubster and Grokster. The Recording Industry of America has chosen to take a stand for hardworking music artists and has proceeded to file lawsuits against random individuals that are illegally sharing files via the Internet, said Jason Lavigne, a Western Carolina University Informational Technical Services consultant. The RIAA, which represents and protects top CD labels, announced that they are suing 261 users from downloading music without paying for it. These lawsuits are supposedly the first of thousands that the RIAA has planned in order to put a stop to stealing music owned by music groups, singers and recording companies, An estimated 60 million people download or share music files on the Internet, Lavigne said. e Illegal file-sharing includes downloading files that are under copyright and sharing them with other users. Dixie Lawson, director of IT Services on WCUs campus said, Most people tend to think that anything that is found on the Internet is free, and they do not think about copyright or they simply do not care. Copyright laws were established in an effort to protect artists who make a living from their work. Violations of these copyright laws have contributed to a 25-30 percent drop in CD sales in the past few years and also may contribute to the closing of thousands of music stores, Lawson said. : The RIAA is mainly targeting people who are illegally distributing thousands of copyrighted music files and those who are making copyright material available by sharing files through a network. | Most of the networks that make downloading songs available place these files into a share folder that other people can access. Unless this feature is turned off, then everyone who downloads a song becomes a distributor themselves, Lavigne said. Contrary to what most people think, no one is anonymous when these files are downloaded, and the source can easily be tracked down. The RIAA hopes that if such a threat is posed, that the demand will decrease as a result, Lawson said. Television advertisements, print advertisements and instant messages have been used as a plea from music artists, music industries and recording companies to inform people of the illegality of downloading music. ONLY SUPERSTAR ATHLETES wu b . Many do not realize that file-sharing creates a ripple effect of consequences; not only do record labels face the repercussions, but so do the music artists, talent scouts and songwriters, Lawson said. It damages the industry as a whole. Though this seems to be a national issue, it also affects local Western Carolina University students. Patrick McGraw, computer systems administrator, said, Educating students about the dangers of downloading copyright material is our main concern; if students are not taught that it is wrong, then they will simply continue to do it. : Flyers and door hangers warning against copyright lawsuits have been distributed throughout the dorms and classrooms on campus. The download rates have decreased this semester compared to the spring, which leads us to believe that students are becoming more aware of the issue, said McGraw. Though we do not block copyright downloads, students ate beginning to understand that it is wrong and that there are consequences. WCU charges a $25 fine for any student found with illegal downloaded copyright material on their computer. We are not going to the extremes of the RIAA; this is basically a punishment for the students to see that the money they are fined is _ money that they could have used in purchasing the actual CD or DVD, McGraw said, McGraw also said that if the university is approached by the RIAA regarding a student, administration has decided that they will turn over the students name because of the legality. Students have been informed about aspects of the situation _ and must be held responsible for their own decisions, McGraw said. The amnesty program is an agreement in which the RIAA promises not to sue online distributors in exchange for the deletion of any songs, and distributors must no longer download copyright material. The RIAA has said that it will not pursue legal action against users who register for its amnesty program, Lawson said. However, some lawyers are warning users to think carefully before registering for this program because a promise from the RIAA cannot necessarily protect users from other organizations not affiliated with the RIAA. Most people agree that is it only a matter of time before the music industries and recording companies develop a way to distribute music via the Internet while making a profit, Lavigne said. If you cant beat them, join them; just do it legally, Lawson said. SHOULD COME OUT OF RETIREMENT. Theres nothing romantic about lacing up the wingtips for your big comeback. An SRA is an economical, tax-deferred way to ensure you dont run out of retirement savings. 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