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Western Carolinian Volume 67 Number 08

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  • september 18-24, 2002 welcome ewsmagazine WELCOME FROM THE EDITOR WCnewsmagazine issue eight - 1 Wsstß1LCa:.o.ü O O Since we first started running ourspecial "America? issues we. uncertain ofhow people would feel about more 9/ 1 -l coverage: fact, we too had very. mixed emotions on the subjecte However, the discussions have opened a lot ofdoors and revealed that we feel? as Americans; especially anxious in our efforts to feel more .secufe these days. In this issue;" Vanishing Privacy: America part three?? we have selected a range of articles from across the nation that must be discussed further: regarding the Fourth Amendment and privacy. We are using •this edition .t0 begin ' eprivaC}R' dialogue that will continue through the November elections and winter break. Whether you use a "bonus card" at the supermarket •Öi• drive around with a "Free Leonard Peltier3' bumper sticker plastered to the back ofyour vehicle (see story on page 9), nowadays chances are someone is trying to figure you out. Whether it is the ..%ecret searches" conducted by. your very own government (KGB? page 8) or. your local grocer creating a profile of your buying habits; do you own your own information any more? What is the Bush administration doing to protect your information from people that would do you harm (page 10)? If I listened to my friends;i would have: to agree that issues Of personal liberty and free speech are possibly taken for granted these days, .1 admit we do not stage sit-ins:or even protest, but why should we? We have our freedom, most of us were born with our rights? But most of us really do not know how unstable Our "security" and C'freedom'> really are. We must realize some Of the basics that we take for granted could easily vanish, at least during our war on terrorism Just as tax laws have plenty ofloopholes for the wealthy, privacy is apparently only for the politically powerful and to be granted by "Supreme" will. Between governmental and industrial espionage for your personal information, legislators have been busy "tear[ingl down this wall," as Ronald Reagan once said; From the mega media convergence. of the nineties and new millennium to the USA Patriot Act, our Fourth Amendment and geright to know'? are disappearing as a. Sevast conspiracy theory," in the form of trial lawyers and history revisionists, As _Americans we must start discovering the things that make us truly free because who knows how long the status will remain;: at least through our code orange and our war on terrorism We repeat, "Sentiments are in no Shortage; especially here; Our conclusion issue, next week; will wrap up our "one year later coverage" with some of your submissions, Essays, letters and photographs will be featured in the. next issue and will include a special €cpullout? WCsports section featuring WCU5s September sporting activities and personalities. Part three also looks at how America has changed since '9/ Ill. We continue our examination of privacy.issues and concerns that have arisen from the legislative affects of that eventful day. in our history. In our effort to be more Secure; are we giving away. our liberties? What is the price. Of freedom today? And we extend to you the invitation once. again to share your opinion; We want to know whatyou think; l) Should the USA invade Iraq? 2) Are you willing to postpone your education and go fight in the Middle East to oust Saddham? 3) Should we go at it .alone without the support Of Our allies? E-mail us With your. comments, and we'll Share them With the rest Of campus. We want to know 'ifyou think that things have changed for the better? What kind Of job are you expecting When you finish your program here? Send your E-mail: wc@ Respectfully; Michael Davis, Editor-in-Chief WCnewsmagazine aggperti N 1 E Writing Universit for tangapapec WFitin€ CeRteÅOéåtéWimHånfeF! help in. preparing something to do Activities for the Parks and Recreation Management Club in the month of September: 18: PRM Club meeting in Reid 122 21 • Soccer Fest" at Jackson County Recreation and Parks Department (10:00 - 3:00) The Graduate Student Association invites all graduate students, faculty and staff to a picnic on September 20th at 3 P. M. in the WCU Picnic Area. Come to relax, get to know each other, and eat FREE FOOD! To RSVP please call ext. 4513.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).