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Western Carolinian Volume 67 Number 06

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  • september 4-10, 2002 arts 0N CAMPUS student livincy newsmagazine "Lan ua e of the MasW' FREE EXHIBIT IN UC'S CHELSEA GALLERY By: .Chå< WCåewsmågazine ChéISea is. eglleCtiOn ofEfådiEi6nal and masks Chlöugh •Sévtembei"19 entitled'Långuageoft:heMåskgtiinelüdeÅbOth antique •of: the preca:iiousbalånce, betweenithe:: Ché}ökee people; •natureånd an:infadifig feature&llii '*fie: exhibit Davy. Aichi: Ruby Crowey Paul Hornbuekle; Jack Johnson, Long, James •Long; pete Long, Williåm Martin, Roy Reeds Kenneth Standingdeer; Marvin Taylof, Johil Julius Wilnoty and 'WCÜ •scudent Joel Queen. Thémasks are on loån from. the åftists, QuallåArts and Crafts Mutual, Medicine .Man Craft the. administration of, z, the Mountain. Heritage, Center. and: WCIJ's: Cherokee The diSplay and reception areffee and can beseen„ the Chelsea Gallery ontthe Second floor of theAK •Hifids: Univei±sity Center, information} call(828)? 22742061 VIDEO By: Chad Disharoon I WCnewsmagazine "Lord of The Rings" ased on the classic J *R.R. Tolkien novel, "The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first in a trilogy of films, Middle Earth is a world inhabited by .humans, elves, dwarves, Orcs, goblins and a host of other mystical Creatures. This world was once devastated thousands of years earlier by Sauron, an evil being who created a magical ring that helped him take over Middle Earth, After being defeated, his ring was lost and forgotten, By chance, the lost "One Ring" ends up in the possession of Bilbo Baggins, a short .man-like being called a Hobbit, Unfortunately, the power of the ring has slowly begun to warp Bilbo, At the urging of his old wizard friend Gandalf> he leaves his hometown behind and the ring in the possession of his young nephew Frodo. The ringcwith a magical will Of its own, calls out to its recently resurrected master Sauron. .He sends Ringwraiths out to retrieve the One Ring. Gandalf warns Frodo of the approaching danger, and Frodo soon finds himself on the run along with his friends Sam, Merry, and Pippin. They take the ring to a council .for safekeeping. The council decides -that the ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mt, Doom in Mordor, A group of nine humans elves, dwarves and 'hobbits are formed to go on the quest to destroy the ring. Thus; the Fellowship -ofxhe Ring is created. Led by Gandalf, they are pursued by Orcs, trolls and a rogue wizard named Saruman. It is a long and dangerous journey that some of the Fellowship will .not survive, Let me start out by explaining what I knew about LOTR before seeing the movie. .1 read G The Hobbit" my freshman year and the g Lord of the Rings" series twice my senior year of high school I enjoyed them, but .1 found them to be anything but light reading. However, -I was still looking forward to the film and thankfully wasn't disappointed, This was one of the few cases Where I enjoyed the movie more than the book, The term •«epic?" is thrown around ratherlightly when describing movies these days;} but this is one that deserves the label, The opening sequence; which describes the history of the ring and Middle Earth/ is exciting and captivating. The battle shown is truly epic, and it pulls you into its world, quickly establishing What you can expect from the rest of the films Peter Jackson and crew have created a rich and detailed world that looks very real and very lived in. From the Hobbit town to the Mines of Moria; this is a world you'd •love to explore, New Zealand offers great landscapes as backgrounds for this film, But it$s the little details that help flesh out this world. A Simple map in Bilbo>s house refers to his whole prequel adventure, Between the history and the landscape as backdrops for the adventure, Middle Earth truly comes alive. Out of the main characters; Gandalf and Legolas were my favorites. Ian McKellen is perfectly cast as Gandalf; and he plays him well, One scene shows him making magical fireworks for some wide-eyed Hobbit children. Another depicts him magically battling an evil wizard. Hess a character with both light and dark sides, and makes Obi-Wan from "Star Wars" seem rather one dimensional in comparison. Legolas; on the other hand, doesn't say much or seem like a very complex character. I like him, however, because he has the coolest moves in the battles. Like Robin Hood, his primary weapon is a bow and arrow. With lethal efficiency, he dispatches Orcs left and right and has some rather cool moments battling a cave troll; If you ever thought elves were wimps, Legolas will change your mind, The rest of the cast is fitst rate€ Christopher Lee is in top form and Elijah Wood makes a credible Frodo, Liv Tyler, Who thought was going to be awful, gave great performance with an impressive horse chase with the Ringwraiths. Top notch effects help establish the grand scale of the scenes. There are a number of elaborate fly-bys of the castles, towers, and underground They are particularly effective in and around SarumanSs castle. The large battle at the beginning of the film is incredible with thousands of soldiers convincingly. rendered. As for the creatures, the Balrog is simply stunning with its awesome fire and smoke effects. The Harry Potter troll can't hold a candle to the cave troll in this movie. While this was all very cool, perhaps most impressive to me was the fact that computer. effects weren't heavily relied on. The Orcs sport some great latex masks that make them all the scarier and effective. Peter Jackson and Co. have undertaken a massive job in making all three of these movies at once. If this first film is any indication of what's to come; then they've accomplished their goal in fine form. Optimisism withstanding;• the problems had with the movie were the same problems I had with the book, so I can't fault the moviemakers for that. Though the story has a rich history, sometimes •i?s a bit overwhelming. There are a jot Of references to other people; places and historical events that become hard to keep track of and may throw the casual moviegoer Off. When thereis action, -it?s pretty spectacular. But logging in at three hours, you can expect a few slow points and lulls in the storyline from time to •time. However, they are necessary to the story and help set up things for the following films, Hardcore Rings fans may be upset that some scenes from the book were left out; but, with a three hour running time; there wasn't time to add much more WithOUt making a fourth film. Is the movie more accessible to general audiences than the book? say yes. Can it draw the general public in for repeated viewings? That's hard to say; T personally would like to see it multiple times just to soak everything in, but at three hours, that's a big commitment. In any case, even casual moviegoers should enjoy it and die-hard LOTR fans should be sufficiently pleased with thé finål:resttlt.

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