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Western Carolinian Volume 67 Number 06

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  • newsmagazine news anal sis september 4-10, 2002 redefining privacy The frightening part e.. is that you will never know or be told that you were under suspicion or even that your personal library habits and online browsing traces were being requested ... informing you would be a prosecutable criminal act for the librarian or anyone else who "TIPS" you offe ERTIES icanswouid petite. for rem6re Chaff saidéthey Ltspected f@nationåll ID printing chat roomsÄ •mails team •thaålistens; .. afréeord Of. •have ..f%i "Slick 1.3 SO, YOU THOUGHT ROSS PEROT HAD Bl RS Do you ever think about someone eavesdropping on your conversations in those chat rooms? What would you think about your mother reading some of those instant messages that you receive while you're online? Perhaps you would feel safer knowing there was a Federal agency out there listening to everybody's conversations in hopes of catching a would be criminal. Will allowing FBI and police Internet surveillance open the door to trouble? What is the long-term effect of the new laws when they either become tired of the anti-terrorist efforts or employ "wag the dog" tactics and focus on what USAPA classifies as a domestic terrorist? In an online analysis of USAPA, Cornell University Director of Computer Policy and Law Dr. Tracy Mitrano writes, "Of the two types, domestic terrorism is more relevant to higher education." In defining domestic terrorism Mitrano assesses in USAPA's own words, '"domestic terrorism' means activities... [That] involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. It is easy to see how the possibility of abuse can happen after the government quells the current terrorist situation. With the 2001 passage and immediate enactment of USAPA, the door was opened for good to enforce other perceived violations that are revealed on the arguably benign Internet. Perhaps a satirical e-mail could be construed as a personal threat against a public official; maybe the Internet police would prosecute you. What stops the police from taking something innocent and turning it into something criminal? How can we be assured that our rights will be protected if the laws in this act that are provisioned to sunset become permanent? The USAPA is far reaching when defining terrorism. Particularly interesting for college students is the ability it gives law enforcement for obtaining records that previously had been off limits, if not completely inaccessible, without a search warrant and for a stated specific reason. USAPA allows for broad searches without giving the specifics, as the Fourth Amendment requires. The frightening part, for which comes the analogy, is that you will never know or be told that you were under suspicion or even that your personal library habits and online browsing traces were being requested. In fact, in the language of USAPA, informing you would be a prosecutable criminal act for the librarian or anyone else at the university who "TIPS" you off. We want to know what you think! How do you feel about a more watchful government? Let us know! E-mail your comments to WC@WCU.EDU. For factual and reliable analysis there are many sources available online. In particular, http://www, militias/ 20011031 eff usa patriot analysis.html focuses on the online aspects of USAPA. As USAPA applies to higher education the information at!, entitled "Taking the Mystique out of the USA Patriot Act," is also very beneficial. For some fictional reading that hits close to home on this issue try reading the classic by Orwell, "1984." If you prefer to be effortlessly and entertainingly disturbed, try renting the video cult classic, "Brazil" folks that brought you Monty Python. from the same

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).