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Western Carolinian Volume 64 (65) Number 10 (12)

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  • WESTERN CAROLINIAN NEWS November 10,1999 M*mi Student on "All Star" Geography Team Michael Kennedy's performance at the North Carolina World Geography Bowl (Friday, Oct. 22, at UNC-G) has earned him a spot on the "All-Star" North Carolina team, which will compete against other southeastern teams in Tampa, Florida, on November 21 and 22. WCU performed well in the NC World Geography Bowl, finishing in the middle of the 8-team pack and competing against teams which included a number of graduate students. Just Pembroke and Western had undergraduates only. Western beat Pembroke, UNC-G (eventual 2nd place finisher), and UNC-Charlotte; gave eventual winner UNC-CH (loaded with grad students) a helluva close fight; and finished in points ahead of Pembroke, UNC-C, and ECU. Political Science Speaker Dr. Ed Brooks will be on campus Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 2 pm, in Stillwell 108. The title of his presentation will be "The Politics of Water" and is made possible by the Department of Polical Science, Public Affairs, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Campus Nutrition Web-Site Now On-line WCU's campus nutritionist, Karen White, now has a Website, which offers some new services for students. 1) FAQs about nutrition where students can send the nutritionist questions and look for their answers, and the answers to other questions. 2) The site provides links to helpful nutri- EMENTS tion and health sites, where students have access to free diet analysis, supplement info and much more. 3) The site also includes a tip of the day, consultation, and much more. The address is ( -kawhite). Leadership Conference Scheduled The last of three consecutive workshops, dealing with the seven values of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, will be November 17, from 3 pm until 5 pm in the Catamount Room of the UC. A workshop on cognitive development and key concepts in diversity education will be today, November 10, in the Catamount Room from 5 pm until 6:30 pm. For more information, call Linda Riouff at (828) 227-7206. State Employees Combined Campaign As of November 5, WCU has only received $2,712 towards their goal of $32,000 in this year's annual State Employee's Combined Campaign, which allows all state employees to give money towards their choice of charities in the community and around the state. The last day to contribute to the campaign is November 12. For more information, call Linda Riouff at (828) 227-7206. Note on University Announcement All announcements must be received by the news department at the Western Carolinian no later than noon on the Monday prior to publication of that week's issue, which is on Wednesday. Announcements brought in after noon on Mondays will not be printed, and will be held until the next week. ■:-■■.■>:■.:■:■;■.■»...>:■;...:*,->:..:.>:■ .:•:■■ v.- & * ■:■:■ yy■:■:■■ ■•:■:-'■:■:■• X&yxVMty&toVWW ■ *:>><*#*^>*Kfii-«« ^ -^\:.y .>T ^•■•..v^w-:. v*x**.v--±:$-^ <-■>' id required free mocktails a food served dj and door prizes %; free achiission FOR MORE INFO CALL 720'fa Well, We've Raised the Bar... Commentary by Seth R. Sams News Editor Could you imagine human waste in the floor where you're trying to study? How about used tobacco on the walls, or used feminine hygiene products in the bathrooms? Not at all: it sounds more like a zoo than a university. The WCU community has heard several times from the administration, particularly from the higher-up end of the chain in command, how the university has "raised the bar," to make Western look good, make the students leaving here look good, and (let's face it fellas) make themselves look good. On top of this, buildings are planned to be built, and roads rerouted, that are almost more monumental than scholastic. Whether you agree that the changes occurring on this campus are good and beneficial, or whether you agree that they are a waste of your money, and are simply meant to further those who concoct such change, all must agree that change reflects thought, and thought among an administration is extremely good. Where am I going with this? The administration's making changes, the school seems to be thinking, and below a gray cloud of dusty apathy lies a school struggling to become better than what others think they could be. But what about the students? Do they ever think, really? Do we simply hear and process information, spill it back out on some exam, and leave, not really remembering what we learned? Between scholastic learning, common sense has taken a pitfall. In recent weeks, housing has had to report some extremely grotesque and simply lewd acts on the part of students, who, during their free time, outside of class, have taken it upon themselves to vandalize and deface the buildings that this university already has. It makes the school look bad, and it makes us, the students, look bad. Not only to visitors, but we look bad to the people in the community and to the people in the administration. The library itself has been hit quite hard. According to a supervisor, who works in the library during some of the most troublesome hours, students have done some things that make other students sit back and wonder, "Gee, if they can get into school here, anybody can!" Note: Those that are not held steadfast in awe over lewd forms of entertainment, such as the Jerry Springer Show, and South Park, may not want to read further. Those wishing to go on thinking that the world is great and that your children are genuinely mature, may not want to read further. Students in the library, according to the source, have used chewing tobacco in study rooms, and then proceeded to take the used tobacco out of their mouths and smear it across the walls. Tobacco is to only be used in the smoking area anyway, but if you don't SMEAR IT ACROSS THE WALLS, maybe no one will know. There's an idea! Students in another study room urinated in the corners. Yes, corners, plural; hey, don't ask me! Here comes the worst of all, folks: someone in the women's bathroom at the library took a used tampon and beat it against the walls of the stall she occupied, smearing the contents. Think about the intelligence level of a person that does something like this. Picture the truth: "So what do you do when you're not studying, Johnny?" "Well..." On top of ALL this is the real issue: housing workers must clean up these misdeeds, which is certainly above and beyond the call of duty. Despite efforts in change, these housekeepers are not given biohazard equipment, with which they should be furnished with. If students witness acts such as these, they should take the time to blow the whistle, because it will eventually effect the amount of student fees you pay. The point: The bar's been raised, test scores are slightly higher, and Western's image is slowly changing into what the powers that be want, an image that demands respect, attention, and admiration. OK, still waiting... USES FOR THE Western Carolinian #73 Sopping up student urine in study rooms

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