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Western Carolinian Volume 63 (64) Number 14

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  • Carolinian Cowboy Mouth Headlines Three Band Act at UC by Jeff Leatherwood Staff Writer On November 20, New Orleans rock outfit Cowboy Mouth will be paying a visit to Cullowhee. Local bands Getaway People and the Joe Firstman Band will be opening for them. Cowboy Mouth are supporting their fifth studio album, Mercyland, which appears on MCA Records. Cowboy Mouth has worked hard for seven years to achieve a small amount of success, and being on the same label that boasts the Who and Lynyrd Skynyrd is no mean accomplishment. Their first three releases, Word of Mouth, Mouthing Off, and // Means Escape were independent releases, but constant touring and a dedicated fan base has paid off. In 1996, Cowboy Mouth was signed to a major label contract, and their album Are You With Me? Was produced by Mark Barbiero, of Blues Traveler distinction. The quartet consists of bassist Rob Savoy, drummer Fred LeBlanc, guitarist Paul Sanchez, and keyboard/guitarist John Thomas Griffith, known as "Griff to his fans. Their band name is derived from a 1971 Sam Shepard play, and their style is a blend of zydeco and hard rock, akin perhaps to Cowboy Mouth will play the UC Grand Room Friday at 9 p.m. the sound of Credence Clearwater Revival. All four members share vocals on each song. The Getaway People are new to Cullowhee, but the Joe Firstman Band features WCU graduates among their number, and are known as a piano-based alternative rock outfit. For fans of alternative and zydeco rock, this triple threat may just suit you. Cowboy Mouth plays at 9 p.m. in the UC Grand Room. Admission will be $3.00 for students, and $5.00 for all non-students. Ramcell has an offer to be thankful for this Holiday season. Nokia 918 cellular phone* Free Nights & Weekends Ramcell Communicat ot North Cm WAL-MART fi&tt' Clyde Franklin PlagahForast Sylva Okr avMfttmntow 30,1W * $15.00 c™>» wowH «nd Km t«tMc»»» may «*** 1185 Rum Av«., 8ufl« 301, WaymMvilta 452-57S7 sh AatMvtft* Hwy.,Svhra 586-040S 131 N«w ll«i>a«f»on»lll« H»»-,»tmrf 885-7262 110 ■ HHmw«y M VMM, Murprv 837-3618 features! 5 November 18,1998 Bob Dole at WCU: On the Campaign Trail Again? Commentary by Phoebe Esmon Features Editor Former US Senator and ex-presidential candidate Bob Dole is coming to Western. On December 1, Dole will meet with 200 students in the UC Grandroom for an informal "town meeting." At 7:30 p.m. that same day, Dole will address a larger audience in the Ramsey Regional Activity Center. The topic of his speech is to be "Experiences and Views of an American Statesman." All reports from the White house tell us that Dole is visiting WCU as the inaugural speaker of the Chancellor's Speakers Series, which is "designed to bring significant figures to campus to discuss major issues of the day, and to provide students with an opportunity to interact with some of the people who have shaped and influenced our world." But why Dole? And why Western? The question has been making the rounds in my Is Elizabeth going to run for President? mind since hearing the news. Dole is a retired statesman, that's for sure. And he has certainly been around for quite a while, and indeed he is still working to improve certain aspects of American life- he and ex-court of appeals Judge Robert Bork banded together earlier this year to form an anti-Microsoft lobby. I've figured out why ex-senator and failed presidential hopeful Robert Dole is coming to Western. The moment of illumination came at a most inopportune time, as it always does. I was watching "Late Night with David Letterman" one evening earlier this semester. Bob Dole was going to the main guest- o-the-night. I left the room for a few seconds. When I came back in, having successfully missed the commercial break, not only was Bob Dole seated next to David Letterman. So was his wife, Elizabeth. She was in the "seat of honor" at the right hand of the Letterman. Bob Dole was quite literally slumped on the sofa. There ensued a series of self-deprecating quips, seconded by his significant other, who appeared to be really enjoying herself. I mean how often do you get to insult your husband on national Television? I was thoroughly disturbed by the whole experience. I mean, I laughed at those credit card commercials Dole did right after the Presidential Elections. They were funny, and it was reassuring to see a Bob Dole addresses Western Carolina students on December 1. politician with a sense of humor about himself. But things have been going a bit too __—-_■_ far. There's really no way to take the poor man seriously anymore. So here's what I think: Elizabeth Dole is going to run for president. Bob gave her a huge plug on the Letterman Show. I believe what he said was something like , "I think that its more than possible that America will have a Woman President, and Elizabeth would be a great one." I'm scared. It's not that I don't think a woman should be president. Far from it. I think a woman should have been president a long time ago, things would probably be very different. I'm sure that we would not be experiencing our current political scandal. I just don't like the thought of Elizabeth Dole as President. And think of poor Bob! I can see the headlines now! "FAILED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BECOMES FIRST FIRST HUSBAND!!!" That hurts. Bob Dole will meet with students from 4-5 p.m. on December 1. Advance tickets must be procured in order to attend. Tickets will be available between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on November 19 and 20. Tickets will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. All those wishing to get a ticket must present a valid student ID. Dole will address a larger group in the Ramsey center at 7:30 on the night of December 1. Admission to this event is also free. u

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).