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Western Carolinian Volume 61 Number 04 (05)

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  • 13 Western Carolinian September 21,1995 Editorial Recognize Cultural Diversity by Heather D. Sheppard StaffReporter College life is a similar experience for the majority, but for the minority it is a unique experience to say the least. The minority I'm referring to are African- Americans, if you haven't figured that out by now. Their uniqueness is only magnified by the seeming ignorance or oversight of the problem. So what's the problem: INVISIBILITY! Think about this, you wake up to wash your hair and you notice that you've run out of shampoo. No problem, just run to town and get some. Not if you're an African- American. If you want some shampoo call home and have it mailed to you. Okay, you're pissed by now so you turn on the TV. Damn, no MTV, CMT, or VH-1. What's up with that? That's what it feels like when African Americans turn on .the TV and there is no BET (Black Entertainment Television, for those who don't know). Now you go to class where you are the °nly one there who is noticeably different. You raise your hand, but you're not recognized. When someone finally hears what you have to say no one can relate. What's the point of getting involved you're not a part of the class discussion. Let's hope you're not an art major. You're definitely not understood there. The themes of your work can only be appreciated by those who can relate to your experience or at least attempt. No one does... These are just a few of the points that members of the Organization of Ebony Students raised to Chancellor Bardo in a recent open forum. For the first time, they were heard by someone who seemed to care. Bardo promised change and if he delivers what he promised, I think everyone, not just African-Americans, would benefit. Sure these things seem trivial, but they are all a part of a bigger picture. That picture is truly worth a thousand words. Those words say that cultural diversity is not recognized on our campus and our community. African-Americans don't want extra benefits; hell, we'll settle for the same benefits. We want our culture to be recognized as equally important as anyone else's. We didn't get forty acres and a mule, but could we at least get some shampool Opinion of above article is that of the author, not necessarily that of the OES. Pooling' Tips And the NFL by The only offense being Lynn Jones made is that the other teams are Editor in Chief pouting because they're not NFL Properties, the league's getting a cut from his success. marketing sector, filed a Why should he give them $300,000,000 suit Monday against money that they did not earn? Jones' side deals with Pepsi Cola For that matter, why should and Nike. anyone? Jerry Jones, the owner of the I would like for you to see Dallas Cowboys, is basically being this situation, for a moment, from sued for being a smart business my perspective. person. It has been common Okay, let's say you work at practice for any team in the NFL to Annabelle's, in Asheville, as a make deals only within the confines waitress. Their policy, hypotheti- and labeling of NFL. That's all fine cally, is to pool the tips at the end and dandy for someone like Roger of the night and dole out the Headrick from the Minnesota money evenly toall waitresses on Vikings, who doesn't come close to that shift. You come in and make selling even half of the percentage $80 in your four -hour shift. of products as Dallas. Then at pooling time you Why should Jones share? see that Ined, the constantly His team is the team that is in hungover slob, made only $16. , demand. The Cowboys are the ones Yet you both walk with $45 atthe who are selling out in the stores, not end of the night. the Vikings, 49ers, or the Redskins. There is nothing logical or No personal offense is meant fair about people getting money toward any of these other teams. they did not earn. Home Game in Charlotte to Raise Money Dear Editor, fro I W°Uld Uke t0 resP°nd t0 the letter m Rhonda Cole concerning the possibil- yot moving the 1996 football game with gWachian State to Charlotte. We are at thiu'T l00k'n8 int° the feasibil'ty of doing rlevei° °UI" f°°tba11 Pr°gram at the !"AA hac „ ! f NCAA special events committee •lds mled th-it i a ■ bow] institutions cannot go to a againsgtTC 'f thCy d° "0t have S'X Wins n0|0S AoPPor>ents which means we can a^nsfth(8?,0UrS0'Cal,Cd "m°nCy gam£S" North r Cmson's- Georgia Tech's, or guaran,arol,na State's which pay us a large an0(hcree t0 P'ay lhe gamc' Wc do not have mean, fme schcdulcd at this time which 'We are J0" of $' 50,000 to our program. ;program.ryin8t0 f'nd a Way t0 kecp our until We m°Vln8 ahead and not go backward all°w on03" f'nd a Way t0 Set the NCAA to e game against a I-AA opponent to count in the six wins needed to go to a bowl. I am doing all that I can to get this accomplished, but in the mean time I need to finance our program. One way to do this would be to move the ASU game to Charlotte on a one time basis. We would still play our normal five games at Whitmire stadium, but instead of going to Atlanta, Clemson, Raleigh we would go to Charlotte. WCU students would get into the game on their ID card, where before when we went out of town they would have to pay a premium price for a ticket. Please believe me when I say that I would much rather play at home, but we need the money to stay a strong member of the Southern Conference, of I-AA football and division 1.1 am open to any suggest.ons and look forward to meeting with the student groups to explain our position on this This year there have been several schools that have done this same thing. Duke went to Orlando to play Florida State, Georgia Southern played Middle Tennessee State in Atlanta, North Carolina A&T and South Carolina State are going to Charlotte this fall, VMI and Georgia Southern to Norfolk in the Oyster Bowl, Auburn and Alabama in Birmingham. I am sorry the very preliminary contacts with Charlotte got out before we were able to meet and propose this plan to all of the constituent groups on campus and off. I have said during the years that I have been at Western that the most important thing we want to achieve is to have the best all around athletic program that we can have: to be competitive within the guidelines of our institution: and to be of service to our University its Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni. Sincerely, Larry Travis Director of Athletics Sorry! Last week's letter- to-the-editor from Rhonda Cole was asked to be pulled from the pages, but regretfully the message did not reach the layout people in time.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).