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Western Carolinian Volume 61 Number 04 (05)

items 27 of 36 items
  • wcu_publications-15850.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 09.21.95 invisible academy 18- Announcements POETRY Sought For Book EPS Publishing Company is accepting general poetry for its upcoming 1996 winter book project entitled "Reflections of Life." Poets are invited to send one or two original poems of 24 lines or less on any subject. The deadline has been set for December 31, 1995. Please make copies of your poetry. EPS Publishing Company will not return submissions. Please submit all poems to: EPS Publishing Company, 19116 Tillman Road, Long Beach, MS 39560. ATTENTION Poets The National Library of Poetry has announced that $24,000 in prizes will be awarded this year to over 250 poets in the North American Open Poetry Contest. The deadline for the contest is September 30, 1995. Ine contest is open to everyone and entry is FREE. Any poet, whether previously published or not, can be a Winner. Every poem entered also has a chance to be published in a deluxe, hardbound anthology. To enter, send ONE origi- nal P°em, any subject and any style, to The National Library of Poetry, H419 Cronridge Dr., P° Box 704-1985, Owings Mills, MD 21117. The poem should be no more than 20 lines, and the Poet's name and address should appear on the top of the pa§e. Entries must be postmarked by September 30, 1995. ^new contest opens October 1, 1^95. *•--, 1996 NOMAD Now Accepting Submissions Nomad, WCU's annual literature and arts publication, is now accepting submissions of poetry and fiction. All entries must be typed and contain the author's name, address and phone number in the top right- hand corner or they will not be considered for publication. Fiction must be double spaced and numbered. Nomad will not return submissions. Please submit all works to Nomad c/o English Dept., Coulter, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723. THE INVISIBLE ACADEMY Seeking Submissions The Invisible Academy (that's what you're reading right now, pal, and this isn't just a space filler) is seeking poems, fiction, sudden fiction and screenplays. All works must be typed or submitted on diskette (Word for Macintosh), All prose must be double spaced. A minimum of six poems must be entered to qualify for publication. We're also looking for cartoons, art and photography. Include your name, address and contact number with each packet. Deadline for the October issue is October 12, 5 pm. Send all work to The Invisible Academy c/o Western Carolinian, Old Student Union, PO Box 66, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723. i SPOOKY HALLOWEEN Contest Any style (poetry, prose, printed.p&dmmi}BL^L9R -toe. subject of "Halloween." First prize is $15. Second prize is a date with the section editor of our choice. All contributors will be invited to the Invisible Academy Samhain on October 31. The best works will be published in a special section in the Invisible Academy Halloween Issue. Send all work to The Invisible Academy c/o Western Carolinian, Old Student Union, PO Box 66, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723. , UNDERGROUND PUBLICATION Contest The Invisible Academy is sponsoring an underground publication contest. All zines need to be two pages (separate, or one front and back), can't libel or slander anyone (except the Invisible Academy as an institution, if you so desire) or break copyright laws (no cutting out pictures of bizarre creatures from Encyclopedias with captions like "Important Campus Official So-And-So"). Everything else (what's left?) is wide open. The winner gets his/her/its zine published in the Invisible Academy. That's a national circulation of 4,200... $410 in Xerox™ money. Deadline is October 12, 5 pm. Send all work to The Invisible Academy c/o Western Carolinian, Old Student Union, PO Box 66, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723. girrteriran Collegiate ^oftsf !Hntfjo-Off|> International Publications is iponsonngj .1 J&ational College J3oetrp Content -■Fall Concours 1995-- opon to all college and university studonts desiring to have their poetry anthologized. CASH PRIZES will go to the top five pooms; £100 Fi«Sl Place £50 Soccn<! Plocc £25 Third Plocc _>2C pawth $20 _■____ AWARDS of publication for ALL accepted manuscripts in our popular, handsomely bound and copyrighted anthology, AMERICAN COLLEGIATE POETS. Deadline: October 31 CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. O. Any student is eligible to submit his or her verse. All entries must be original and unpublished. Poems previously printed in student publications are acceptable. All entries must bo typed, double-spaced, on one side of the page only. Each poem must bo on a separate sheetand must bear, in the upper left-hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of the student as well as the COLLEGE attended. Put name and address on envelope also! (Alumni Welcome!) There are no restrictions on form or theme. Length of poems up to fourteen I Ines. Each poem must have a separate title. {Avoid "Untitled"!) Small black, and white illustrations welcome. The judges' decision will be final. No info by phone! Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned. Prize winners and all authors awarded publication will receive a gold-seal certificate ten days after the deadline. I.P. will retain one-time publication rights for accepted poems. Foreign language poems welcome. Ther» is an Initial $3 registration fee forthe first entry and a fee of one dollar for each additional poem, All entries must be postmarked not later than the above deadline and fees be paid, cash, check or money order, to: INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS P.O. Box 44044-L Los Angeles, CA S>0044

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).