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Western Carolinian Volume 50 Number 08 (09)

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  • 5$^ PAGE 7 ft® now on STIHL quality! Stihl 028 Super with 16" bar $339.95 The Stihl 028AVSEQ fits the way you work with its special flush-cut design. Ideal for limbing operations or cutting firewood. Features electronic ignition, Quickstop™ Inertia chain brake, anti-vibration system and a 3.12 cu. in. engine. C & S CHAIN SAW INC. 128 W. MAIN STR. SYLVA, N.C. 28779 STIHL NUMBER ONE WORLDWIDE ORGANIZATIONAL NEWS PHI ALPHA THETA INITIATES NEW MEMBERS AND ELECTS NEW OFFICERS by Sherra Robinson News Editor The Pi Psi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, The international honor society in history, recently held their initiation. Those initiated included: Eric Bennett, Joan Greene, Mark Neumann, and Eric Reese. Students being initiated had to be of Junior standing, have completed at least twelve hours of history courses with over a B average, and have over a B average in 2/3rds of the other courses they have taken. First organized in 1921, Phi Alpha Theta now has over 650 chapters in fifty states, Canada, and the Philippine Islands. It is the largest, in number of chapters, of the accredited honor societies holding membership in the Association of College Honor Societies and now has a membership of over 150.000. Newly elected officers include: Sherra Robinson, President; Rexanna Duvall, Vice- President; and Amy Griswold, Secretary-Treasurer. Bill Anderson is the campus advisor for Phi Alpha Theta. Current members include: Eric Bennett, Rexanna Duvall, Joan Greene, Amy Griswold, Dana Hampton, Tony Naylor, Mark Neumann, Eric Reese, Sherra Robinson, Barbara Rosenthal, and Jay Whisnant. REMEMBER ui*. W^ff DEADLINE FOR ALL WESTERN CAROLINIAN COPY IS FRIDAY AT 5:00 p.m. 4000 WAYS WE HELP STUDENTS GO TO COLLEGE. Army ROTC has more than 6,000 four-, three-, and two-year scholarships in effect at any given time. And each year, hundreds are available for which your students can compete. Scholarships cover tuition btxtks, and lab fees, and pay students a living allowance of up to $ 1000 for each academic year the scholarships are in effect. Our four-year scholarships may be used at 303 colleges and universities across the country. Three- and two- year scholarships may be used at more than 700 additional institutions. Schcx)ls where students can earn both a commission and a college degree. So if you'd like to see more of your students headed for college, show them the way. ARMY ROTC. BEALLYOUCANBE. Contact Military Science Dept. 227-7438 227-7439 ^ Owner jjjg Stylists Thelmalene World nf Hair Joan Harris Asne Ensley ffprc Vickie Bradley FAMILY HAIR STYLING 409 gb E. MAIN ST. CULLOWHEE RD., Xmfk 586-2899 SYLVA ^k\^a\. ' ^^H ^K^2& —V" ^V K ■- Jig,. ■fife--* r l J from pg. 1 Hydrologic Laboratory of the U.S. Forest Service and the National Natural Landmarks of the National Park Service. While logically these would meet the disqualification criterion DOE responded that it is not prudent to evaluate such areas on the region to area process and should be deferred until a later area to site phase evaluation. Another, and to local residents a much more critical question was raised concerning highly populated areas. In their review, Enka, Fairplains, Mebane, and Gibsonville were omitted from areas over 2500 reported by the Census Bureau. BURCH'S TAXI 7 Days A Week Serving the Cullowhee - Sylva Area * Airport Shuttle Service 586-8118 Additionally, Cullowhee was indicated to have over 3100 resident students over a nine-month period in addition to the resident population. The response was: "The US Census Bureau does not count students as residents of the area which they live while attending college. However, the US Census Bureau lists Cullowhee in Jackson County as a township, a county subdivision. As a consequence, it is not recognized as a highly populated area." Many local residents are firmly committed to seeking disqualifications to NC's crystalline rock bodies. Governor Martin has said he will not veto a repository site for our state, despite the fact the former Governor Hunt stated he would do so. Although students who live in Cullowhee 9 months out of the year are considered non-residents, they are equallysubjectto exposure to radiation placed in the area. Because population is a site selection criterion, this consideration is of principle concern to local residents and students who do not want the repository placed in this area. A hearing is planned for Sylva for those concerned about these issues on Tuesday, October 29. The hearing is being co-sponsored by the Blue Ridge Defense League, Jackson County Citizens fora Nuclear Freeze, and the Western Carolina Alliance. Invitations to area leaders and DOE officials have been made. y\ &^ ~ *" Per Visit Home of SUNTANA Beds Coming Soon.... The Wolfe System Ask about our package deals Located between Barretts River House Restaurant and Hot Stuff Mon - Thurs 11:00AM - 8:00PM Fri - Sat 10:00AM • 6:00PM Phone: 293-3984

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).