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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 05 Number 03

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL GHk (Mlntuljpr fotol ~Published lemi-monthly by the faculty and •tudenU of the Cullowhee State Normal School. Cullowhee. North Carolina. Entered a» second class matter at the Post- office at Cullowhee, North Carolina, under the A«t of March ». 187». EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. T. Hunter, Chairman; W. E. Bird; Alice Benton; Carr Hooper; Lula McHan. STAFF. Carr Hooper (Erosophian) Editor-in-Chief Lorene York (Columbian) Editor-in-Chief W. E. Bird Faculty Literary Editor Mary Craves Faculty Advisor Ruth Oliver T W. V. Cope (Erosophian) Literary Alice Morgan (Erosophian) Campus Mary Louise Russell (Columbia)....Field E. H. Stillwell Alumni Editor Editor Subscription price: One dollar pe single copy, ten cents. year; jarrett's press Santa Claus! Christmas Gift. It's a long worm that has no tail. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Many good resolutions can be traced to a bad headache. Speaking of heredity, stockings run in almost every family. A straight line is the shortest distance between two pints. When she promises to be a sister to you—look out, brother. When a fellow steals a kiss, it is a clear case of petty larceny. The height of chivalry: giving a lady your turn in a barber shop. If you have to eat onions, friend, for land sakes don't breathe it to a A man usually makes up his mind to go out; a woman makes up her "I'm getting into a pickle," said the worm as he crawled into the cucumber. The great problem today is how to keep the wolf away from the garage door. A real mean man is one who sticks pins in his mustache at a necking party. A man with an extravagant wife deserves credit. In fact he can't get along without it. The height of extravagance is for a condemned murderer to buy a two pants suit. Women mustn't get all the glory; after all Samson was the first human to get his hair bobbed. Never fight with your wife in public places; what do you have a home "You've done me wrong," sighed the median as the student handed in his Education 113 examination. The only time some dancers are light on their feet is when they sit When a single girl asks a single man if he snores, the plot begins to thicken. One student came to school looking like a perfect fright; she had a three weeks' growth of eye brow on her face. Funeral Rites Held For Three Orphan Mice Sorrow prevailed on the third floor of the Moore Dormitory November 7th, 1927, when solemn funeral ser- held for three small orphan mice. Words of sympathy were offered to 'Mena Branch, Shad Brooks, and Gladys White, the chief mourners. Miss Tincy Russel conducted the funeral services, taking her text from Blackhurst's Directed Observation and Supervised Teaching. Miss Ruth Adams, accomplished soloist, sang impressively, her voice trailing off into echoes of grief and sympathy. Miss Kat Brown, the efficient official nurse, remained for the funeral, offering her aid to the grief- stricken mourners. These became hysterical at times and the commotion stirred the whole neighborhood. The pallbearers were as follows: Misses Etheland Turley, Elizabeth Griffin, and Ruth Adams. The participants of the service remained in mourning until the morning of November 23rd, 1927, and refused all invitations out except within the immediate family. The above wish to express their appreciation for the consolation offered by the many friends in their notes of sympathy. College Diploma Worth $72,000 A college diploma is worth $72,000 and a high school diploma is worth $33,000, according to Dean Frederick Palmer's letter to the Campus Chronicle, California, Pa., State Normal School, defending the value of a higher education as a preparation for a business career. He points out that engineering schools today are changing their curriculum at the expense of technical studies in order to meet the increasing demand for a broadening influence of an academic learning. The average income of the college man at sixty years is $6,000. Hence his total earning from the age of twenty-two to sixty are approximately $150,000, or $72,000 more than that earned by the high school graduate in the same time. The high school graduate goes to work at eighteen, passes the income of the untrained man in seven years, and continues to rise until he is forty when the average income is $2,200. He continues at that rate the rest of his natural life and earns an approximate total of $78,000. In big business, with mass production and chain stores, the value of a liberal education cannot be over estimated. A man must have a broad understanding of his business in relation to the economic life of the community and the nation, and this means more than a mere knowledge of his immediate business. Dean Palmer has not attempted to show the worth of a college diploma beyond the financial feature. The benefits derived in a satisfaction and appreciation of higher knowledge, and the social standing to which college men are entitled be estimated in fig- The Yodel commends the article of the Campus Chronicle as being an inspiration for the continuance of education to those who do not plan to continue their studies. Our publication further commends the paper itself for its contents, balance, and general make-up. We find it very interesting to all our readers. To My Many Friends You will be "remembering" many of your friends Christmas with various gifts. Why not list the names now—"have a talk with us" and get it off your mind. Anything from a Necktie to an Evening Suit and everything "in between." I The MAN Store \ I I i i X W. A. CATHEY, Manager. { X t f RUGS at HALF PRICE I ! ————— f To customers who make cash purchases to the amount + X of $10.00 in our Dry Goods Department, we will sell genuine X X Linoleum Rugs in beautiful patterns at the following prices: ? f 9x12 SIZE _ $4.95 * * 6x9 SIZE $1.95 X X * * Do your Christmas Shopping here where goods are as J T cheap as quality will justify and cover your floors with f f beautiful Linoleum at the low prices quoted above. * x ========^=^=^=^============^=^========= + ! Sylva Supply Co., Inc. I I M. BUCHANAN, JR.! | GARAGE X === i I DODGE BROTHERS CARS, HUDSON J AND ESSEX CARS J Repairs and Supplies, Gas and Oils I Sylva North Carolina ....;..;..;..;. * .*..;..;..;..;..;................................................................................................. ;- ;> _,. _...................; ( WOULD YOU GIVE FORTY-CENTS TO LOOK PRETTY? We Guarantee Our Work. Special Attention to Ladies. SANITARY BARBER SHOP Just Opposite the Depot L. C. MOORE, Prop. Sylva North Carolina

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).