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Western Carolinian Volume 50 Number 05

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  • meeufni** suv/wash resrwRiTERscroup REAGANI / CHARM, W.FERSONAlfy sowhatShe^t THATI(W£rVfT GOT?// G/MY ERLACHER I'm Here Because I Love It Fall semester 1985 has just finished its third week, and I have just begun my fifth year. Since the average completion time of an undergraduate education is four years, you may ask "Why are you still here?" Because I love it, of course! Do you know there was a time when I actually flunked classes just to prolong my stay? Then when graduation seemed close, I would change majors—first music, then art, and now biology. But, gee whiz, I guess I'll go ahead and graduate...if I have to. I've grown to appreciate WCU, and I've discovered that you can get a really excellent education here. You can't knock it. The tuition is really low, the library is really big, and the football team won their first game. I want to offer corny advice. If you're in Cullowhee, don't knock it because it's in the middle of nowhere. Where you are is what you make of it. If there is something you don't like about WCU, then try to change it, don't complain. Write letters, put up signs, wear leather, or make a speech in the cafeteria. Most of all, goto your classes. That's what you're here for. If they didn't hold classes, WCU wouldn't exist. All these buildings, including the dorms, the physical plant, and even the administration building would not have been built if they did n't have those 50 or 75 minute sessions where one person attempts to educate an entire group. In this one tiny valley, people walk around with their minds stuffed with highly specialized knowledge, hoping to either share it, or stuff in a little more. It's great. And it's unique to a university community, because the university is a specially constructed environment, which can turn average people into experts. That's a remarkable system. The student community changes like the guard every semester. Individuals come and go, some in several months, others in several years, but the spirit lingers around. Each department, each group of friends in a dorm, each romance, each frat party, and each discovery creates a new memory set forever in Cullowhee for someone. I talked to an ex- student who remembers WCU as Cullo-Nam. He's on permanent leave with a section eight and numerous "W'"s. So based on my experiences, I'm offering several pamphlets called, "Is College Right For You?" "How to Choose the Wrong Major," "Career Opportunities in Caffeine," "6 Home Remedies for Freshman Infections," and "Howto Wait Indefinately for Untility Company Refunds." Each pamphlet is only 37<t, and comes with a vial of administrative sweat. Send SASE to the Western Carolinian, before it's too late for you. My Train of Thought is Continuous and I Sleep Very Nicely, Thank You. From whither doth this stranger hail? California, I presume. Southern California. Bogus. This columnist named Schrof, who may or may not be a figure of his own imagination, comes from Los Angeles. He says that he prefers Mexico, however, because in Mexico one can carry a gun. Aromanticist, he. EitherthatoraZaneGreygroupie. Robb won't be at the greek raft race Saturday. Not because his plaid bermudas are soiled, nor because his National Association of College Republicans button is broken. Nothing drastic like that. It's just that he'd rather share air with a cynical flatulent Syrian than a 'frat boy.' "Every red-blooded american frat boy on this campus will hate me after my first column comes out." he told me. "I'm a red-blooded american frat boy." i reminded him. "I know," he said "but at least you showsignsof individualistic thinking." "Come on," I said "fall in line and support Ronnie with me and the rest of the guys." He ever so politely declined. So liberal that by his own account he often scares himself, Mr. Schrof fainted dead away upon notice thata CAROLINIANstaffwriterhad supported Jesse Helms. With in mind thealienationofasmany people as possible, he intends to address such ticklish subjects as racism, fraternalism, and Jerry Falwellism. The latter is likely to be excised, because we all know Falwell to be a clown, and we emphasized to Robb such. Schrof cited a number of shady reasons for coming to Cullowhee, all of which he openly admits are lies. "Wonderful campus." he occasionally sourts, all the while smiling and fingering his halo. Despite such heritage gaps, I'm looking forward to working with Robb. Through a drastic clash of personalities—my father would remove earrings from my head with an acytelene torch—many very nearly Socratic arguments have already sprung. Not (he dialogues of geologists, ours. The addition of Mr. Schrof to our editorial staff, already an arguably 'liberal' one, creates a vacuum into which I, a moderate conservative.refuse to be sucked. While I will gladly argue theprosandconsof greek life with this G.D. very I., I'll refuse, except upon rare occasions, to argue politics with the man. Politics are blown out of proportion almost as badly as Wink Martindale is, and aren't half as much fun. Schrof is ready and willing to admit that this is a very conservative— possibly to the point of being apathetic— campus. Does he think of himself as a christian being thrown to the lions when he glances at his own views in this light? No. A lion to the christians, actually. "I've never lived more than walking distance from the beach." Robb recently complained. I assured him that he was indeed approximately a weeks walk from the sea, and that many people would be encouraging him to push off in that direction very shortly. k Editor In Chief Randy Rosenthal Business Manager Cheryl Davis News Editor Sherra Robinson Features Editor Gray Erlacher Photo Editor Tonya Lamm Design Editor Jeffery Richards Assnt. Design Editor Andy Atkin Entertainment Editor Peter Phillips Sports Editor Billy Graham Managing Assnt. Jeff Bacon Photographer Eric Barker Design Staff Anne Campbell Denise Eells Chuck Sorrels Prod. Circulation Manager Danell Arnold Account Executives Mary Ellen Desessa Paula Koon Typesetters Jessie McPeeke Laurie Stroupe Teresa Walden Teresa Berrtley Sue Shluger Kim Carriek Staff Writers Chris Geis Rob Schrof Regina McDaniel Karen Sue Howard Sandy Davis John Gore Barbara Rosenthal N. Lloyd Rachels James Utt Brad Kimzey Office Assnt. Linda Selman EDITORIAL Randy Rosenthal EDITOR IN CHIEF I wiM arise and go now. resurrected from^^*e chaos that is Wednesday night production, and fufi. m, "JJJjJ^^^^^ some powerful insight into the controversial issues « lwont- .. « m.-i««i«ion trivial, offensive, or negative, Finding the information ^^'f'^S for quite a few months. This I have refrained from thelightly news habit for JJ" ,., that an leaves me virtually oblivious to «h« *"»™y ™ unfit to comment on inevitably plaguing our society. Therefore am ^ bflrtj or them. As for the old standbys sue'^f Pe^Swho have strong control, I refuse to comment. Ifs pointless. «-wh • beliefs about these issues hold on to their pos* °"» ™'S°. f/ind c! ?he totally consumed by their cause, and no matter whichside \stana tf he issue they sta nd, they fee. they must enhghum ^^J^,* *^ "correct way to better our lives. Meanwniie, iney « j their concern they lose an appreciation for the subtto oysM.fe Yearfs tells us, "the best lack all conviction while the worst are full of pass.on and '"^However. I do have some thoughts on general topics. On Raising the Drinking Age When in this state, the drinking age is raised to 21 and on the same day a mandatory seatbelt law goes into effect, we will have noway of testing whether or not raising the drinking age will have any effect on traffic fatalities of 18-21 year-olds. On Speeding Tickets If equal punish ment for equalcrimeistheAmericanway.thentraffic tickets are un-American. When a fine is leveyed on a citizen for a speeding ticket, the degree of punishment varies according to the income of the citizen. A wealthy person can aquire a great deal of tickets without being significantly inconvenienced, while a poor person may have to pay a percentage of his or her weekly income to cover a traffic ticket, taking food off the dinner table. Is this equal punishment for America's most common type of crime? On Israel .. ... I have no doubt that the United States will continue its amiable relationship with Israel indefinitely. There is no way that the most christian nation in the world would allow the now protected holy Sites such as Nazareth, and the Holy Sepulcher to be occupied by muslims. Remember the crusades? On Youth and the Aged Within our lifetime, there will be a point when over half of the United States population will be over 50. Perhaps our images of beauty might change to include an older, mature type. Perhaps one reason youth is becoming more conservative is that they are reflecting olderconservative role models. People become more conservative as they grow older. We don't see any Abbie Hofmans of the Young Republican scene. As you can see I do have opinions. I'm sure you do also. At least I hope you do. It is not quite evident bythe amount of responses we receive in the form of letters to the editor. I've heard some talk around campus about some things that that people have read in the newspaper; so try expressing yourself to the rest of the campus community. Remember, this is your newspaper. „___„ _. ROBB SCHROF Random Thoughts and Bad Dreams The sun is going down, leading into another sweaty night in Cullowhee. The various forms of insect life that share my living quarters with me have begun the nightly ritual of coming out of hiding and slowly creeping toward myexposed bodyfora snack. I have been suffering from a severe case of writers block for several hours now-my only salvation in the form of mean drugs and a case of Bass Ale. They do not seem to be working. My mind wanders from topic to topic, never stopping on anything of real importance longenough to get upset about. Western is a very hard place to deal with after being on the westcoastfor most of my natural life. The culture shock is so severe that I rattle when I walk... There is no beach within walking distance, and the Powers THAT BE roll up the sidewalks a round 9:30 p.m. I have take nail of this as a bad sign. Many people tell me that I will indeed get used to this place in time. I however, feel that this place will have to get used to me. I have nointentionofchangingmystyleaftertwo decades of existence, just to please the local peasants... ...Strange music on the tape deck... The fact that I wear ear rings, one in each ear, seemsto make people edgy. The FratBoysavoid me like some strange mutant-which is acceptable, as I view them in the same way. Butthatisnot the point. Western looks at anything with new ideas like Nixon and his Doomed Rule looked at Watergate; something to be swept under the run and brutally stomped out of existance. But not unlike Watergate, I have no intention of being stomped with out taking a few of the" Stompee's" with me. If this is going to be the case, then so be it. The last light of the sun is gone. The insects have brought in more troops and I am fighting an uphill battle with them. They have left my roommate in a coma, and are working their way toward me with new zeal. Armed with a can of Lysol and a pack of matches, I feel ready for them... Time for a trip into town for more Bass Ale. God help me if I were to run out...It would get very ugly. 4:30 in Cullowhee now--AII is quiet and dark in these early morning hours...All except my room. Every light I could find (includinga small fire that has recently developed in the ashtray) is on. Many insects have been drawn to this ungodly light. They buzz around the body of my roommate, take samples of my blood, and backstroke in my mug of ale. This hellish invasion has been going on as of sundown... At this point all of my exposed body is covered with bites, stings, and dried blood. A transfusion is in order. Large amounts of B positive on the rocks-Shaken, not stirred., But that is just wishfull thinkin'gatthispoint. My deadline for getting this thing to print looms savagelike on the near horizon. Failure to meet said deadline would result in my Editor giving me a jackthrust in the spleen...Again, not a good sign. And so much for these strange and random thoughts. I am much too tired, and am down at least a quart in the old blood supply. Maybe when I open my eyes I'll be back in LA., but some how I doubt that... ...One more reason to hate California.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).