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Western Carolinian Volume 45 Number 19

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  • From Page 2 was completed. One of the main gripes Mosher stressed was that McHone required him to keep the restaurant open from 11 a.m.-U p.m. even though it was proven that the 11 am.-11 p.m. shift was more costly to operate than to close. The Carolinian also learned that while McHone worked seven days a week, fifteen hours per day (105 hours per week) for $175 a week, plus 5 percent commission manager is receiving $200 per week while only working 42 hours per week, lt seems that after Mosher was fired, the owners decided to revert back to the 4-11 p.m. shift. In the process of McHone's firing, the former manager was also denied a $300 bonus McHone had promised while Mosher was still working for him in Myrtle Beach, SC. By the way, Mosher also noted that patrons will notice a new sign at Starvin' Marvin's; one that he ordered. By Pat Rogers 'Hell no, we won't go, we won't go for Texaco!" —(Crowd chant at an anti-draft rally at Boston's Government Center). Ever since President Carter opened up the issue of registration in his State of the Union Address, many young people around the country have once again shown their ignorance and lack of patriotism. To the majority of us "draft-age individuals", it is quite sickening to see this rebirth of cowardice and emotionalism. Will these fanatical fools always be a part of our society? At the root of the problem is the misconception that registration means immediate or inevitable military service. Registration simply means letting the govern- The True View How about that, I didn't realize that Lyndon Johnson and the "War will be over Christmas if we start bombing now" group is still around. It is funny how when you scream, "communist draft dodging anti American punk drug addict," you always see yourselves as the lily white liberator of the world majority. Why is it that you are always the majority? Are you really the majority? Have you done a research study to show with conclusive evidence that you are indeed the majority? Or are you just claiming to be the majority because it sounds good? First of all I take exception to being labeled a coward as would I think Muhammed Ali, who was also a "draft dodger" if you remember during Vietnam. Your main problem I feel is that you are lumping everyone not supporting registration into one category. If you are going to continue to do that then 1 could counter that your American patriots who were drafted into the Vietnam war committed an act of patriotism when they gunned down women, children, and old men in the Mai Lai massacre. Everyone who is drafted is not a patriot as everyone who refuses to go to war is not a coward. You might also want to remember what happened to the Vietnam vets who came home, those that made it in one piece that is. Most had a difficult time finding jobs, many had readjustment problems (some resulting in flashbacks where civilians were shot) and then in 1976, the first thing that James Earl Carter did after No love for Jimmy Dear Editor, I am writing in response to a letter published last week in the Carolinian by Todd Mason who seems to think that President Carter is doing a super job. I realize that humor is needed in each issue of the paper, but really, you should try to make it believable. In 1976 the election was very close between Carter and Ford not like the landslide Mr. Mason would have us believe. The reason Ford lost was because the Republican Party was deeply split between Ford and Reagan while the Democrats only had to choose between a peanut farmer and a space cadet (Jerry Brown). Carter promised us that he would balance the budget he refrained from saying how and it can only be assumed that it was because he didn't know how himself. Let us look at his record. In the first three The Right Line ment know who you arc and where you are. lt gives the military the ability to mobilize the necessary manpower (personpower) quickly and efficiently. The necessity for this speed and efficiency has become more than evident in the last few months. To have an equal and effective draft, registration of women is necessary. I don't believe women have a strong role to play in front line combat, but there are many segments of the military in which woman can perform necessary duties in support of the men at the front. Registration is a small pari thai the young people of America can do to slap Soviet hegemony in the face. We are out of the "ME" decades of the last twenty years. It's time to think again in terms of "us". By Lee Grant becoming President was to denounce the Vietnam war as a quote "immoral war" and brought back all of the draft dodgers home without penalty. Now four years later the same President wants to revert back to the same type of selective service. You could argue that as a freedom loving country it is our duty to protect the freedom of other countries as did the French in our own war for freedom. The French helped us but only to a certain extent meaning arms and supplies. It is basically up to the nation whether or not they want to survive. An easy example is again Vietnam, where as soon as wc pulled out, South Vietnam, who were just as adequately equipped, fell to North Vietnam. Registration is of course not the same as the draft but it is one step closer to actual induction to fieht without choice. As for women fighting or being drafting, if you are going to give them the equal right (or obligation) to die for their country then don't you think you had better pass ERA first. What I am trying to point out to you my dear American friend is that there are two sides to every coin. You may see the world's salvation in a 50mm shell fired at some enemy target while others see innocent lives snuffed out. It is a decision that has to be made by each individual; it is not something that should be forced on another human being. WESTERN CAROLINIAN Staff Writers Jim Buchanan Mark Am David Hubbs Bob Cochran Phil Harden John Van Tassel Carolina Perez Fred Kopp Jim Adams Pat Rogers Rui Randolph John Blocker Artists Chris Castiglla Iaurie Gardner Accountant Richard Andream Secretary TtnaLeland Photographers Mark Stewart Peggy D. Robertson Production Kelly Lamlnack Sosanne Cooper Maria Huffman Cathey Nelson Sandy Cavendish Kay West Circulation Manager Tfan Thompson Typsetters Debbie Harkey Usa DeMarcns Kathy Messina Janice Spencer Denhw Slefanak Martha HoOyday Ad/Comp Design Hughes Grogan Mike Caruso THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/February 7, 1980/ Page 3 years of his presidency the average income has risen 7.3 percent. This would be great except for the fact that the cost of living has risen 31 percent. Prices are predicted to rise by 10.4 percent in 1980 which would be the largest increase in one year since 1946. This coupled with the dollar value going down 18.7 percent does not seem to indicate a ray of hope for a balanced budget. Of course Mr. Carter has found a way to cut back federal spending. The only problem with that is that we had to sacrifice our secrurity to do so. Mr. Carter managed to save pennies by cutting back on our navy, scrapping the Bl bomber, and delaying the cruise missle's development. As for Cuba the sending of the added troops was a farce as was his State of the Union message. There is no way that we could back up our threat to intervene if Russia attacked Pakistan. Mr. Carter has made it impossible by his inaction onmatters relating to the military. Yes, Mr. Mason, the record speaks for itself, but your only problem is that you're too busy listening to speeches written by Rosalyn and Miss Lillian instead of reading the facts. One final note, Mr. Mason, the Iowa caucus was not a primary and it did not pit democrats against republicans. Again, who did the Democrats have to pick from, a retired peanut farmer, an Olympic swimmer, and the spokesman for Mellow Yellow. It's Democrats like you who give Republicans a good name. Sincerely, Lee Grant Basketball etiquette Dear Editor, I would like to address this letter to the cheerleaders of Western Carolina University. Perhaps, girls, you should take a course in etiquette. It appears you have not been taught any manners at home and are not learning them through your connections here on campus. I say this in regard to your request for all WCU students to turn their backs on the Appalachian ballteam Saturday night. Not only is this an immature gesture, but it is also very rude. If wc were guests at the Appalachian campus (which wc have been before and will be in the future), we would expect respect and friendship from our hosts, just as we would expect to be treated if we were guests in their homes. I can hear you all now if Appalachian treated us with such outlandish behavior. Spirit is not shown through disrespect. You can (and should) lead us in cheers and in endeavors along that line (I approve wholeheartedly with the poster contest). You can even stand there and not smile when the opposing teams comes onto the court if you so desire, but do not lower yourselves and your school by acting in such a childish, rude way as you exhibited the other night. I realize the Appalachian game is over and what's done is done, but I had to state my mind and ask you to kindly never do it again, for the sake of the school's name. I for one clapped loudly and freely when our guests came onto the court and I would like to say thank you to all of you who did not follow the example of our so-called leaders. May this disgraceful act (or even the idea of it) never happen again Sincerely, Kathryn Carpenter and Third South Helder •■• -.-.-.i, a vy runny n«e ana* la ■pupils *i- compare smovcadeedope,woofer -

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).