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Western Carolinian Volume 44 Number 03

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  • SEPTEMBER 7. 1978/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE 5 Wines not for drunks California wines better than foreign Thus rejoiced Omar Khavvani eight centuries ago. Do ve likevv isc todav. students, faculty, and stall And when ve do. stock up at Sverre (Sandy) Sandborg's wine and cheese emporium. The Grapevine located m the same building row as Svha's ABC Store. Dealing in all varieties of domestics and imports. Irom white, golden and pink to red and burgundy. Sverre, a Magna Cum 1 uade graduate of WCU, has made his prices competitive, his selection impressive, his personal advice discreet and expert, and his shop's verv appearance a celebration of the joyful grape...and resin and rite anil berry. On Svenv's well-stocked and regularly renewed shelves are more than 50 varieties and generic types ol wine, of several brand names, grades aiul vintages, many of them from tin- fine vintage year 1976. A stroll through The Grapevine invites delighted speculation concerning Ihe cintenarv efforts of Germ- manv. California, France, Spain. Portugal. Italy, Greece, Hungary, Japan. New York State, and North Carolina—and of the bacchants who continue to inspire them. Sverre. the former owner of a retail wine shop in Martha's Vineyard, Mass.. stocks representatives from all fiv e basic classes of wine, listed here broken into but a lew ol the well know n generic types. Apcrctifs: Sherry, Vermouth, flavored wines. White tabic wines: Chablis. Rhine Wine, Sauterne, Red table wines: Margaux, Cabernet Sauvignon, Burgundy. Sweet dessert wines: Tokay. Port. Sparkling wines: Champagne, Sparkling Burgundy. A wine he has observed to be popular among students is the German Liebfraumilch, which translated is the astounding "milk of the Blessed Virgin." "This is the most reasonable of the run-of-the-mill German wines." Sverre asserts. "Of this. I have some of the superior German Estate bottled wines. A true native connoisseur would choose from among them first, a Kabinett, then a Spatlese, then an Ausiese. all of which I stock." "Furthermore," he can advise, "the finer the German wine the sweeter it becomes. But even though it may be sweet, it is a light, not overpowering food, and is excellent with seafood. Sverre has discovered that the Italian wine, Lambrusco, which may be either red or white, is probably the most well-liked by today's college students. This is a medium sweet "fizzy" wine which froths when poured and should be served well chilled. Many of the other Italian and Portuguese whiles, he observes, are much in demand. Above all other wines, Sverre likes In stress the premium California wines. Most uninformed drinkers. hi- puzzles, turn to either the low grade, run of ihe-mill wines or to outrageous imports, while the superb soil and stable climate of our own California combine to produce a greater uniformity and a wine of "vintage" quality. Sverre is quick to point out that a vintage vear is not important in the judging of California wines, as grape harvests an' consistent in quality. , " CalifOmianS are darn good wines." Sverre asserts. "They should not disappoint anybody. A California I'inot Chardonnav once won an award in France, and the French an- so chauvinistic about their wiiii's that this award is a compliment of the highest onler." But for those who will insist on imports, Sverre can recommend I'inot Nous. Medocs. Saint-Emilioiis. the Rhone wine Chatcauncut-du-Papc. which is a gorgeous wine." heartier than Burgundy, and also the "most enjoyable" I'ouillv-louisse. Sverre, himself, given a New York Strip Steak, would choose to accompany his meal with a Margaux or a Saint-Emilion, both of which an- Bordeaux, best in the 1971 vintage. Sverre has noted the idiosv ncracies of wine lovers the world over. Bom in Aalesund, Norway, he came to the United Stales after his discharge from the Norvveigian Infantry, and began a 15-year career as passenger representative lot Scandinavian steamship companies in New York. Rubbing elbows and exchanging state wine secrets with stewards, connoisseurs, anil other international experts. Sverre reached the peak of his career as short-trip manager on the steamship Gripsholm on its North Cape Cruise, touring northern Europe and Russia. While this cruise is in Sverre's admission the culmination of his travel career, there were main prior voyages, Me took the first one as a seaman with the Norwegian Merchant Marines on an oil tanker which almost circumnavigated the world. This trans-world travel and its opportunities for contact with international cultures (not to mention wines) has helped to make Sverre, who is a descendent of the Vikings, of commendable service to his customers. While a wine chart and vintage card are posted in The Grapevine to help customers decide on purchases, Sverre is ready and courteous in his advice. x* »<%*> ^ Lunch Hours 11-2 Mon.-Fri. Dinner Hours 6-10 Mon.-Fri. 6-11 Fri.-Sat. Dinner Specials of: Fresh Seafood Steaks Prime Rib Small cover charge nightly 1 st set up free New wide screen T.V. Come and enjoy sports and concert activities. Wines, Sverre stresses, should not simplv sit on the shelf, but should be discussed and Cogitated over. Pointing out a Japanese Sake (rice wine), a Hungarian Egri Hikaver ("bull's blood"), or a Greek Retsina (wine made of pine resin), Sverre offers description, history, serving suggesslions. and anuis- ing anecdotes concerning the wine. II a customer asks for something not in stock. Sverre is quick to assure him her that he can obtain it by special order. A firm believer that wine is for the commoner as well as for the elitist, and should in no wav be thought ol as a mere agent for drunkenness. Sverre can relate lo the customer his experience ol having seen the average European laborer sit down lo watch Ihe tube, at hand a bottle of wine whose label reads, "Glockenspiel," meaning that the drinker will find the wine experience similiar to hearing the carol of bells. Quite preferrabte, wouldn't vou say, to having a black bull crash through one's wall during a vital moment? The Grapevine East Sylva Shopping Center Sylva, N.C. SVERRE [SANDY] SANDBORG OWNER Class of 1976 Adjacent to ABC Store 704-586-8787 Wine & Cheeses Cocktail Mixes HOURS Mon-Thurs 12 noon - 10 pm Fri-Sat 11:00-11:00 CHILLED WINE AND ICE Full Line of Domestic & Import Wines, Cheeses, & Champagnes Competitive Prices Discounts Given for Advance Order on Full (uses V Stop by and sign up for one-half case of German Rhine Wine to be given away on September 16. il

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).