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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • PAGE 10'THE WESTfcRN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 17, 1977 Cats ready to win Cottrell 'chomping at the bit' If you were to walk up to WCU basketball coach Steve Cottrell and ask him how long it is until the first game lor the Cats, he could probably tell vou not onlv in days Coach Cottrell is chomping at the bit. He's anxious and lhe November 2°. game against Campbell in Red (JLEBS DIM -\.\|M\ |L Starts Wed. Nov. 16 thru Sal. Nov. I!l "CARRIE" GUARANTEED TO SHOCK YOU! A Real Chiller - Thriller! If only they knew she had the power. 'FLN WITH DICK & JANE* Starts Sun. Nov. 20 fronting Soon 'STARSHIP INVASIONS' •KLIE SI NSHINF/ 'GRAND THEFT AITO* players. So forget last vears H- lb record, and the NCAA probation. The Cats are 0-0 this year and on their way up. "The challenge is the whole thing. We're thought ot as an easy win hv the other clubs but the kids here have accepted the challenges. If preseason is anv indication we're going to surprise some people. lhe plavers believe thev are winners. I'm very proud of them," Says Cottrell with much delight. "lhe players and myself promise WCU that even thorrgh we mav make mistakes and lose some games, we will out hustle every team we play, be in better shape than ever) team we play, and give il our very best every game. We'll be exciting. We will make the students proud of WCU basketball." I he stage is set lor WCU to reclimb the long ladder to basketball respectability. It is admittedly a long and hard one. Rebuilding a program from near scratch is a tough job. but it has been done. UNC and NCSU. after having their basketball programs nearly destroyed by the point shaving scandals of the early bO's. had their teams back on solid ground in short time. Others have been alive almost twice as long as UNCC has had a lean), but vou wouldn't have guessed thai in the National Tournaments last year. .Iiisl a couple of seasons ago ASU could count on one hand their season victory total, and now thev are one of the conference's strongest clubs, last year's Southern Conference Champ. VM1. went from perennial loser to one of lhe class teams in the east in jir.l a short lew I'lie task is not impossible and WCU with the marvelous altitude of thev plavers and coaches is halfway there. As ( oach Cottrell sees it there is still one veiv important factor to be accounted for—the "We need the students at every game, filling up Reid Civ in. giving us their support and creating as much enthusiasm and home court advantage as possible. I'd like the students to grow with us—win or lose—and help us lo have a great program at Western. This is their program." Coach Cottrell not only says he is gearing the program to the students hut is actually doing it. He had lhe December 1 7 game against Furman. one of the best clubs to lace the Cats this year, moved from Cullowhee to the .Asheville Civic Center. This was done because very few kids will be here then. He helped to get this game televised (WFBC Channel 4 Greenville) so the students would have a better chance to see the game. The students who attend the game can use their athletic cards and will sit in some of the best seats available. At Reid Gym the student section is now on the other side of the court from last year and also in better seats. In short, the key to the entire rebuilding process is the students. With tremendous support at every game the students can become the "sixth man" and help Speed the rise to prominence. As Coach Cottrell says, "lhe potential here is tremendous. We have a great university and student body. We have everything to gain. I want this to be a first class program and this year can set the tone for that. We're in a good conference, with a post season tournament. lhe possibilities for great rivalries are endless. If you don't like basketball! I still want vou to and pull for us. We'll teach you to love WCU etball." though no one in Cullowhee will venture i iw many games will be won or lost, thet are totally pessimistic. The Cats have weaknesses, but thev have the attitude to i. And thev have some talent. The gues scrimmage was promising, as the dub executed and hustled better in that fust workout than thev often did yen uri..."the season. Bubba Wilson, the nnis.inding senior and potential AU-American, is as i, ,1, -.round Newcomers Hindi Wilson. good as anyooaj arouna. .Ncwiomc.s n,.vU,„nos hive been especialh and Clarence DcsHoiiles nave mu p surprising, lhe raw talent is there to do well. ^ ^ ^ IheVtmlentbodyofWCU, Robinson speaks in Los Angeles Dr. H. F. Robinson. Western Carolina Universitv chancellor, was the principal speaker Monday night at the annual meeting in Los Angeles of the American Societv of Agronomy. committees set up under lhe International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1975 to assist the Hoard lor International Food and Agricultural Development devise and implement national programs of technical assistance lor developing nations lacing the joinl crisis of population explosion and inadequate food supplies, lhe program of assistance will be adminis- he U. S. Agency for International Devel \ID). Discussing lit e XII of the 1975 legislation (the section of the la v aimed at famine, prevention, and freedom from lui ger). Dr. Robinson said lhe objective is to make fuller mil more effective use ot land-grant .mil other agficu tural colleges ami universities in the United States in providing technical assistance over seas. Ultimately lie said, the program may involve funding ol sum $500 million a vear or more to participating mst "The problen s the world faces with regard to sc and sufficient food to meet the demands of man tind have for the past 15 to 20 vears generally been c uisidered the most important issues with which wear faced," he said. Robinson, a gi neticisl who built to prominence the Department of Genetics at North Carolina State University, was t ic director of the nation's first major and comprehens ive studv of the world food and population prob ems. That studv was undertaken during the ad nimstration of President Lyndon Johnson. Robins m has continued since to be a leader among American and foreign scientific programs aimed at these problem He told thenat onal assembly ol agronomists—one of the premier seiei title bodies wrestling with famine and over-population- -that "while progress in the increase in thcpioductiot ot lood in the developing nations has been realized du nig the last few vears. the plight of the developing nam is continues to be serious and mav even worsen m n any areas with the passing of time. problem is incr eased production of food" by the developing nati >ns to keep pace with their own population. And this, he said, means a major job of exporting Amen an technology. IISCC I M I \(l \(-l Sl( I I CAT'S FAVORITE SPOT Open 8:00 'til 12:00 everyday.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).