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Western Carolinian Volume 39 Number 46

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  • PAGE 4 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974 Freedom Jeopardized There are a number of similar bills pending in the General Assembly which would amend North Carolina's anti-obscenity laws. House Bills 1442,1708, 1880, and 1890, and Senate Bills 1059 and 1259 would try to bring the state into line with recent Supreme Court rulings which say that local commumty standards should be used to judge what is obscene. We believe that these bills, as they now stand, may allow too much room for broad interpretation. We cannot think of any real measure of community standards, and this kind of tough anti-obscenity statute could be used by unscrupulous officials to censor legitimate art and journalism. We urge the General Assembly to table this legislation for now. It is doubtful that too many more people will have their morals corrupted between now and the legislature's next session, an the intervening time would be well used in reflecting on the possible side-effects of such laws. Those who have opinions on anti-obscenity legislation do not have long to express them. The bills we mentioned will come to a vote, we understand, this weekend. We hope our elected representatives do not act too hastily. Censorhip, once imposed, is difficult to amend or overturn. Attend The Symposium Next week, Tuesday through Thursday, WCU's Council on International Relations and United Nations Affairs will present a symposium on the world food crisis. The possibility of world-wide famine, with its attendant political and social implications, looms larger perhaps than even the energy shortage or the threat of nuclear war. Every year CIRUNA puts together a symposium on some topic of major importance, and it has not failed this time to offer a slate of speakers and programs of significance and high quality. We hope that members of the University community and the public at large will avail themselves of this opportunity. No News Is Good News As you may have guessed from the looks of today's Carolinian, there really wasn't much going on this week in Cullowhee. The administrative squabble over payment of fines before registration is still on the back burner, with Chancellor Brown returning from Chapel Hill today. The student senate approved plans for an FM radio station on campus. And Vice-Chancellor Wilson is said to be taking a last look at his collected public utterances on the tenure issue—before they are made illegal by the General Assembly. So, we should be thankful for small favors. After all, no news is good news. TIte- We_=rn_H3fc C-ai^Lim»am Published twice weekly through the academic year and weekly during the summer by the students of Western Carolina University. Member: Collegiate Press Service. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JAMES W. BARDEN BUSINESS MANAGER . .MIKE KILLAM Offices, first floor Joyner, phone 293-7267. Mailing address, Box 66, CuUowhee, NC 26723, Subscription rates, $4.00 per year. Clothes Back On! INDECENT EXPOSURE OF AUTHORITY Clothing is really quite vital/ for those with rank, status, or title/' for the nation's Elite/ would suffer defeat/ from those in the nude/ whom they label as rude./ No more rank. No status. No title. STREAKERS AND THE VOICE OF AUTHORITY Though I'm in a seat of power/ I grow weaker by the hour/ for my subordinates are rude/ they salute me in the nude Where should I hang my medals to show that I'm still boss'?/ Take away my clothing and the ' nation's at a loss/ for when I gallop on a horse, and appear as a source/ of a colossal force/ then Law and Order can survive/ (and I can stay alive). So to maintain that differential/ is clearly quite essential/ if they won't wear clothing, then I'm doomed to defeat/ for they'll soon forget who's in the driver's seat/ and so when I honk my horn, they'll ignore that I was born, not in the street/ but as cream of the Elite. I demand your priority!/ I represent Authority!, Law and Order are required./ For this I have been hired./ My orders, are quite firm. For this 1/ have been named./ Get that clothing on. You ought to be ashamed., I must lead! And you must follow!/ Clothes back on! And don't be hollow! Though I have rank as well as title/ still that clothing is quite vital/ for Law and Order there must be/ and and you'll readily agree/ that such can never be/ if there is no ME! Thoug_jm^_a"thorl^^ ing and my bones and joints are squeaking, and the streets are filled with streaking/ yet Law and Order must survive' that means that I stay alive/ for I am the Elite/ not you in the street/ and so I'm forced to chase' those of the race/ who streak in dis- grace/ in their natural face. Yes, the world can't live with- out me/ Try it if you doubt me I must lead! And you must follow!/ Clothes back on! And don't be hollow! "An intelligence officer of the Imperial Japanese Army, still on active service 29 years after the end of World War Two, surrendered today on Lubang Island in the Philippines, at the command of his wartime superior officer. Lieutenant On- oda was ordered to lay down his arms by former major Uoshimi, now a bookshop owner in Kyushu. He arrived with a Government mission from Tokyo early last week in the latest of several attempts to locate Onoda. He has avoided all previous expenditions, suspecting an American trap." -The Guardian of March 11 A man sits in a jungle for 29 years and is so conditioned that he never realizes that all authority lies within him,, After 29 years of meditation, authority still remains something external. My commanding officer must issue the next order. My group leader guru- organizer-teacher must tell me what comes next, I have no free will. The Source of all authority is outside me. The ultimate in conditioning! The point is neither to lead nor to follow. Neither organizer nor organized. Neither leader nor led. Neither driver l__jjg^jj£mm^_1N£JiJi££_gui£jyi2£ Write the Editor ♦v» disciple. Neither teacher nor student. Look within. Observe your own thoughts and feelings from moment to moment. Watch the changing flow. Be intensely aware of it. Follow it. Don't look outwards towards organ- izers, leaders, teachers or books. Look within and walk further on. Awarness, Sidney Simon 16 Ospring Road London NW5 2 JE Our Furry Friends I disagree on several points with the two letters on March 7 about dogs. Firstly ,dogs do not need shelter as we know it. Their coats and any overhang will protect them from the elements. They do not need a human to love them any more than a person needs a dog. The stray dogs are not starving. They get sufficient food in the form of leftovers brought to them by cafeteria diners. Most of the dogs seem to always be here are not strays but property of people in the community. "Humanely" killing these people's pets might cause an adverse reaction from them, Likewise, it would be difficult to distinguish between strays and owned dogs if one were to try to get rid of the former. Although to some watching a dog eat from a plate is unappetizing, the plates are washed thoroughly so that no "dog germs" remain when the plate is reused. Not many diseases are transmissible from dogs to humans and you will be safe if you leave them alone. One is much more apt to contract something from a person though most people are not afraid to associate with other people even when they are ill. If you see a dog enter the cafeteria or if you do not like his presence in a dorm lobby then throw himoutorask someone else to, I believe that the dogs are neither dangerous to the people nor suffering themselves and consequently there is no need to rid the campus of them,, Na.^ e Withheld by Request

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).