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Western Carolinian Volume 36 Number 30

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  • •THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN , SOC 'Expo' was Wed. Thirty campus organizations were featured in toe SOC "Expo" yesterday with booths displaying toe wares of their clubs. The "Expo" showed much planning but toe most interesting features were toe clubbers behind toe counters. Ciruna had an impressive layout of its symposium while The Scribbler's Club, a new literary society on campus, displayed issues of toe NOMAD from way back. And toe Karate Club held everyone's attention with its demonstrations. A running on-the-spot broadcast by WCAT was also featured. Mike Jones, President of SOC estimated that 250 people visited "Expo" and adds he hopes the event will be held in toe fall as an aid to orientation. at, lm STRANGE AND PUZZLING TESTS are given to students who visited the Organizational Exposition yesterday in the Grandroom by members of the Psychology Club, Karate exhibitors and radio broadcasts were also featured at the Expo sponsored by SOC. S peak-outs to begin The Student Government Association is sponsoring again an "OperationSpeak-Out." The one difference is that now toe term is used in toe plural. It is no longer "a speak-out," it is now a series of "speak- outs" to be held In various residence halls throughout toe next two weeks. The first speak-out will be in Scott Residence Hall Tuesday night at 7 p.m. The second will be in Helder on Wednesday, and toe third on Thursday in Leatoerwood. They, too are at 7 p.m. The week after these speak- outs are held a series will be held in toe men's residence halls, President of the StudentBody David Huskins is still working with Day Student President Steve Bailey on toe dpeak-out for toe Day Students. FDA seizes more fish contaminated with DDT In late December 1970, Food and Drug Administration officials confirmed they had impounded some four tons of DDT- contamlnated saltwater fish earlier in toe month before it could be marketed by toe State Fish Company, Inc. of San Pedro, California, The fish were kingfish caught in commercial nets off Los Angeles. Tests indicated the catch contained about 19 parts per mission DDT, practically four times toe 5 ppm limit for fish traded in interstate commerce established by toe FDA in April 1969. And though king- fish are not likely to ring the same bell of familiarity with housewives as salmon or tuna, probing revealed toe catch would have been sold for both human and animal consumption. Far from toe first batch of DDT-laden fish seized by FDA authorities (who sidetracked more than ten tons of Lake Michigan coho salmon headed for family dinner tables in 1969), toe klngfish seizure marks one of toe first strikes against saltwater species in toe country. Even more noteworthy is that FDA officials are not so concerned with toe batch of kingfish they grabbed as they are with toe batch that got away. Food and Drug officer Dan Kleber said that 1,260 pounds of kingfish containing some 14 parts per million DDT had been peddled earlier by the same firm before FDA officials could do anything about it. And according to toe January 1,1970 Washington Post, State Fish Company president Sam DeLuca said the fish had been sold as pet food and there was bo way they could be traced. Though pinpointing toe source of DDT contamination is often a problem because toe chemical has been used so mdiscrim inately, its effects on humans and critters have been researched with frightening conclusions. DDT has been proven to be a cancer-causing agent in test animals by toe National Cancer Institute. Other studies have found human victims of terminal cancer to contain more than twice toe concentration of DDT residues in their fat than did victims of accidental death. And toe average American carries around an estimated 12 parts per million DDT in his fatty tissue. News Briefs There will be another meeting of toe WCU Women's Liberation group Tuesday, Feb. 2, Cardinal Room of toe University Center. The Student Wives* Club of WCU will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the main lounge of toe Baptist Student Center. Membership in toe club is open to all married women students and to toe wives of students. Newcomers are cordially invited. UCB's Last Lecture of my Life series will feature Dr. Mary Wayte of toe Education Department tonight at 8 p.m. in toe Cherokee Room of toe UC, . . . .FROM Page 1 were standard forms for committee reports and for submitted legislation. These were included to insure that the new procedures will run smoothly. Also Included, were measures that call for a reading clerk and a Parlimentarian to be appointed for toe Senate. The Parliamentarian, besides clarifying procedure disputes, will compile a basic manual on parliamentary procedure to be given to all senators. PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE BRAND NAME COSMETICS Prince Matchabelli English Leather Lanvin Jade East Faberge British Sterling NATIONALLY ADVERTIZED DRUGS Main Street Sylva, N.C. Letters to the Editor . . . .FROM Page 5 If Mr. Weaver Is letting toe pressures of school get him down, or if he is simply in a rut, may I suggest that he take a refreshing ride down toe Tuckaseigee on any cold day. Rusty Wood Dear Editor: It has been brought to our attention through the staff of WCU's radio station, WCAT, that the album "Jesus Christ, Superstar" has been condemned and labeled as "sacreligious." As in many things, we feel that these people are unfairly biased in their attitude towards toe recording and are voicing opinions before learning toe facts. Only segments of toe complete work have been aired, therefore, it cannot be judged purely by toe sections publicly broadcasted. It is our opinion that these people are vastly hypocritical in labeling this work for toe single reason that their closed minds cannot wholly and accurately evaluate toe validity and sincerity of two men's interpretations of toe crucifixion. If these hypocritical puppets would use the intellect given them; read toe Bible in order to base their opinions, and give a listen to the complete "Jesus Christ, Superstar," perhaps there would be a few less unjust accusations and a little more sound judgement. Thank you, Valerie N. Akau, Randy K. Corrfiier, Anlce Clements, R. L, Austin. Clifford W. Ridki in, Charles Eastern, Mark Mueller, Johnny Daniel, Raenelle Tyson, Mike Yarborough. The Storm's fye . .. .FROM Page 5 and observation. This will help make us all aware of what is going on here and if any changes seem necessary we may move in toe right direction, The group discussed having speakers, possibly a seminar. No plans have been made so far. However, toe Political Science Assoc- iation has made plans to sponsor a woman from Charlotte to speak on Women's Liberation. This has not been finalized as of yet, Hopefully, she or someone else will be coming soon. I heard through toe grapevine that there was some bad reaction (in toe form of degenerate remarks) to my last column on Women's Liberation. First, I don't really understand why. Secondly, next time write me in care of toe Editor, Box 66. Speaking of women, Peggy Duff spoke on Vietnam Tuesday night. Only 49 people attended, This, I think, is rather poor. Is Student apathy on toe rise? Or was it toe Tuesday night flick? People— toe world doesn't end at toe Cullowhee bridge, or toe Ritz, or Clydes. We aren't going to be here forever, it would behoove us to be aware of the "outside world" so that we will be better prepared to face it when we fly out of here on our magic diploma University Center Restaurant SERVING FROM S:00 TO 8:00 pm MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY A < H-l <C Jd •J, — >-* '_> IT1 i-< -1 Q « O u 1 b < < CO Q £ a w U jJ H 0 is] 30 CO O H is] tr1 H X Q :J « < R, U cq o *-*• 2 c, - r-1 tf -co u 1 is] H m v iij — :*: ^ 4, 4 *-* o it, lal < CO M i—t Q n < PS t-P —f tit <J ►»< o O i—i < LO O OA (4 Your Choice for 99c

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).