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Western Carolinian Volume 35 Number 37

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  • I s SSWSS The Cat's Paw By The Inimitable Paw Ragnar Bf THE HAVING RAGNAX Surprise, readers! Twicein one week the Paw is able to bring his claws to the bare through the courtesies of certain militant factions who have decided not to bomb the CAROLINIAN office. I suppose you have all heard the little story about the cuties known as SDS (Students Demonstrating Stupidity?) who were to have had a plot to take over the Western Carolina campus last November or so, by means of violence and the likes. I hope the rest of you are as offended as myself at this group for using the word STUDENTS in reference to themselves. If they were truly students they would be learning constructive practices and using their time in study and other academic processes instead of burning and other barbaric activities. This bunch, if they ever did try something—like a takeover, for instance—would have to be out of their minds to waste their precious little militant time on Cullowhee. What is it that they so drastically need HERE? Allies, perhaps? Pine trees (not anymore)? A mountain or two upon which to preach their perverted doctrines? Maybe a cheeseburger from the Student Center Snackbar—no, they would all get discouraged by the waiting and move on to redder pastures. Wouldn't it be funny if those militant "students" had an exam exactly on the day of the zero hour. Imagine the pandemonium in their ranks. Come to think of it, it would be rather amusing to see how they would handle the entire situation. Could you see the campus cops sticking parking tickets under sunglasses? Or leftists being thrown out of the post office for as-» saulting a postal employee? Or even terrorists falling pas sively to sleep as a well-known professor tries to lecture them Into submission? Think on it Some-one would have to be out of his fool head to want to take Cullowhee by force. But men Ah, politics. If it's not extreme left it's right And speaking of right, has everyone heard of the election filings? I suppose no one will vote now that they don't have a favorite friend running for an extremely Important office. Qualifications? Ability? Friendliness? I'm glad no one around here judges a person running for office on those qualities—do they? As for the President-elect since there is no one to compare him against, we will all have to take it as it comes . . . hopefully, in the best interests of us all. So much for that comic interlude .... I expect any day now for masts, riggin, and sails to appear on the Bird Cage and as one of our gentle Spring zephyrs rips through the valley, the whole building will sail off Into the sunset, no doubt manned by a crew of left-wing militant students on vacation with nothing better to do. Praises to Mr. Appleton and his continuing struggle for personal enlightenment, I hope, sir, you accomplish that which you set out to, and, at the same time, show that there IS another way to make your self heard other than violence. Let's hope, at any rate, that the SDS'ers don't pick that time to grace us with their presence. It seems that all we ever hear about any more Is violence. This is a good time to see the nonviolent side of protest—a sight more impressive than the opposite, but not as well publicized. Here's hoping, sir. that your injustices are righted and that the violent scene will be pushed into the background and forgotten—here In Cullowhee, if no where else. There has to be a start, dear readers. An idealistic goal, but a concrete beginning. Oh well . . . now back to the Million Dollar Movie, "Genghis Khan at the Alamo," starring Fay Wray, Lawrence Olivier, Maurice Chevalier, and Shep the Wonder Horse. This is supposedto be a Farewell to Cullowhee column, inasmuch as it's the last one I'll be writing for a while. Reason is that I'm leaving Cullowhee College for a month or two - during which time I'll be out In the world digging Life and all that stuff. So, for what It's worth, farewell to thee, oh sweet Cullowhee. (Perhaps another nice Young Person can be trapped into writing this column, which is okay with me. Any takers?) It's been an interesting week. The Honorable Judge Carswell got his Wednesday afternoon, when the Senate once again rejected Mr. Nixon's Supreme Court appointee. Perhaps Judge Carswell was rejected because the Senate found him not to be a Supreme court judge. Well, whatever the reason, l applaud the Senate's action. Tricky Dick would do well to realize that mediocrity and bigotry do not a Supreme Court justice make. Many of you are undoubtemy aware that only one candidate filed for the office of Student Body President, While I have nothing personal againsttheone candidate, I do feel that at least one more person should ha>« filed, If only for the sake of dialogue. And, now that the Filing Date is past, no other candidate can file for the office. But what about a write-in? The election regulations as set forth in the Student Handbook are more than a little vague on the question of write-in candidates. And in the seeming absence of any rule prohibiting it, I suggest that a write-in campaign be conducted, with the candidate being a person of energy, vision, and intelligence. There are many important issues on campus, and election time is an excellent opportunity for the discussion of same; With only one candidate for Student Body President running, there will be no dialogue on the issues. A write-in second candidate is necessary for dialogue, and the tactic would seem to be legal. Think it over. Perhaps ' one of you has the energy, vision, and intelligence necessary to recognize the many campus problems and to do something constructive about CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Presented To She ILS.S. Bird's Mast ...whereas k the Bird Building Flagpole is a symbol of smooth sailing for the University, ...whereas, the balance and symmetry of Old Glory, the Tarheel State's colors, and Purple and Gold is like unto nothing we've ever seen; and ...whereas-the Purple and Gold needs to be blown; This Certificate of Merit is presented, this the ninth day of April, In The Year Of Our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy. them. Ragnar would run, except that the poor fellow won't be eligible for office. Perhaps one of you good people who agrees with what I've been saying these past few weeks can find it In yourself to become a write- in candidate, willing to identify the issues and discuss them. Your courage and committment would be well appreciated by many WCU students. And, you might win. I realize that there are more things to discuss in this column, things concerning WCU and life in general. There are more problems In this universitythat need to be identified and corrected. And the old problems continue uncorrected stiU: Clyde Appleton is still being ignored - his supporters are still being ignored - the English Department firings are still kindling dissension and mediocrity - the students are still being left out of the real decision-making process at WCU- and the campus is still generally ugly. But there is one thing that can be done to alleviate a small problem on campus, CULLOWHEE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL and that Is for you and your friends to wake up early Saturday morning and go down to Brown Cafeteria to help plant azaleas. Dr. Dan Pittilo of the Biology Jepartment will be there with shovels and plants and implements of instruction, You can go down there and dig the early morning beauty, the fresh April air, and little holes i 1 the ground so that nice little azaleas can grow up big and strong all over campus. Which will be a start toward the Cullowhee Revolution. Not only will you be using Flower Power for the first time in Cullowhee, but you will also be strengthening your muscles and stuff, so you can throw things harder and farther. Things like Love, Peace, and Wow. And all that. And while you're out there digging and planting the seeds of revolution and azaleas, keep in mind that I shall return to the Valley of the Lilies, to once more bother Bird Building and tickle the students' fancy. Keep the faith, Ragnar. Moratorium Committee announces festival The North Carolina Moratorium Committee today announced a major statewide anti-war festival for Saturday and Sunday, April 11 and 12, In Chapel Hill. Rennie Davis of the Chicago Conspiracy Eight, National Moratorium Co-ordinator Sam Brown, and folk singer Phil Ochs head a list of nationally prominent speakers and entertainers who are expected to draw more than 10,000 persons for the festival-forum-workshop weekend, 'the event will also mark the formation of the "Carolina Liberation Brigade"—a peace army of volunteers whose slogan Is "Join the Army of Your Choice," The Brigade will be used by local peace groups wrought the state as an organizational vehicle for follow-up actions^ Joining Davis and Ochs on the program will be folk singers Tom Paxton and Tim Hardin; Brigadier General Hugh Hester, U.S. Army (retired)' Arthur Waskow, co-director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D. C.j rock bands from along the eastern seaboard; and representatives from labor, Black, anti- war active GI groups; and state and national Moratorium groups. Bill Barlow, one of the statewide co-ordinators, explained the festival as an effort to generate effective public protest against the war and to provide unity and direction for the antiwar movement in North Carolina, "The administration declared war on the peace movement after the October demonstration and effectively diverted public attention from the war," Barlow said, "In the process, the peace movement has become fragmented and lost its direc- non." "At the time when the war is again belnt esculated," Barlow continued, "all persons who desire an end to the war must renew the struggle against the policies of the Nixon administration." A rock concert wiU kick off the activities Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. Between band concerts participants wiU hear speeches from representatives of labor, Black, female liberation, and GI movements, A guerrilla theatre troup wiU conduct physical examinations, swearing-in ceremonies, and basic training skills. Workshops will be held on conduct and consequences of civil disobedience; legal defenses of the movement; Black-White relations with the movement; female liberation; drift counseling; the GI movement; and war tax resistance. Phase two of Saturday's activities begins at 7 p.m. with a concept by Tom Paxton. Following the concert Arthur Waskow will speak. The day's activities will be capped off by a concert by Phil Ochs. Sunday'8 events begin at 2 p.m. Four different rock bands will be on hand and will follow a format similar to the preceeding day, with a continuation of the workshops. General Hugh Hester will speak at 3:30 p.m. with an indoor concert. Following his concert, Rennie Davis will deliver the concluding address. FROM Page 4 long one can walk around campus and spy slow moving crowds with long faces and hear complaints because a certain professor does not give the same tests year after year thus, the files are useless (why must he make life so difficult?) But, there is stUl hope for the student, with the approach of the week-end the corpses come to life. They pick up their dates and everyone goes to their own particular wild, screaming, useless orgy and there they recieve the satisfaction they were denied in the classroom. this is not only not commendable, it is simply disgusting. D.S.S.

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