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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina scrapbook, 1955-1956

items 27 of 52 items
  • wcu_memories-567.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Mlotytt baptist (Hlptrtlf Cullafaltt*, ^ GL "f will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2 Rowland S. Pruette, Pastor Church Office Telephone 2736 Parsonage Telephone 2731 Mrs. Zula M. Smith, Organist H. P. Smith, Choir Director .. BUNCOMBE COUNTY STUDENTS represent the largest county group on the I campus at Western Carolina College, with more than 150 enrolled. Shown here are ; the officers of the recently-formed Buncombe County Club. They are (L to R): presi i dent, Kenny Woods, junior from Black Mountain; secretary, Mary Jo Bumgarner, '■ sophomore, Candler; treasurer, Glendale Teague, freshman, Leicester; reporter, E.a£.| Whitesides, freshman of Sand Hill; and vice president, John McDowell, sophomore, r Weaverville. Pardue Hmls I One-Hitters As Cats Win 1 CULLOWHEE, April 27 _ Left J Jim Pardue allowed only one hit to Appalachian today as Western (Carolina defeated the Moun- tomeers, 13-3, in a North State Conference game. Luaersueh, ?Kuck out on'y f°ur 1*1 ,i ^ h,s COT,tr°l was sood jfe walked only two. S Appalachian scored a first in-, App Pitchers. Larry Tuttle hit »™ 'doubles and Ron Swartzel Fred | Liner, Rabbit Sherrill andI Pardue tele* °De- JiMmy Mathews hit |raWhr,t, WeSler" «* Isa^l^S. ag3in **l I APPALACHIAN ^ ^ ,». CAROLINA & ? , 1,,'j : \ ■,'.>',.■'":. ;' ; ■; JACK WOOD of Cullowhee a rising senior, was elected presi- dent of the student body of West. ern Carolina College lor m56-57 topping two opponents in the recent campus voting. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Wood, is majoring in grammar grade education. He is president and assistant director of the .Student Union, is in charge of the cam- riSn,P0sl„-°i"ce and is a member of the WCC chapter of Fu'ur» Teachers of America r.ii n- n of Rowland, N.C., kbbesi '

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).