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Western Carolina scrapbook, 1955-1956

items 11 of 52 items
  • wcu_memories-551.jp2

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  • CC Homecoming^ raws Large Crowd OWHEE, Oct. 15-Record were on hand today for oining at Western Carolina from the morning parade through all the activities day and evening. c parade through Sylva 27 I floats carried out the of welcoming alumni, tied i the theme of the newly ed Student Union at WCC. Idition to the College Band, was provided by the bands hel High School in Hay- wood County, and the Robbinsvilh High School in Graham County. The float of the college chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America took top honors, with a display of a giant adding machine bearing the legend, "Add it to victory for WCC". The Woman's House Government entry was second, and the Veterans' Club's was third. The early afternoon was devoted to open house in all the dormitories and the student union building. First place winner in this competition was Robertson Hall. Moore Dormitory was ond, and Madison Hall, third. A tea sponsored by Alpha Sigma was held in the faculty lounge of Hunter Library, honoring alumni, faculty and guests. A general alumni meeting was held in the Gallery later, with alumni president Tom Mallonee of Candler in charge. Alumni secretary Robert C. Hall reported on the encouraging response to the appeal for funds for academic scholarships, and told of plans for the coming year in the fields of recruiting students, organizing local alumni chapters and bolstering the annual giving program. Mallonee was re-elected president of the alumni association for his fourth term. Other officers named were Arnold Hyde of Ashe ville, first vice president; Harold Funderburk of Monroe, second vice president: Mrs. Dan Moore ot Sylva, third vice president. The traditional brrbecue was held on the college picnic grounds. attended by the largest group of alumni ever to return to the campus on Homecoming Day. Prior to the WCC-East Carolina College football game in the evening, ceremonies were held at the stadium, in which college President Paul Reid crowned Mary Jo Bumgarner of Candler as Homecoming Queen. j Queen Mary Jo then presented: | the awards to Future Business' Leaders and Robertson Hall repre- Homecoming activities ended j with a dance in the Gallery, spon- i sored by the Marshal's Club HOMECOMING QUEEN MARY JO BUMGARNER (extreme right) of Candler rides with members of her court during yesterday's Homecoming Day celebration at Western Carolina College. The girls of the court are (L to R) Barbara Estes of Whittier, Paula McLeod of Cherryville, Marcia Williams of Candler, I Pat Spencer of Valdese, Mary Anne Taggart of Asheville, and Sylvia Camlin of Lake jF^iiuska. fiK"&ff431 Poindrxter Scores For WCC Elon Turns Opportunist, Dumps Catamounts, 20-6 Big Bears Wallop0 Western Carolina For 26-0 Victory CULLOWHEE, Oct. 22-Lcnoir miync broke open a tighi football game here tonight with two quick third period touchdowns and went m to rout the Western Carolina ( ntamounls, 26-0, in a game that all but cinches the North State Conference championship for the big Bears. After Western Carolina drove deep into Bear territory several times in the first half. Lenoir H'l.vne wound up with a 7-0 intermission lead. ! Col ■ later wcil i Dean Clir gone yard.'- lor the touchdowi Frye converted. The Bears began -their rout with the second half kickoff. The boot was a short one wnich bounced crazily in WCC territory until Lenoir Rhyne's Dick Gantt recovered on the WCC 27. Harold Bul- lard plunged over from the six for1 the TD after Cornwell covered 21 jyards to set up the score. Frve jmissed the conversion. J Minutes later the Bears struck i again. Following the kickoff. West- jern Carolina's jack Hendrix turn, jbled on the second play and Le* jiioir Rhyne recovered on the WCC 38. Three plays later Cornwell 'passed 26 yards to Cline for the score. Frye booted this conversion. : In the fourth period. Lenoir Rhyne drove 47 yards to WCC's one-yard line and Bill Ackard hit the line for the touchdown. Jerry Troutman missed the extra point. Western Carolina netted only 75 yards rushing to 251 for the Bears j but the WCC total was reduced considerably when quarterback Tommy Lewis was trapped for (long losses while trying to pass I to well-covered receivers. ( «g Score by periods: "Gene f'noir Rhvne 7 " M K-261 -stern Carolina 0 0 0 0— 0! Touch- ELON COLLEGE, Oct. 29 - Elon's Christians turned three breaks into touchdowns here tonight to down the Western Carolina Catawounts, 20-6, in a North Stale Conference game. The first one came in the first quarter when WCC fullback Carroll Swanger fumbled and Elon recovered on the Catamounts' 29. Eldn moved the ball to the one ■^■K&ick Brodham charged over from there on a quarterback -—ak. Ron Kinsley added the ex- Homer Hobgood intercepted a pass i from Western Carolina's Tommy Lewis on the WCC 17. The Christians marched to the one and again Brodham scored on a sneak play. The Catamounts battled back, marching 95 yards for a touchdown. Halfbacks Charlie Poindex- te rand Jack Hendrix were instrumental in driving from hte Western Carolina five to the Elon six. tra p n f*e ;ccond period, Elon's L with * noir Rhyne scoring: —Cornwell '" n). Cline (26. pass from Ackard ft, plunge). >jns—Frye 2. Poindexter skirted right end from there for the score. Elon applied the clincher in the final period. Catamount Terry Swanger, back to punt, received a bad pass from center and Elon took over on the WCC 18. Elon moved to the two and Cary Richards ran around elft end for the score. Kinsley converted. The teams played in a steady downpour of rain during the last

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).