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Western Carolina scrapbook, 1955-1956

items 5 of 52 items
  • wcu_memories-545.jp2

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  • ' Poindy Scores For Cats Catamounts Nip Apps By 7-0 BOONE, Sept. 24-Western Carina's Catamounts drove 75 yards o score a third-period touchdown tnd beat the Appalachian Moun- aineers, 7-6, here tonight in a N'orth State Conference football conference championship, that the Catamounts have beaten Aopa lachian, which sewed up the North State laurels last year. Appalachian drew first blood in the opening quarter but a missed conversion attempt cost the Mountaineers a tie. Western Carolina dominated play in the second half and rolled up its winning margin in the third period. Bobby Kuykendall kicked off to open the period. Appalachian was forced to punt' and Western Carolina took over on its own 25 Jack Hendris picked up 23 yards. Tommy Lewis gained 15 and Charlie Poindexter got loose for 32. An unnecessary roughness penalty against Appalachian Poindexter's run put the ba! I the Appalachian one. Tommy "Lewis carried over from there on a quarterback sneak. Terry Sanger added the game deciding extra point from placement. ! The Appalachian score came after the Mountaineers recovered a WCC fumble on the Catamounts' 24. Jim Kiser and Jim Ollis drove to the one and Jim Moore sneaked over for the touchdown. Ollis' attempted conversion was wide. Western Carolina threatened four times in the first half before losing possession on fumbles. I Bill McElrath and Kuykendall' were singled out for their defensive play. A crowd of some 3,500 spectators watched the game on the wet and slippery field. It was the opening conference game of the season for both teams. The Catamounts suffered two injuries in the game. Quarterback Chuck Farmer reiniured a knee |ad end Buck Atkinson received ai head injury. Neither were through! | to be serious. ' Wofford Trims WCC In Opener, 21 To 7 SPARTANBURG, S. C. Sept. lOiSouth Carolina football season here Sparked by the quarterbacking of tonight with a 21-7 victory ov ICharlie Jones and Sam Cleveland Western Carolina's Catamounts. land the running of Frank DePrete, The Catamount line, manned by I the Wofford Terriers opened the I veterans, fought the Terriers ' SCHOLARSHIP STUDENT from Guatemala City, Mario Roberto Hernandez Paz, will study at Western Carolina College for one year under sponsorship of the • Chan Gordon Memorial Scholarship Fund of the 280th Rotary District. A skilled agricultural engineer, Mario is 24 years of age and a plant pathologist at the Inter- American Cooperative Agricultural Service in Guatemala. He arrived here last week and was greeted by J. W. Byers of Asheville, immediate past chairman of the Rotary scholarship committee. Hernandez Paz is taking a general agricultural course at WCC. standstill in the first quarter but Wofford generated its first touchdown march in the second period. Fullback Jim Mosely recovered fumble by Cats' Charlie Poin-i dexter on the WCC 44. Jones' pass-l ing moved the ball to the nine and Jones drove over right guard on a keep play to score from there. Weyland Burns added the extra point from placement. Early in the third period, Poin- IFoi fn.&°V'd dexter intercepted a Wofford r ,«n 'the Catamounts' 26. But on the second play from scrimmage, the Terriers recovered a wild pitch- out on the 29. Jones then passed to Ronnie Burnette in the end zone. Cats' quarterback Tommy Lewis deflected the ball which went into the air and landed in Burnette's hands for the score. Burns again converted. Late in the period DePrete spearheaded a 40-yard Wofford drive and crashed over from the one-foot line for the touchdown. Burns added the extra point. Western Carolina's offense didnjt get rolling until the fourth quarter when Poindexter took a pitchout from quarterback Chuck Farmer and raced 4;t yards lor a I ouch- down. Bobby Kuykendall added the conversion from placement. Hubert. Edwards and Jack fLard) Cunningham led the West-; t*rn Carolina defenders. L Score by periods: jgggern Carolina 0 0 0 7— 7J Wofford 0 7 14 0—21

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).