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Unaka and the Pisgah

items 17 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10617.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • its streams, the lolatoa sad law liver, the pioneers from Penaaylwaia sad© their «*yS ft© settle Stftftft**** tot feaasssee. It was a harrier to laalgratioa from the *a*ft| It determined the riatft of the resistless St******** «ad me ******* ©f the f»as-All»|?haay stetss. 4* early as If**, ******** an* A*****, ea oat «t Colonel ***** tftjfta** expedltioas, reached lew River toft* 4**J****ft**t Virginia, 4 century later ****** toons, on his journeys to B*toft*lM*n.ft*»% the gateway to the Kentucky wilderness crossed these range* fey at,la»st six different routes. toft forest Servi@ef» ft**** Ballet ia lft*fttoft,ft**a* routes, i**«ftaa% the frostier T®mM4. wader the Stfttfttttf p*ft**brft ©f fee l»«iaraats hut this region *a* ft* *® aft* «ceae of the mst desperate «** destructive of all the Indian a*rfa*«, to** aoathwestara tread ©f ft*fti*a**aft was ia violatlea ©f the Indian treaties and **ftto** fey ftaft British authorities, as far ft* they tare sal* to exercise any prolhifeitlea, M$ 1770 a *NMsla*M*#* **ftftltaft*> had developed «a ******* B|ia*# aesr the proeeat site of SUsftfefttoftea, SSSfc SMS* settlers w*r© to® feuslly «**&*»& ia essaying ftft*J* precarious footholds ia the Sast fsaa«**e« .^«gl©a t© participate actively ia the Revoiatis»ry far, yet the two *«*ftj*l*** «f these fx*aftl*r*a*a hat aaftft lft* **llt»Ta* effect*, tot first *neaA, for all tint, the threat of the ****** Invasion, of the s©at:i»ra Stutfi, a«a*r the British ftaaftl**!!***. I* t ^im tottft* led Ms l*aaftl*r*a*a across the ranges *»* destroying ft** villages of the ■ i idl* Ghsroteiws, ferok® the power of that nation. S*vTte**s rout® crossed the / 6, See YXBSX** BsS hy meodore laosoveit. 7, See fffi tJRSf I I aH@S* Of tiff, TRASS-AalEOaSR WSJ01 BY fSK 7IB*nrXaa* fey C. *. Aivo*d sad Lee

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).