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The Canton Enterprise Volume 13 Number 11

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  • THE ENTERPRISE, CANTON, N. C. 5 8 Iff WWWWW IP^W^lfl C. V. BELL M. LITTMAN WW Champion Drug Co. z "THE PEMUR aVTORaT" . ± - Colgate Tooth paste, large size _ 25c " small _.„10c Chamberlain Tooth Powder, 25c value, extra special 1 flf (Limit one to a customer) ■ Uw Hobson's White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup 25c Penslar White Pine spruce Balsam _25c Air Float Talcum Powder, 20e»alue_.1Oc Mennen's Talcum Powder, 10c Champerlain Voilet Talcum Powder, 20c value 10c Extra good quality toilet soap 10c "1lc»a.ue_5c Vick's Vapor Rub, 30c value 25c " ** " 60c value 50c Tanlac, a splendid tonic CI ft ft , (Friday and Saturday only) J l-UU Simmon's Liver Regulator, 38c ta.Bi.25c . A full and complete line of COLGATE'S SOAPS AT SPECIAL PRICES 155 DRUG 00. Canton, NC. 1 llll'l|||l|'l|W^ 'Train up the Child in the Way He Should Go And when he is old he will not depart from i." says the Good Book. By 4precept which is good, and by example which is far better, teach your chHd to save systematically and regularly, no matter how small the sum is. The habit of saving, formed in youth, grows strong as the years go by. A saving boy makes a prosperous, independent man. The small insurance premium you pay is buying peace of mind due to assurance against fire, very cheaply. The Champion Bank CANTO N, N. O. GROCERIES The extensive marketing system which we operate to come in contact witE the leaders among producers of merchandise we wish to sell, brings to this City the kind of groceries which would do credit to any food selling establisement. Not because our stock is largest, not because our tastes are better; not because others are not discriminating, but because we can ferret out. no matter where it might be, the most choice selection of groceries offered in the country, do we sell food that is best fitted for your table. Prices here are commensurate with our earnest desire, to serve you economically and faithfully, and most reasonable when considered with the products received for your money. Get the habit of eating the best food obtainable for the money you spend for food. Our grocery department has the same great oolicies behind it which made the BIG FRIENDLY STORE, the unusual institution it is today. FIELD SEEDS WE now have in stock Clover, Timothy, Orchard, Blue Grass Seeds. White and Red Seed Oats. Seed Irish Potatoes, and all kind of garden HARDWARE Barbed wire, poultry wire and roofing. Let us quote our prices on same; it will be worth your while. W« R. HIPPS A SON THE BIG FRIENDLY STORE "Wj^lk yo%tr •feet1' to our place on North CANTON LOCALS. Miss Pearl Justice of Woodrow, j spent the week end in Canton. Mrs. I. G. Kerr of Marion, vis-1 ited relatives in Canton last j week. Miss Bertha Bryson of Andrews, is spending a few days with Mrs. Maud Penland. The Haywood Land Auction Co. advertises to conduct a sale at Old Fort on the 20th inst John, the little eight-years- old son of Mrs. Maud Penland, convalescing from a sorious attack of fin. Attorney ,T. A. Clark is building a fence and making other improvements to his residence property in this city. Miss Velcie AnniB is able to be about again after a serious at tack of tonsilitis, her many friends are glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Phillips of Waynesville, visited Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Jarrett, last week. Attorney T. A. Clark has about fifty peach trees in his orchard r Canton and says from present indications he will have a good crop this season. N. H. Greene, president of the I Suncrest Lumber Co.. operating at Sunburst, predicts a wonderful lumber market for the next five years with rising prices. Fred Annis has recovered from a serious attack of flu. He came here to visit his father. G. M. Annis, from Marion, and was taken sick the night he arrived. Mrs. Roy V. Sellare is well on the road to recovery, after an operation for appendicitis two Weeks ago. Her many friends will glaaly welcome her home again. A "Silver Tea" will be given this (Friday) evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hampton for the benefit of the piano fund of the Canton M. E. church, South. Rev. R. J. Hunter, pastor of the Canton Presbyterian church, I did not occupy his pulpit herej last Sunday. Instead he preached Sunday morning at Bethel and Sunday evening at Sunburst, D. H. Keener, of the Caiiton Monument works, recently set in Locust Field cemetery a handsome monument erected tojthe memory of the late Mrs. John Phillips, by her husband. Mr, Keener also recently put in a handsome monument in the cemetery at Arnon Plains erected to the memory of -the Banks brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hildebrand entertained the following guests at five hundred at their home Tuesday evening-. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. C.i V. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. H. A Helder, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. W. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Hand, i and Mrs. W. S. Martin. Dr. t Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mr. j Mrs. George Trostel, Mr. i. Mrs. J. T. Lee, and Mr. s J. T. Horney. Mrs. Hughes ms> the highest score for the ladii and Mr. Helder for the men. delicious salad course was ser ed. Mrs. W. S, Martin spent Saturday in Asheville. Miss Lucile Wells spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. E. M. Geier is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl Ham- rick at Shelby. The many friends of Mrs. William Battison are rejoicing in her recovery from pneumonia. The friends of Grady Owen are glad to see him out again after a recent attack of flu. Mrs. Grover Smith is improving nicely in an Asheville hospital from her recent illness. JONTEEL CREAM AND POWDERS {lend distinction to the toilet All Jonteel requisite* are delightfully perfumed wit i Odor Jonteel the new costly j odor of 26 flower*. FACE P0WDERJ0NTEEL clinging and invisible gives j youthful appearance with no uggestion of making up-^50c Combination Creme Jonteel Isgreaseless yet heals softens] nnd protects the skin. Ideal as [a powder base ____58c Cold Creme Jonteel MILLINERY OPENING! TUESDAY, MARCH 18 Al: kinds of pretty hats. The very latest styles. Also, pretty, new Spring Dress Patterns Iri Silk, Organdy and Voile. Be sure and step in and see them whether you buy or not. GROVER HAYNES, CLYDE, IN. C. Snow-white and pure, it will no| grow heir _50c CLENZO BENTL CREAM NEXT WEEK Martin's] DRUG STORE PICK A PROSPEROUS MAN How do you pick a prosperous men? Don't you judge him by his clothes and by the little things in the way of personal equipment? If he wears a brassy looking watch chain, do you believe he is really prosperous? If his timepiece and and its attachments look as if they came from a five- and-ten cent store, or a third rate pawn shop, do you think of him as a money maker? Get a good watch and chain and show a proper pride in wearing them. People will see them and think the better of you. They will bring up your own self-respect and encourage the development of characteristics that will help. To be prosperous, look prosperous; to look prosperous, dress the part. A prosperous looking watch and chain need not cost a lot of money; say from $18 up. See C. HAWKINS, Canton, N.C. Your Jeweler .:. Next to Champion Bank has been spelled in terms of o small part to economies I)fcRESS ^BRICS II NEW SPOT CASH GROCERY You save in actual ca* the cost of delivery, co of high rents, clerk hi and usual cash\ discou This all amounts to a c siderable saving. H SPECIAL-- Saturday, Ma* 11 P51ND LILLY FLOUR 1 Per 25-11 Sack V» Cor N Main and Bridge S

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).