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The Canton Enterprise Volume 13 Number 11

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  • INCOME TAX BEFuEEMJUL-15 U. S. Internal Revenue Bureau Gives Warning That Severe Penalties Will Be Enforced. WOMEN WITHIN LAWS SCOPE; HOW THEY REPORT INCOME Tile lerem* Tax drive conies to a «t«se on Saturday night, March 15. Tha payments and returns doe oa that date aader the prariatona of the *«w Rereane T.a*.v must be In the hands «f local Internal Kevenue Collectors before tkeir affices cloae that night. Th« income Tax la being collected ta at the w'flr expenses. Krer-f persoa •shouted and tooted his hern on •tire Day h now called upon to *Me his share at the coat of Win- ■jgartla and th* dodgers will •e fines and jail sentences. al Kevenue Bureau an- its officers will check us that every person who he scope of the Income °ay and File. -th Carolina should s and pay their i-iiey. Collector of eigh, or to Aus- e, or to any of Income Tax. uiulfl Jbe nt- 'ould be in Li Correspondence j~x. DUTCH COVE NEWS Eldon Burnette is on the sick list this week. —m— Mrs. T. E. Wilson is quite ill with influenza. Miss Emily Russell spent Monday night with Miss Daisy Burnett. —m— Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Abbott spent Monday with Mrs. L. T. Russell. —urn- Miss Georgia Cook spent the week end with her parents Dutch Cove. —»— Mrs. Fate Pressley and ."son Jesse, spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. W. P. Myers and children are convalescing nicely from their recent attack of flu. —»a— Mrs. L. T. Russell and daughter,Mrs. Sam Moses, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Abbott. BEAVERDAM LOCALS. MrsJHarriett Reno spent last week with her son, H. G. Reno, at Canton. —pa-- Miss Emma Brown of Bryson 'ty, is visiting her sister, Mrs. iteside. —P*~* Rertha Reed has been vis- -r aunt, Mrs. Melvia Isra- veek. - to - ■ cks and family have >m Ohio, and expect nton their future I 2'-,. Israel and \ are impiov- ■ recent at- THICKETY LOCALS Miss Dixie Sorrels was a Clyde visitor last week. —Pa— Sug Scott spent Saturday night at T. G. Sorrells'. —IB» — Joe Sorrells was a Beaverdam visitor Wednesday. —p»— Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe visited Z. E. Reno Sunday. —B8— Ervin Scott filled the pulpit j last Sunday at Oak Grove. —pi— W. J. Brown and family are all improving from their recent illness. —*•— Mrs. Vaughn Sorrells spent the week end at the home of T. IG. Sorrells'. —te— The Misses Dixie Sorrells and Esther Lowe visited at W. P. Harris' new dwelling Monday. ?—pa— Messrs. Fanning Lowe and Will Sorrells have changed then- boarding place to Canton this week. Guarding His Car. A Hutchinson man who fixed up his ir so that the horn blew when a thief tried to start off with the car is so well pleased with the invention, according to the society reporter of tho Hutchinson Gazette, that he is now working to perfect a device which will hit the thief over the head with a monkey wrench.—Manhattan (Kan.) Mercury. Finland Bonfires. Originally the ^inlanders were flre- irorshipers, and to this fact, doubtless, may be traced the custom, -never neglected at midsummer ami other sea- Sons, of lighting on the hills bonfires, around which the country folk dance, while they join their voiced in musical" chorus. At the coast this tradition* flre is often lit upon u raft some short distance from the shore, and there tho festive throng row in a circle, singing almost as'long as the flames continue to illuminate the somewhat weird lution determine. Section 2. That there shall be levied and collected annually at the time other taxes are levied and collected a special tax of sufficient rate and amount to pay the interest on said bonds as it becomes due and to create a sinking fund to retire the principal at maturity. Section 3. That a .statement of the debt of said Municipality has been file<l with the clerk, pursuant to the "Municipal Finance Act" and is open for public inspection Section 4. That the averaged assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Canton for the three fiscal years in which taxes were levied, being the years I9I6, 1»17 and I9I8, is the sum of $1,302,363 as shown by said statement. Section 5. That the amount of the net debt of said municipality outstanding, authorized, or to be authorized, as shown by said statement, is $217,809-- 50. Section 6. That the probable period of usefulness of the improvement for which bonds are to be issued is forty years. Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication unless in the «i petition for its HUbtnis^ien to is filed under the V Act" and in such event it shall take effect when approved by a majority of the voters of said Municipality. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 10th day of March, I9I9, and was first published on the I4th day of March, I9I9. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. J. T. Horney, Clerk. 1 c. B. Wells FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Calls Promptly Atten-ied to Day or Night CANTON, N. O. - - - PHONE 225 Embalrrer's License 290 Night Phone 77 Monuments See me before placing yoar orders for monuments, tombstones, counter and table tops. In fact, anything in fires «laas marble or granite. D. fi KEENER, Caato%fi £ Canton AUTO DRAY LINE Save time, trouble, expense and Possibly Breakage by Iemploying men who know, their business. Phone 105 W. M. COMAN, Prop. Tennessee Stave Silo Made of Select Silo Stock—Eouisian Long Leafe Pine. AU Sizes. Built in the South frora Southern Materials. Freights are low. With Patent Refrigerator Doors and many special features. Every farmer who feed* iw© or aaore head of stock should have a silo. Smalle-f S3© Fillers and1 Feed Cutter*;. Do not put this off too late. Write for iAmattion todav,. Inv teresting booklet on SILOS and EISILAGE FREE T. S. MORRISON & CO. ASHEVILLE, N. £ Stinging the Bee* UncSe Eben. "It has elwavs seemed funny to me," "The difficolty." remarked Unci* murmured the almost philosopher, Wtsewlnd. "about bein' a professional "why a fellow says he keeps bees. The philosopher ia that people keep wakln* truth of the matter is the bees keep* ■p^uPj:0 °^ -^ wl?y yo* don't to**** themselves. All he does Is rob i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ some of yo«r own advice." Notice of the Sale of Bonds Propcsalswitlbe received bv '•> Board of Commissioners of "->wn of Canton, nt their he Town Hall at Can •n to and including Miri! 1919. ah 2 --■ase of $15.- >; 1919, WHY EXPERIMENT? We Handle Products You Know CADILLAC Hupmobile Oakland * ^uch-Lang Electrics Trucks Federal Trucks ^ Motorcycles ^ringf ield and Goodyear and Tubes. any the largest stock of res and Accessories in Western North Carolina. tern Carolina Auto Cc| ie> E. College St Phone 890 QUALITY AND SERVICE tax A, Hayes, Manager |H ASKBUILLB, SERVICE KV J. H. Lat- p ft\ Owner . Ik J

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).