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Subscriptions received by the Appalachian National Park Association

items 55 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12289.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Dictated by Mr, Atkinson, conies also sent to, Rr. J. II. McAdden, Charlotte, N. C, Ool. John R, Abney, "71 Bway, Mew York City. Mr, Geo1, M." Burr, c/o Manistee Bank, Manistee, Mich, The KUreka, piatfber Co., Passaic, N. J, Johu S, Hart, fsqe, Charleston, W, Va. Capt. Alden Howell, "/aynesville, n. C. September 14th, John S, Hart $sq«, Charleston, w, Va, My dtar Sir:* The Appalachian Part; Association is patting forth its Vest •fforts to stcurt the adoption by Congrtes of a Rational Pur* in tht n'oun* tains of North Carolina, Knit Tennessee and Northern aecarria, ?a& Association has done a grtat Real of aerk to this end already and tht OutlcOS is very encouraging l^r the ultimate success of the project. Should our efforts be reqarded with success, as yt have *very reason to believe they will, it will givt an impetus to the sale of mountain timber land* in this ©Quntey micx quite likely intrtasi the price of Mat* The Association needs fundi to carry on its ooffe, It being necessary to have money for p-Reaps, cleric hirt, ffctnographio sorft, eac.,. I am asked to make an. earnest, request of the of a number of large traces of timber lands In this section of tht Sfcatt, (aH of Nhicta are like *Hr to be absorbed in tht Park "boundary) to aid this wortt in a financial way. Any mm you might see proper to contribute to the afetirt purpose would greatly air* the «ork m sftiioh we are surt you feel a great interest, ftry truly yours,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).