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Strategies for supporting the Appalachian National Park movement

items 19 of 29 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12526.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ^itorneg , at . f axo. THE FOSDICK BUILDING. No. 41 E. Fourth St. ~ March 17,1900. Dr.C.P.Aiabler, Box $84, Asheville,N. C., My Dear Sir:- I have received your letter of the 16th inst.,and accompanying documents relative to the Appalachian National Park Association. For more than a quarter of a century I have felt a strong interest in all movements looking to the preservation of the forests, fish and game of the country at large, jNo country in the world was ever so blessed originally in these regards as was the United States, and no government that I am aware of has permitted suoh destructive waste of them. db . /V, Pu^ TT . „ The preservation of the fish and game by settled judicial dsoisi©ns,rests exclusively with the separate states,but the matter of the deforestation is within the jurisdiction of the general government. I am heartily in accord,therefore,with all \«fforts which are being made to save the forests. . A You may probably be opposed in Congress by the idea that you are seeking purely a sectional advantage,and therefore,if you will permit the suggestion,! would say that it might be good policy' for you to enter into active correspondence with all the leading game and fish clubs in the north and west. The Cuvier Club in this city is large and influential,and its scope embraces your objects. There are numerous others having the same purpose,and all of them,I think,would be willing to co-operate. Wishing you success,! remain, Very truly yours,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).