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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13818.jpg

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  • the sales of tteber, under proper aanageaoat, will wtffc& a forest reserve self-supporting, 8th: That the preservation of the forests Is indispensable to . ;rieulture in the Southern Appalachian region, ithl That in 1901 the flood damages within that region aa©un- ted to #10,0!~!0,ooo, a sun sufficient to purchase the proposed reserva* tlon, and that if the destruction of the forests continue, the floods will increase in frequency and in violence, 10th: That the preservation of the forests, of the streams, and of the agricultural interests can be accomplished only by the creation of a national forest reserve, and that federal action ia obviously necessary, is fully justified by reasons of public necessity and may be expected to have nest fortunate results. In his nessags, transmitting the Secretary's report to Congress, President Koosevelt said: "With these conclusions I fully agree, and I heartily corjaead this aeasur© to the favorable consideration, of Congress,* that is this Southern Appalachian region* this chief physio* .jrapfcic feature of the eastern half of the continent9 Tt is the Mountain country of the Virginias, the Carol luas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia end Alabama, It embraces the lovely regions, fitly called "the Land of the Sky" and the "Sapphire country, » I say he pardoned for adding that it also includes Bast Tennessee, and the City of iBsoxvllie* go man has seen mere beautiful things then these southern mountains, How well do Ruskine* beautiful words and imagery fit themi

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).