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Congressional speech for forest reserve

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13955.jpg

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  • 14 Adirondack forests, and now, realizing that the water supply of her most important river is rapidly failing, she is buying back the same forests at great expense. Fortunate it is for us that we have realized the danger while we are in position to avert it at only the cost of cheap land. It is estimated that because of the small amount of work necessary to be done by the Government beyond mere protection, the reserve will be self-supporting through a system of timber selling that will improve, instead of destroying, the forests. South Carolina alone can not afford to make this outlay, necessary as it is for the protection of her farmers, but she fully appreciates the necessity for it and has adopted the following resolution favoring this bill: A resolution favoring the establishment of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), The general assembly of South Carolina hereby expresses its approval of the movement looking to the establishment by the Federal Government of an extensive national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region as a wise and beneficent measure, such as many other nations have already adopted, and which this country should adopt before it is too late, looking to the conservation of its forests and the protection of the sources of important streams; and Whereas the proposal to establish this forest reserve has been approved and urged by the leading scientific societies and forestry associations of this country and by the general press; and AVhereas this general assembly has passed an act granting its consent to the acquisition of lands in northern South Carolina by the Federal Government for incorporation in such a forest reserve, believing the measure to be one of great importance to the people of this State; and Whereas a bill is now before the Federal Congress providing for the purchase of lands for this purpose: Resolved, That the Senators and Bepresentatives in Congress from this State are hereby requested to urge upon Congress the importance of prompt and favorable action in behalf of this measure. Neither can the other interested States undertake the work. The United States alone can do it, and I am here, in obedience to the action of the legislature of my State, asking that Congress shall pass this bill. All private rights are protected. What will be done will be done in subordination to the laws of the States interested, and even in the mountains themselves agriculture will not be hindered, but improved. Through the beneficence of Providence these magnificent moun- 5266

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).