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Senator Pritchard correspondence

items 1 of 4 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14244.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ^avq $& "--»..,•,--,■..,~-.—, ~-.« JL4 vUj August 22nd, 1901, Hon, J. 0. ?r:.. :'\, MartfiaJULg St C* ■ . My fl m p Sir;- ' \ • V I m in **•©*% t of jwur 9L«tt#r Of fcha RXat AnsW A* infti©** ttc in my piwriouf lett ■».:<% Vn% ehjeot 1 hafi in aflciftg for n c*nf*r*mc«; was to & tea-Plain J?mir -;^$ us to the future WOHt Of IttO Fuf!< Aonoexn- tion. Sn tlootastion fc] -r>]< i-^asLra oith noi, Andrew* a week or two agof *e 3} c3;<? of fche great responsibility a/uV v/ork Aepeii&arit up an you as tiki &ea&ef in this letMMHieAt ttiiA 13 it it wae our tiifii to giv€ yon all the assistance in out po^sr. In fehi® connection Cola fcn&raw* aakeA that the officers of the VSfOeiatiOH ©ail >yon Seriat®*1 S it « i in A • * *i0 M* then at Batttry ^artt. an! secure hi* int~- t in the mutter* Carrying out this / ; iWfueitg 1 aeked all the officer* t oouicl tee personally an& reach "by t«l•?•;•:!on*- to r^o with i and not toting ®c .. tinted »ith Senator SAmmcnAs-, , I asfc^ul his patfeohaX fr Ld9 Mrs Craigf 10 introduce urn Tha Secret i\ryf Dr, Ambler, m i aekeft to acta - ttateme&t $f the statue Of fehe movement for : Sitatoncls1 j ,it Ifter this Sen, S4 : aefceA DP* Afflfel€r to " fni ■ i .: the clatu contained if t; 5 statement* This Association mA genem , ,hlio have end dots now OXpeet nUd look fco you to taK6 charge of .cul conduct the fight Tor our National ?0;;*€Bt Reserve along the linae you stepped o?,t at the last sea-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).