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Senator Pritchard correspondence

items 3 of 4 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14246.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ^C^CJ^ August 2Vth, 1901. Hon, J. C. Pr it chard, Marshall, N. C, My dear Sir! - Replying to your letter of the &®tb inst. I beg to state that ths annual meeting of the Paris Heeoeiatisai will he held here on Sept en/be r 10 th, notices of Jthich will be sent out about the 3rd. 1 m gratified te laaow that y&u are going to continue to lead this reovesient, This ©ountry recognises the fact that if it is to succeed it must be largely (jhrough your effort*, while there, may he some who for political reasons would like to see you dis-plaosd as the leader in the BKSvement, thers are none U.ow 1 have g$ste in contact with, hut ihat express shemselves us highly pleased with your i«.*nagemnt of the Matt ar in Cong i u an willing and anxious to give you all the ft*» e si' •■ •• . can; ! mi quitr surs that the worfciftg members of the Park Association feel this way about it* I ghink you know am weH enough to believe that I am your friend - 6hat I have no ax to grind in this matter - and ok; working for. what I believe to be the best interests oi the aovesient', As 2 wrote you before, T had fully raade u$ ny r.aind that tf you declined to lead the SNUfewent fei the costing congress, 1 should advocate the dissolution of

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).