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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 23 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11579.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • WALTER NATHAN PIKE Floricultural, Horticultural and Agricultural Editor and j&Utltor. NED LEE, GUY PIQUE AND OB SERVER. Writer of feature articles, Gravel Sketches, j£tc. The editor of the'Western monthly "Kow to Grow Flowers" which has a guaranteed circulation of 100,000 among the very best class of flower and nature lovers ^3#I\^ej?A^?ry ^ttX-astive half-tone illustrations , writes me that he very glad to have me submit a write-up of the Park and illustrations for the same, enough for approximately two pages in each of two consecutive issues of his publication (which takes about 1300 words to the page.) Owing to the nature of this publication it would be very desirable if some of the photos to be submitted to it show something of the floral wealth of the Park region,- for instance, the Laurel, Rhododendron, or Azaleas for which that region is so noted. The photo of the Fern-carpeted forest shown on page 3 of the October & November (No, 10) issue of Southern Pictures and Pencillings would be excellent, and 1 wish you would send me a print of it if possible. Also a photo giving an idea of the great size of the trees or their trunks would be especially appropriate. This publication prefers that the photos which it uses to make half-tones from be printed on "Aristo Albumen*, and says that to obtain the best results photos must be toned to a neutral tint, sharp in detail, and without solid colors or abrupt lines in the points that should be nicely gradedc. If you have any photos which you think would be especially well adapted to this publication 1 hope you will send me print-,? of the same, prepared as per the above directions. This morning 1 received a letter from the editor of Harper's Weekly saying he would be very glad to consider an article from me on the Park if 1 would give him some idea as to the pictorial features of the same. If you are acquainted with Harper's Weekly you are aware that the pages of it are very large (9 x 13 3/4 inches) and that they use half-tone illustrations very freely. I would not be surprised if they were to devote at least a solid page to illustrations of the Parks if they decide to publish an article on it, and 1 should have to submit to them a collection of the finest and most striking views and covering just as wide ja^range as possible. 1 hope that the set you are having printed for me will meet all of these requirements, but if there is anything more you can furnish that will make the set more complete 1 trust you will send along the same just as soon as possible. It will be a very big point in the Park's favor if Harper's Weekly gives it a good write-up. You wd>ll know just about what an assortment of photos such a publication would be likely to want, and 1 trust can send them to me. An early answer will greatly oblige Yours very truly.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).