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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 11 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11567.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • tlK eople'$ monthly Jin Illustrated magazine * • Ebitohs Frank XiXM Benedict Josbpe P. Rbbd B, ° 1910 mwm $t. PDilaaelpbia January 13.19C The Asheville Public Gentlemen; — lealth ana Besort Association. Asheville, North Carolina, ,y, America* s great five cent magazine. It was with unlimited pleasure that I read in my last number oi . the Medical Journal, an account of your organization, and I trust if I can at any time be able to serve your interests, in advancing the name of tne region of country which was oiy birth-place, and of which 1 am justly proud the opportunity shall not be permitted, to pass without my notice* in the position now occupied by me as one of the business managers of .the second largest publication in this city, it has occurred to me I might be able to give your plans some publicity and thus reader you some service. The enclosed announcement designates the circulation and class of read- receiving tne People If you sill have some bright man prepare for me two or three pages of matter of general interest, accompanying the same, if possible with godaK pictures, or photographs of the most interesting scenery around Asheville, and will send the same to my house address, 1.048 JacKson Street, Philadelphia, I shall be glad to give the same favorable consideration with a vie.v to publishing the same at the first opportunity I can find in our Magazine. If you believe an advertisement, or public announcement in a good location in the People's Monthly would serve your concern, it would afford me a pleasure to quote you third rates or really a few cents on the dollar less tnan the cost of printing the pages to us,—this only for one or two insertions, however. Our magazine is almost similar in style to the Ladies Home Journal, except that there are but three columns to the page. I could give you, for any notice or advertisement, a full column for $'30.00 or a full page for $90. It might be possible for me to run the reading matter on an opposite pag I am delighted to near of your organization, and trust much success. 7ery truly e > 11 h ,aara 'Aft*, /■ AQV< tismg --a

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).