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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

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  • December 14th, 1901 Hon, J, c. Pritchard, Washington, D, C. My dear Sir:- I have just had my attention called to an article in the current issue of the Manufacturers Record written by a gentleman from Ab- ingdon, Vat> in '.vhich he takes considerable exception to the fact as he says, "Virginia in not mentioned in Senator Pritchard* s bill which was recently introduced into the Senate." I have sent the Editor of the Ahingdon p-rpers ant also the editor of the Manufacturer's Record copies of your bill as presented last year, together with Congressman Pearson's bill, and have informed them that we imderstnnd that yoiir bill and Mr. Browniow's introduced at the present session are practically the same. This Abingdon writer makes it appear in bis article that Virginia has not been given full credit for the opportunities ^ ich she presents for a forest preserve .in the southern Appalachians, but in all our literature we certainly hav* never failed to mention Virginia when speaking of the other states, >&iCi feel sure that you have also included it in your recent bill. Would you kindly furnish us a copy of the pill as present to the present session of Congress and also see that a cq r is sent to the fditor, Mr. R. H. Edmonds, Cor, Lexington & North sts, Baltimore, ?fd. Thanking you in advance, J am, Yours very truly, Secretary.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).