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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 47 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11788.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • of Big Laurel Creek; thence due east to the line dividing Madison and Yancey counties; thence due South to a point two. wiles north of the Swannanoa river; then©* easterly along a line parallel with and two miles north of the. line of the Southern Railway 0os»pany, to a point north of Old Fort; th*noe north to North Toe river: thence down ?>forth Toe river to the line -lividing the State of Tennessee from th* State of North Carolina; thence westwardly in the State of T*nn«8S#l to nA Butt at the corner of Washington, Green And Unicoi counties, in fennes***, and of ffadisea county m North naroiira; thence southwardly along the line dividing the State of Tenn***** fl*0ffl the St At* of Jforth Carolina tc Rocky Ridge; then©* south we stwardly in » straight lire to the FrenOh Broad river at the mouth Of paint ru-eek; thence d»Aft the wrench Proad river to r,a•.-.; mouth of Ro©i< creek* then©* westwardly to the southeast corner of Jefferson county, Tenne**«*j thence souttiwAitwnrdly to Hound Top, at a comer in the easterly line; »f Blount county, Tennessee; thence in a Southwest war$ly direction to the TtnntSAAA line »t the month Of Ah***® or Panther erse&j thence south to ths" lin* &lvlil$ng Cherokee and ftrAham ©ounti**, in North Carolina, and thence along said dividing line eastward! y to Joanna Bald Mountain, the piae* of beginning** 1 und*r»tand shat «ti*n the "tau* of Tenn***** passed an act And resolution ceding to trie National QOftPrwient the right to acquire title una exempting the saw* from tAJtes left vinter, the act contained a proviso -.h ich stated that e-ach lands must he located not more thai fif* teen miles from the North Carolina And T*nn*ss«s state lines, thus lira* iting the area A*d I to aouni ins in the Raster * irt of try state, T have not e copy oj U eir act on hm -"■ at this time, but hej.icvu that I am right in th« fifteen miles, although it in possible th t the samf may have heen twelve or even ten, 1 am not. positive on this point, but am mire that there wa* a lies it sat on that Kind. 1 am writing to-day to the clerk ©f the Rouse of* lennesse* for a copy of the bill and will send you the sent as soon us it is revived. 1?*ry truly yours, Se©r*tary»

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).