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Legislation on behalf of the Appalachian National Park

items 22 of 85 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11763.jpg

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  • J, A. HOLMES, State Geologist. -0' Dr. c. P. Ambler, NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY; Chapel Ml$ N. C., Jan bO, 1901 Asheville, N. C. Dear sir! I find on my return to ^hapel tjill rot a word from ,,ov. Tyler at pio>mond concealing the proposed forest reserve le gislatios in the Virginia legislature and lave just wired you as follows J Wire me Government rate collect any information about forest reserve hill at Richmond. As far as | can learn things ar■-- moving along smoothly at Columbia au1 Ifashville. I shall; probably find it accessary to go to Richmond and spend two or three d. ys there or else drop the ratter with the Virginia legisSt ture.I know of not one in Richmond wh.o will do the work necessary to push through the General Assembly ":here the bill similar to that passed in Raleigh and which is being passed at Nashville jyeo Columbia. I am trying to raise a little additional money down this way so as to help Mr. Pearson and Mr. McKissick give a moderately economical dinner at the Raleigli Hotel (not exceeding |2 a plate) to some 50 or GO congressmen in the interest of this forest reserve bill. I am afraid from the report which you ana Mr Powell made as to the state of your finances in Asheville that the Park Association is not in s/iape to help in this particular measure. If you have had any better luck in this direction so that you can make a contribution towards this dinner please vire me (collect) to that effect on receipt of this note. Yours sincerely, {-4~®Aaa^a~JLa! 'State Oecloyist.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).