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Hardwood Bark, 1929

items 6 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6589.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THE Little Miss Jacquelyn Yates, youngest daughter of Superintendent and Mrs. D. R. Yates of Colleton, starting out for a ride. *#> Nantahala <•** The wedding bells are still ringing around Rainbow Springs. Carl Wilson and Blanche Bryant were married Saturday, April 6. They spent a week honeymooning, returning April 14. Both are popular youngsters and we wish them a long and happy life. To show our appreciation we rounded up everybody we could between the Wallace and Block Gaps to help us show them a good time, with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nickols, also newlyweds, as guests of the couple on a ride in a delivery wagon. . . Mrs. Ervin Weaver is back after an extensive visit with her parents at Dillard, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver went to Asheville recently for an examination of Mr. Weaver's eyes, which have been giving him considerable trouble. The contract is let for the last four miles' link of No. 28 highway between here and Haysville, so we hope to have a good road through here in the near future. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nuckols spent a recent week end at Waynes- ville and Asheville. The Ladies' Aid Society recently gave Mrs. Nuckols a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. B. B. McGuire. Delicious refreshments were served. . . A surprise birthday party was given to Miss Geneva Gil- liand on a recent Saturday night by a number of our people who gathered BARK -«» at her home. . . Herbert Danielson. who left to join the Asheville baseball team returned home recently because of an injury sustained to his arm while playing. Herbert is a good ball player. . . "Bill" Gilliand, Nantahala-An- diews conductor, spent a week end at Hazel Creek recently. . . Mrs and Mrs. Perley Hyde spent a week around Easter at the home of Mr. Hyde's parents in Bryson City, N. C. . . Arnold Moore and Glenn Woodard recently made a trip to Hazel Creek and back. . . We are glad to note that inspector Walter Frazier, who has been disabled for several weeks, is much improved, though unable as yet to resume his duties. . . Mrs. Tine Bennett was called to her old home recently because of an injury suffered by her father, John Hall, at Marble, N. C. . . Fishermen are quite numerous around here. Henry Franklin seems to talk fish all the time since he landed six nice rainbow trout not long ago. . . Recently we noticed a sizable group of automobiles at the Slagle Camp, telling us that outsiders recognize that we have the best water in the country to lure the fisherman. Nine Years Ago From Our Issues of April and May, 1920 Hazel Creek: Doc Storie sent his saddle to Bryson City for repairs some time ago, and the man he sent it to has gone out cf business and taken Doc's saddle with him. Now Doc is talking about raising the fees for married men in order to recover the loss. Lower Elk: Tune—"Battle Hymn of the Republic" : Your eyes have seen the shipment of two hundred fifty cars, They were loaded up with lumber from the Knox Creek Loading Yard, We told you we could do it and we made a little bet, But what care we for that? Glory, glory, we have shipped them. Glory, glory, we have shipped them, Glory, glory, we have shipped them, And we're not through shipping yet! Columbus: It happened quite a long time ago when "Jawn" Nagle was still eager to get out and try his hand at various sports that he was, one day, permitted to enter a Field Meet. "Jawn" thought he was pretty fast on his feet and had entered the base- running contest. He was panting around the paths when he yelled at the timer to get out his stop-watch. The timer bawled back, "You don't need a stop-watch; what you need is a calendar." (Note: John would have to have two calendars now). STATION S-T-O-R-K Milan Camp, Glen Fork, W. Va.— Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shortridge, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Hy Shea, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hash, a girl. Blackey, Va.—Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stacy, a girl, Orchid Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allen, a boy, Boyd. Fremont, Va.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burger, a girl, Lois Jean. NEW OWNERS OF RADIO SETS Milam Camp, Glen Fork, W. Va.— M. F. Pennington, Lee Graham, M. B. Bailey. Hurley, Va.—Rev. H. M. Wilson and H. W. Radford. Maben, W. Va.—O. R. Pryor, L. C. Bigler, W. H. Hundley, H. S. Anderson, C. R. Neal. A PUZZLE Small Boy—"Dad, what are the holes in this board for?" Dad—"Those are knot-holes." Small Boy (after consideration) — "Well, if they're not holes, what are they?" •ft- •.•:•.;; :ft=-ftft£-ftft:ft James Walker, upper tong hooker and Rhett Cawley, flagman on the pond. Twelve

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).