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The Log Vol. 2 No. 8

items 2 of 4 items
  • wcu_canton-227.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THE LOO WORK IN THE WOODS A ttoi Informal The Champion Fibre Co. t would have lings. What - SAFETY FIRST Had Nothing on Hit) SUBSCRIPTION RATES PerXopy Oc -> Per Annum $0.00 lnv»nably in Advance EdjjSors^riotv under sen ten WOOD •.■ BAILIE 'the "Good mornin'. Mrs. Hooligan. Magazine an' how's ail the folks after "It's all well they do be. 6s- ceptin' my ould man. He's been onjoyin' poor health for some , toitne. but this mornin' he com- < plained of feehV better." ' The above is an old story clip- ' p«J from a magazine several ' years ago and we are unable to j give due credit, but the finding in our scrap book brought t the usual smile and with it the •' thought: How many people there the world, even in otrj? little town, who "complain" baeause they are getting along i all Tight. Inthe\v.>rdsofGer. Horace L • ChaullVv: Motorisi- Famiiia Bible? Chauffeur- Weil bet I've kissed if: court."- Puck. ather. ' I'll j times in Safety--First v.I; ail the fafety --SAFETY FIRS'! Warning to Baldheads Sstated : Scot of the "other fell '■■l.nli- right for the benefit of those who & :he last two not that we herein discus the -Santa Fe remedy and what we consider, the proper relation- between em 11JT _ . ployer and employee. In the first place each must be absolutely square and honest m it all of his dealings with the other. m- for this alone would cover a Hackney on the body of a "shunter at large portion of the subject un- named Charles Hall, aged 21, >•> der discussion. When a man who was run over on rlv iched to u machine, all. deliberately tries to pile less and killed, that he was perfectly ?h can be erected; all than a cord of wood, so that it bald, and that the driver noticing re that can be posted, will be measured as a cord and him on the line mistook the hack iilets cveiy man is so that he will receive a certain of his head' for his face and others .of (iaiiRcr. amount per cubic foot.for atmos- thought he was coming toward at at all tinu-.s some of phere, or hides inferior.wood in the engine and r~>uld see it. plant are incsptrienced the middle of a pile, in the hope London Times. r\v where danger exists, of evading the eye of the ins'pec- „ . ,,,..„,. „,,,...,. when danger is near: 'tor, whom he knows would reject about it, if so, no harm it as below specification, this is you may save his life. dishonesty and should be so ould read and know the branded. is. If you do not have But, honesty is not all. If you T '.!■' us •■>■■<■■ vvvt. tl— are em ployed to deliver wood of a specified quality, piledinacer- tools or other appli- tain way and, through lack of Si h you are working ate attention to the terms of your ■ • li.-ni. call the contract, you have been responsible, for loss to your employer, ,( v<,nthing;. The peach vou have robbed him just as ,- aim.vui; vaoiifiWor jf y0u had picked his pocket. abbage with a college Carelessness and negligence in might be added; Safety vour work, like the filching of a s, ervatkJn, good name, mav "rob liim of H. A. H. that, which nut'enriching vou, mav leave him peer indeed."' ,. It this time that the It Couldn't Be Do, That Time Off—What It Means It isn't laying off loon or one day that >'; The habit of la; plo; id th ter the would it mean to you in dollai and yents? ljt'-t time is not an\ myth, li. a very true state of all'airs. whe it is discovered that in a year w He Would Tv HE r'.U'Ki

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).