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The Log Vol. 7 No. 12

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. This issue of The Log is missing page 13.
  • • • • • • • • ., : • . VOL. VII. • .... ...... .. '.. ~ CANTON, N.C., DECE1lfll£it 1923. • • • • :) N6; 12 • • A fltierrg atl~ istmns anh a • awy New ltar tn ~ J\ll; • • • • Dli!il1 ing y.... .n. u rns,p,rritu itt ynnt IJiP.-9... t t slfipa an~ 3Jny in-gnur r tJ.nss,~a.sinun t\'(nrr Jt·rtinua t Jtruliar a!rl'a'!turrs nf • - • ' ....., • - • 4 • • • ... • • ;o • • • • • I ... ' • • .. .....• • • • • ..... . .. • I ~ . • . • • • 9 • • • 0 .. • • • 4 .. ' ·~~ ....... . • " • • • • • ."' • "+ , • • • ·- •• • • • • '( • ..•. . • • .•. • • • ~ • • • • •,. ..... • • • • . . ... • • . " :.:n • < • # • • • •• • • •' ~,, • • • • • • ' ----------------~---------------- ------------------------------~ • • - r • I • • \ ) . l 1 • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I i • • . ' 1 t- 1 • • • • • • • • • 1 = me I p ' , p I' t s a I ) I '3 9' t • • .. M1 7 a zft> ... a . • • I a I . P; as • ; • I 7 p .... • • • ' • • • • 'WINNERS OF BRIZES !tOR IMPROVEMENT IN APPEARANCE OF FmREVILLE HOMES • • • • • • • • Lower FiiJrevil~le • • ' • 1st Prtzes P rettiest Pia~, JYJrs. W. E. NolAnd~ ------.. --------------------- $15J'U) G re~He ·t lmf:lrevem~n t,_ Mrs~ J. W . Si.lvey., ---·------------.., . ..... $15.Qt:) 2nd Pfi2...e D. E. Carclell, --------.---.. ---------------------------------- $10.00 :lrd Prize. Mrs. John Gadd.v .. --------------. --- --. --~-----------~-----~---~---~ • 4th Prize~ l trs. Fred Slu,1ler, • • • ·-----~------~-------------~-- ,--~------~----- • • '• • • • Terrace ~!>rive and Skylalld :Avenue • • • • $ 5.00 $ 5.00 : • J>r•rtO'!St Pl cc. l\frs. D. J-. Kerr, ______ ., _____ .., ____ :._,.. __ .., ____________ ,.. _____ $1!1.00 • < ~j·e~te.s l 1 u .• p rovcme.J t= .Mrs. James f'~1Vin, -----·--------- ·---------------- $ 5.00 ' • Thomson A~enue • • Pri zes ~nR J for ,t Mr~. ( at rJr •· Ui cb , .. · - -- - ... ~ -- ..... -.. ·--------· -· 110.00 .(';re'lte..t J,m}.)ru,·em~o..t·t Mn. &lrt t>rt~t> ....... - - -·- ---- ....... ---oo:--·---·,·--"' .. - .. -.. , IUMJO • • • • • • .. • • • ' -· ----r.-~~-- VO-l~-. V- II. DECEMBER 1923 . .L o. !2 ~-~·-----------~~~--~------~~--~------- ·~----------~~- -----------~~-----~--~----------~----~--------- - Publi sh~d by "Tne Cha111pion Family" as a Symbol of. the Co-operation and Good Fello · ship E ·isting at tbe Plant of the Champion Fibre Company, Canton, North Car0lina. --~ ,,. -.... -. -- -- .. _ -- . .... - - . ~ ,., _,__ __ .\~C:H \{' clisr•o\• t' thai i l dh~ ' U'5 f!OOd to sa,\ kind!\• · i:•g . t t~iJtl· . ..:cl <.•rr.u lthHJ.tht ". a nd lr> H~ th.~ l) f e:bll l~t<· ,,.f f!!,i\ in ~ r. • ' ( 1.: f' V•' ka't·n lh:tl \ '.t; ·u!l JdiJ tl\ .., UU r tll f Sf"h' f• at'1 UH­ ·"'·~' 1'\;c·t· iu h,·in;..( I.Ht1'<·1til'( h. ~t :t! C l :stHHc .... Spi t·i l is too go,,d alt·d HSt; fitl to h(.; '"t>r'I.Jl t l~~d l1f ( I \ f I ' ., ~:a•') 1t,;tt of il lu la~t tfi · '~<'H I' '" " ~1fd he lh' gn·nl•·!->l ift Wl f.'H •1<1 ~l\'t" r , •l'dYP. FttJ' ~ i •uH.I '" ill ,, •gd" --· -- --· .............. . ...._. - • ---- .')? • . • '\ .. i1'·4i ui ~.t . It 1'\. i ~ St tUfa C J !qu;~. th· r>-xi· .. t~ !.i~ <'n· l :tinly 1H ~f:.. r 111 H\' .t •ul •k\•() roll P \ t t, .. ;,d y(~.t l t,LHI' t hn : U•(•.r •t lti _}I. t' So Yf.• H 11f,, it!" lll r!q, ·,1 l.1 .l'?l \~ fHHi j~ ~· . \IN..;! ar-. wo. ld hr t h•: ~-rH·hJ tr l H·t·• w~.:rt> no Su11l1 Cl rp.t·! • t.~, H ct 11 ~I"'\ a~ I f t Jt,"' t'(' \ \' r,.._ 110 \ I fi!t 1l tUS. rht~ ~ ' • ·~~) '••n ta Clntt t Thunk G L~d~ h · lin'", and he H"·e~ ~ r.•v ·r. :>\ lho u~:lJHl )~.tfr.~ ft·h'll nnw, he YHJ eo uli onl.!' to n~cl l,t; gJnd the IH'<ll't~ or (•hihhvn .-~ ~. Y. ='•tt\. ----~,....----.:.- - 'Fll'E CiE TLER SPrECJ.r ''l'alk ifl tlt ·· hn~t:t ~1~e 0 t' l'd\.·nd:ddp at cl w:d~ tlH'!J11~h the \ .,rkl ·~~ - i l frit•nd. f >o.l'l t't ~-•)il)'>~eH ttt H' too hi!! to be kitH!, wit,U. n0th'in ! <t ... t­.~ ot" V\: r to i <~li<L Thf' ' (•fl- · p••ken ''ord tl'i l w h cA . -, H'(·:s t, t lu pe ch that is 1! '' ~uc i · • • • .\ nd fUt;. ;~ l·~·n.!tl'Jtt \'Okf' of , Ji:-·p l. 1 -..ur{' nnt ''rid; is rmthi.t.::. hut h:-tlf'~l ('flld t ..;, .,d. • l)t''ln't ~.,nt·f ~~' tlw "t dn· ~~~ r dw ~n t:-b" ) Nt. h\.: may he a 1 ri··nJ 1u db g,ut~c. 'l l !· hO.\? \'. ho <·:Om< i ntn )~o• ll 'Yttd~. tom• r n" t br\!atn · . • !1 :1 ~ ftjlfJf!l (~ r~Jilh t fl\'fl. f1 I p!idr ' · flO Jf•'lt',l.t,) (' l ' lo ~t\:lh(• • . 1 t ·W ... t ', \ , • · :i1H ·.tld h.1\' t"' ;}o \'Uj/1)'11 1\'Jtl , (l'\(.1 ( pf rt ~ l'... • PI s i ~-h~. .IH' f'l ,·,•n: l li~lll \ ith; \ !•h )t d1iltfhhtHJ fill_ l hr• <), hl •\, dit i•\' ~~ - ~;,,~" ni. · ~ ·tL - ·,. I ·~·Ht• · w .~fudu Ct:11 -~ •' l tsll ..!.Ill as \'•t' ll ,•H b••ft,.,r,, In Ld • uu · l~ t ~(· t j tHII P~lt:l ,r. Lin 1111 It f t) \ t.tkl. in ,d) l h ,. d-.: .. rJu (.f,n tll'' 1-: , ·, to -t•ah·h S ulltt Cf~ws, l .ul f\'t · n it tlu ." • •lt l 11, <··· • All • Cht • ~ t:OJtltnM tl '\ u, " h~•t \Pt • ~l .t t Jl)i l pr,•vt..·'! ulu">'h . -' · ·{1Tt1 1 CINt , t.ut th :J{ r.:: h • ) ~iLJ.H l h~t l h ·n• i llfl • ~ ,~ 1;:. r;i t-l·. Ttl·· m.r•pt n.:~•i lfdn in l h(· \·orlc·t un• t ho ··· HHtl ·1 • • l) •rf ,, ,, •• ,, r· ~ ~"t' .,ln•· 1 ··rl' l" ;~•lJOI t r, c 1r f •l r lltt' ll, ( ~~t) · (•t · • ' "' "' • I d 3,, 1. • o tt td· (.1 "o:Y c 'Jf r~utrr •· rl'll hut llutl' tlH 't->1 tHJr l h i1 t '' ; s (o' 1tC.! U •.: l l~ Noho.411,· CJ H l ~·,t ut ~{;i\· t \ r i i.U~H.: I Ilt .. !l fJ ltit' ,,r- . th~tl ., n .awl ... t·t·ah1,. in "'~ ~( dd. • • 411u r '- '~ I·! t,,; ' ~ ,. 11 t t, . awt ~ t·r• wlt~tl 111.1 k i~~ tln • 71t[ t lt : j~ t \ c• ~ l'C)\ 4 l I ll ... tltl' H 11'~:( 1\ \~~>I lei 1\c h kh I H U ., HI I' r· t• ~t I ht· ~ ltlt l P tl •,1 rt' IH-!Ut C•l a ll t ht::. ' . !.:4 qc-·r J , , ~·~f. t-uuhl t<·a r .ut,a r l. OnJ\.1 hul h t:~ ," · , , , ,af~t'J' ,·~c u push wsitl•· t l l 'll r u tt !ti n t• n~l vl .. ~w ~~~c -,ll 1 cud J .t..a~Jty a uc l •J,,q 1 t ; __ ,md. b it u tl rval1 ;td.: i:R •ttl IIJ I \ •Hid I l h~ t't: h W1lhit1 t! c.. Js.t l't ' d .ln•l ' • t.\~hl l.h.• ~ hull r nw• .h .,. Jl'lUt \UHHl •r th.~ tl~l }"' llta t he 'C' l h~t, • t t pnt • ) fHt. t.\ ud ' .ttta\V fr· J l ·l t~ t l fl. t t J<ltiT' •..,1'\'('ltll.:: j' t )'ltf" \ \ orth . fl I ) OH t' <.: ), ~H Ill' h ~ 1', I • HJ T <dl-. j l tlw l;ltl!... . H. , . of fl': 'lttb .hi p , the f[r~a t e~t or H.'l Ctl1 l " i t\cl. n •. j).Jl r,•i ~t tlh yo If h f'll tt i.s t r~ iH (' Ct~IH JJI:-!lnt i · sn t:lt~r to flud . • '! ... h~ .t TH "n ttl l·h ' hi ' ~d~ in.l' Ncu ll it, ttrhi men 11 nt: l);tvc \.-nOt\!: l\) tln)ir i t • • · e~dk sn t}l\! ln n g n.:t c,. 0 rl-ilhl ls h ip t\.cil fr lt:tld, ' • )\ <.~ ~hafl ll f, . k i•'l' k1 J tdlc<.·<;:~ tru l u1cn •y \: lh n t lt~ s.h 1 ~ ·h:: < 11- ed It\' iu·• ,ihtH ~ n l. .l\ ncJ i t '. \,:ri ... , 1 ~ ~ .. cb • "lH Uh l • .tf < 1tly ru,•, ,.. . khHih · c,f rs 1nn·· r ! t \d f~·ut lt' acH tlu,.u,:hlful u p t'"dt -~~ ·I, ..t · t • • • • • 4 • --------------~----------------------------------------------------~~--~~----~~~--~~~~~~~--~~--------~~~--------~ A DEP. nothe.T bi~ meet iu!l ·• Decem her U'l: b:r ~tll plo) e Mitt, Llict>~ Lr. orolo ry nnd t ng was n great . ucc •1-., 1 the nll :P ~'~''L ' E"f.H ER b ld u l th( .. ) ,. tln l hc n i ~ht • .,, of ... ul pbite . ...n\ln .. Much in~ . Honl{ Firs t id l cp ..H tnu.•n b;. 1"h ' m 'v t ~ ntirc progt'O.l.lll lJ~o' i ll g eujvr •u by .\t a few minutes p . ·t se\ 1\n- thitl. t h boy . got tog<'lh r in t he ~..rm . ~nd it ' ns Ut!. ·' t d cn :·r ·l ""\t.l) :-;.tng. T he H ~hts Wt' rc snap]Wd off anrl llu~ v-." ~e- nnd cho•·u o( Old Block Jo<.' were thrown on tbc sc:r- e-n . M' Killian wo ~l t l h ' pi:lno a nd friend Blt-4 · ne.r led the c-horus ~~ hlch sang witb u nusual ,·:iLn a nt.J v if{o r. 'l'h(:n a parody was pn t on the scr~en. the? wcwds of w hi<'h were :1~ ! Uo~ s : Gone nrC' the dnys when he used lo work on pip : Gone a r the d3y$ " hen be hu n l<'d n fl f"r ¥nipe; "'.one are the dnys when to ,, ~lldwoo d he would go To heo.r tbo e dnrlin dnm "els ~i ng for old friend Joe. Sa~ ! Hey! Boy! Say! l:ley Boy! You wi!J lift \""Our voice we know: • . ncl ~ia~ a HoJ~· Doodle Song for "Uncle J oe!" The. p~ rod~. .. was accepted ~·.itb la ugh ter and d leers ::~ nd the • "'~·, sang it o~er an cl O'\"CT and ov·er aga in. Then t he song Dub­hi e- was put on the screen and as soon as t he sl ngt"rs hatl brushctl up their memory of the tu ne, this parody was put on : He's fore \~e r p reaching Sa fety· Tal kin ' Safctv here and ther e: • lie saYs '·Ob l\1yP' • I - SafP-ty P lease TTY-Or vou'IJ dct careless • • :Anti some clay y o u'll tlie. Care less ness wHl gel you, Of U please b.e'''are ; J1c·s forever prP3<.:hl ng a fety. Safety Phdli}JS everywhe re. • I 1 • I This also met with appJa.use :1nd then tbe pia oo t r ucl< up the c.horus of TJppe rary. All the b oys in the Bool< :\1111 and 'Mn­chinc Hoom h~,·e IJ '"Pn o b~ervi n g l hal S upcri ntcncle nl Spro n ~·s f~n<orite ~ Y prc~:;iQ O , Wh ~ll he finc)s tha t e \~cry l h in ,:! fS in r cacliness to ruu i:>: • ·c) ~' Shoot 'em! l e l~s go! A nd wh C"n I he 1"ipf)t11r :1 J"'Y pnrrJ(]y wa.c. thrown on lhc ~rreen lhcy proc<:'"c<led to Shoot rom. TJ1e \: ords wen: ~ 'IJ f vUrn v<;: Shoot 'em! \Ve'v~ Grtt some Sulvlu.lld Slw<..,t 'em! l i!· t 's Gc,! Shcx,t '~"m ! Wt>'J1 h it n hi Jth rn.t ;! 1-'l)r f Ia fl'l 's dl1 i' llll t c~H low: llffn JS ru nJJi ntl Sh i yr. .. y-. SultJh il f'\ ~ t H , v ~; a svi'•·k- H• •l a ,Strou (l, S hc)Qt ·~m. l' ,,nt( , h '~·· t w e·') J h ., JJECT<! 1 Jac- re hfJ.S l~~n o g r t•:l t d frr.I nf ,.,,m1w r.f <o tWI' tll lm !, •u lh ·t w (,r.;tl a nd h is sldn i ng ('[()\ •n. •rdk ·lrtJ UJ l l l :ll H !JI' l ft lt I I n ;- fJ• < Li•r w h f' ll fle ~t :t~r tl s ~ , l dt• t • ftJ •· IJJ lgh t liJ1ht •, H11rl ll cfn11J•• t lu·i r t~Y!.'.1'• , Y'J tlw f), ,t rHJv c1n fh~ t lto 1u ti l Hru·w V ~ ;wtp l c · \tlf1 tl ,.tnt h ' )' h rJ l!lfl HJlfJf tJI i) IH p l'l)~ f':Ull : .A. n. v<)l ,fi, Yf' , W tth n "'ildn,v-, l t!Hy <'f•I WII i A. 1i W l.J('J , .v.o , \Vitf• u ht·:Jd l lw r Jt,• ltl · I tw tn \ it : H fi {) l tJ i ' ha ll h c: ' tJ htii ,V ~Vt ' l l' F r tJIU tiUJ •·y ~ ·tt l t.,;'d tult• ifll tl HlnH A. H. \.V nc JJ J , v•· , vVi fla tt ld nt', sl.iir •Y t j t~ w u , • • • •J~ == R r "t • a Jj 7$3 J U p 3ylttc~ a · "W:· 'l."' !'W ! • 0 ... • ... • Jet•fn t·•· 11';1\tinl! tlw rc•pt,rl r,f t It in final ·t:nd d 1 h otlwr i' p•·· l:al fl•at urc·" ()( t it,• mc•f• t. it is oul v fnir to ~(;) f11 Of lhP. hon 4 fikNJ lh •ir \UJr(•s "'fl w•• JI thllJ t h • :r l'le1· l hc Jm•c tlu ji! ''-'H · ovf'r to hvl•l a JittJ ~ t•rm~ · rt ou t nr S l r PI tw:1r tlw J)c p l')l. Br<•tht·r 1-;' . '1. Ho nd aU, C)r Ut•• '(Jf! : .t\ t d l1 w i th rl o r; H· ,~ (:oiTc<:, o f the ,\ hw him· H"'''-'m• p,n · • J •dgtJ "":un Rohht'\tHt nncl sv\'~ r.u l II) ore or 1 h~ hn v" r• ·;u hcf.J l he tr::u: on • Ma in St rcl'l , ~o W(' a n · told, w h ~ n lla ndull l<•(•k a deep bre:-t h nnd sa id " lwys. on r more• ~ o n s.t.'' ffp c.otur t ~d nrr with his r~wo r­' it hymn, ··The ole gray llWrf.', s h E- ai11t '.dull sh u. t~ I tfi h '.17 and then uflcr the fifth vPr 'c, the ni ~hl{ poli•~··•wnt N U fP . The c:1 · was tried rJght then, a t Jon l th(>re \'~~ ~-~ JH't·h m im•ry hear in < when o ne o f j.!jlme r 's good friend~ c:tmc by in a Ford anrJ fw b - gao :w Onltion with t!J P. wo.rds . " Give mt> rl tv(•rl .r (•r givt> me d c,~lh ," ;~flcr whidt he ~ot in th ~ C«U rm.J went htHTit ... f~ohr:td Sc ro~ &!~ was o ne· or the afl~ r Jn(.·ctiog ~ iu g(•rc.: n~ \ \il.S a J.:>~"• Fr•·d BniJ. \Ve unders tand tlwt lht·y w~rc ins t •·unum tal in pa c-if~·t ng ll1c police 011 Elme r 's be ha lf. HillJ nrcl Hall nc ted as ChnirmaA (lf the" comrnH fl"e of :t r ­r3n gements and Mrs. Duckwo•·th hradell up the ··otom ittt:t' on r c fre hme nls. Both urc to be commended f or their f' fftcicn l \t t •rk . SeVt' r~l cr t unts'· we re pullcJ orr which :ttlded t l) tlJe me rti ­me. nl Of the OC<'a~i O n for <lll ha nds lOOk pa ri in H 1!•JtJtl n ~lhH'PlJ wo.v and when the jokP h appened to he on some p;trticular pe r~ son he laughed along with the <)t her s. ~rltr-cc sntlppy boxing mntchQs were put on, CS()eciaJ i n tcr.­es t Lle i·ng shown in the work of Powe ll n {"weese ond Deun(Ht llipps. ·The prelimin a ries n·ere s to ~t'd by E .. Alexantl e::r a nd El­wood Shook, Ray Bye rs and Fred Cod~"· Supt. Sprang, otherwise known ns ''Shoot to1· H.eynolus in . a rent her rncc from on(' end oth er . 'f>m'' ou thlf>w n oc­of the Gvrn to t h<': ~ Fotu· " bottle babies,u R iehn rd Parris . Ho rncc Cofl'ev. JE'<' (~,. • Marltn find Glenn Sm~ thers e utt?1·crJ the c·onU• ·t t r~ tl rlt•rminc which one could e ahply a nur:o;ing bottle in ttw shor tt\ t fim,"­ ·Coffey won but wa dis quaJiliell, it h:lving b..- "'fl pro\·en that h bit off l he <'nd or the nipple. The Hi g h Schoo] orelwsl rn nml Be~ll ::wd flo.nJ. t~ o otd t imr mn-.ici fl ns. fua•nis hed the musk . llh·c ly, Coffey, .JoiH'J. on. f)(l'\' (> 3SC ancl ntnyl )('k tlid SOU1 l· fanc.v h' pS to the s ta·;'lill.S or the ~Jd lilll t' j i~ lllllSk an"'t On·n Lc l ·h Worl<'y urprlsctl th(• l.HIIICh h,y . ltowlng lht"tn how lhf•y d~ n.ced down on the MPXi<';\n f·ord t' r wh• •n he- wn" in th , a r nn ·. • Snm Hohins vn, a lora! <lllC\I'n<•y h tt l n tlu·rw ls,• o (H \·llv ,.., N' n l sort u f n fdlow. IJcint{ an t•x -C'ham p iou mnn. h ~l\· in ~ " rk~ C'<l fur nlft l l ~ ~· f'!II'S in· llu• ulill , ~: . ,. ,, H sho rt tall< uu lll" !:.lm .... t· i\'"· Pt) llcn\ i n ,:! IJtis C:trrol Si ii J.,! h· l ,)tl w:ts ('i tllt•cl ll}H \Jl aud "-!H\ (' l ht' fp iJuwiu !.! dl. ~ " rl ~ t l ou ~. ..\VIwu I lr·ft h Ofiw to u f L<.• ntl th is .(.HHl~t J t.H•In't •· ~vt·d tn h,• e nll f•tl on tn "'ll.\? HH }' fhiu ~. r-atd 'v-b~ u J lUI\· · llnl ... ht•tl I tllll -:nr\ vou ' ' ill nll Hgrt: t' will! till ' llwl I didn't. l lKt,u lJy a t tl p:u~ty nf fld ~ kind \ 1)11 wJll IIVIkt• Ht:lU\' SHilh•s l\ntl Ul ti llh •S llH\It\" \i tt • • bt u l'>l uul t utu J n u ~ ltt •r, und u. my miull wus awt , · u llr1.· l>· t· l,·ur : ~ ~ to wlt_y ,,,. "'lldh und hut ~ lt ; \ ,.h, l <:r \ : Is uusulh'tl sm• llw fL•-. fl nll lotl ul tlw wurd 'lmilt\ '' hh-h "as n:-; h•lluws: ' 1!\ ~~~ IYlj)f.JJ UV\ t• rv Hh~nH1 ur ··ulnrHk c nul~·· ·u· ,\ ()( the rHn: fc\ ~ll fn tl \ ' . aHd o lu g ll •'d h\ I l:w I.J~' I'.,•t pt h P ut" "' Ul l h(' ~f · U ~ Itl i HHI hl t1 p rt•rll r•Utt ln t I ••I i.JH .. ·quJiilu-t I\ , 1\(UI \', f1. tl l/t' l , nr n llll' l ··utt ' ' . t ' \ t' l i (Uhtlng iu ll pfll'' ' ' l!il tl f l it'• \ n •'.,. l.l tlll utfa l , lUll t·ul n t ll lmtll ·nl ' ' ' llw t'ut•h tl ,•,tpiiJ.,rh "' \dwr,•t. • I H• i ll ~ tii\C""i l n l nf llll' H dui lidh thn l t,•t' n hw n lt' aa ttt l \ l t h " n tcllillll ,. ' 'tlHtual iu ~ in uu Iuthnhlttt .1 J'l t l ! ' c'uJ tcliH '' l••)tlasn.ltt•l\ tt i. 11 ' f IH' ('t· un " fua· 11W t••• ~ ~ o the ,l,-4in\t i ., .. IIW \H ll I luu lt, h lht• tnu mil!lll•' olhtll'll lilt hu\'\' '\' \pi a ,,, ... • • ) • " • • • • IRS'f BCOND • HOME 0 M~S. VV. E .NOLAND • JOUR U U LOS' • . ......,,....... __ ~d11 lrn:• ~dh' ' !->~ ··hil ·Jih•g i .. .,, ... , •• ,. ''' Jw•lld "1 dt)i ll 1:; of ·. nrt \ il( , ••• i h ·n· i · d.1·1' ~\·r u J ;{••t H r ~ I OH·t 1\ :-uh-t U 1 • ! luJit ~ · • · r t H'S. ·~·c· l t ,..,. r.,u,~ Yi lt : It Jll thl I lm .. L:11 11\l' t J' ' poJ~( he d I / I lt• I it'' r.)J p,' llllt',\ I Hltltl. I It' , ~. tl• ~ ~~ lwii •<JIJ h HI.:· ,•, td if <h , ·iv h ~ \ Jq ·~ l lt" t' ()I i'!CJl' , •1U I {,•dtl . (df ~o p •·•t!tt(•l ui'Jr. \ '" lt ot\ tH]lll~.r IJ. pnt: ~. h· . ·"l' l1t' ( ., ,~ Jf j:JII 1)1'\H,irl~... I lit ' ' " tl · l>t• \ it f it ;v ."~r t l1• HI . . \ • tl•1r• .. i:J J· ~ 11H· l .•1•1•ll "" •tt I ul' t J t• ltt¥ l r =· ~~i'\ · ~17; hct' J I ll~}J J ~f ltlllltftl'l' ttl' l o:-.of t1 tl .r )'f or tctr• ,., ti'IIJ. tu 1 I1P uw;u&ll .} •H ~hu ' il • Ill ~ { Wl ~·i ;to ·I'·• t ~d·· HI u t4rt ~· ll ft· .. tf l" A(ol't•tiuu ,., ,u,·r 1•.' '•"'·l•b ,,.f tl JJchh· t • ... ri.. ••• I 1 ., ~, tr M_of.' ,,. ·nw ~ ~ fllt." • i' ·~nlt·, m ·n s ~ 1d t I ti \ •t~.J I t• t,ii 1{1~ l i'i ,t{l r• , ~ (~. n ~ J ~ 1 i• · , 1 n·.' 1 ,. 11, • • ~~ J I I' ~" .. \ I ( f.: d I . l H t \! fj- • d l t \ ( ,lf' II\ IJ · l l t ll·• tf ,f\ o1 lfJt: hh\ - • 111 101' ~ ), ,·u j )H I h11 1 \' lH' J ~ fl •iu ·· ,, 1lkl ••. : Jlcl !fh t J 1plo\ t ' i•;JIJ Itt• • • • HOME OF MJ?S. J. w. S!L; EY • • ... • • •.o •'t.~... l t l t! l flr '\ \~ I' U iS to \ ,. t'") \. OJ\ I\~ • it \o' \,tll} i~h l, t } If' l l l\C' i'HI ~· cll\ "it'\!\'t' lh I:Jl -{ ·• \t.l' lfl ,·t t 'lt '\U t~h"l' \'( tf \ I th \ h ih•. lll f'f~U }t ftlWU" hu·.r.t 't!­l "'" thlf· t-'t·nh•d iPn f P th2 l!' :-:: i. "' 1 n r in ~ ,) l' ~· ' j.; ·n.-..... ·•t1\ tl•t• t • t V \.: 11 ' ~ l't-f"ic fll..:t. () f~' '\ e1tt cu '· t b··n· 1 •• nc,f a si;n h· fl~ in " f!U' tl""'l :t u ttl th rl1 J h n tlg'g'h'S' · '\<U~,, {w ll)'lUL& )>Ut'lli 'i<.ffi. ! , ,. ' n ., rth ( h .< phl:illll• ' il t lws b ~~· ll l!U \ I Hi n > l\') 11$(,• dr, ~.. til ·;s- ¥ lftA~ ;II 1110('•' f1 ( (h H!i \•\>,\ , h\l\ it \1\l' l HF"'' ~tt' \h' ;IJi~\l t l\fllo~ ~I)· ,., :r-•~' 131 ltil n.J•H's . H nH•\ ht• tl\:("' vu" t·l pr,J ·~· u"· \.~mpl..) {' in •H Yl t• c t ftt \ I'Hl' ('~"} ·S • ••t :\ :c\1 tJwfH) ~ \ •'hl' u,u·.~ t(., H Li1 • -;.t l •r •,t: d <P I'Otl\ it•jttl \' fl- •>l ll fl,\1\.! Jlfil'l kl(• ." ..... ~ ..... ,. ___ --·--._..,_..,_ ~ . - • ' LH~ .t S l h~ Vl\ . 1 ,1!. S ';\ 1 tO J'ttt f t ' l' lt h t I •ll H ~~ , ,:-, l\) ( •,H,,}h I; .Hh.l p,li ttt!\ \\.'".t.'' C. 1\ ~ IIlith - \ \',•11. I \Hrtl .l ~l cHU th;t l !l' l h C.ttdnh tt \1 \ t ctht t ' l • '!U 'I' '' ll i<•h \ lt tl pnttd:." ...._.__.., • .,..__ -.. • - ~ ..,_ ;Jc ..... ------~-•• ;.......,.., ,.._, ., ·-- • • • • • 6 'fl1E 1JOO • • The or ll p Ch n.mpjon Y. 1. c . . \. wa uls to ("X I t•nd Chri...:tmas .!r eetinJ.. to all ntcrnb ers of thf' Assoc·ktl ion ~tncl I fn uili~. " t,:o:hin • th ·m the U\Oll)' blc si U~"" - fHHl l18 ppines.RCS of the Sea...,.on. are joined in t h is wish. by the c •retarinl force of tlL· · ·. · ~ And bolh a lik > extend lhi.· furth er anti in ·Iulie w ith llhc abo,·l" nll o tber friends ]o ano al1out Canton. h o u lcl th ' l'e Lt .. lho~e who ~re not taking ad,~nlage of Lh ~ lc,bby or the Y. M. C. . during wniting hour.~ b e for e shift c h n n ~ t':o. l h ~y <' ~l n r <_\sl a:-.~ u~c.J tha• t he~- "HI be wek.ome to u. .- e il a nu lbc reading r•J• ... rn facilit ies. The lnlt! r-dcpnrtmeota l fiasitetba ll g:unes arc c r eaUng o. grra t deal of int rest among the frie nds or l ~o m m~mbcr::; as ,,·ell as vtlter5 &nd most ol llte games ha ,-c beeo ~·ery spi ril ccJ and li vely . Th<! learn sta ndin g<; are as (olJows: ()f(i("P P n\'( 'C Book ·------------------------------- --• ----------------- ------------ 1ill - -------- ------ - ---------- -- Jt. & A. ------- - --- ------.-- - - - ------- v ·on -') 2 -') 1 r ... os l 1 1 3 • :} r-te High S('bool 13oyb under ~:fr. !\'foon~ ·s c·o;w h in~ are doing some fasl p la··ing :u \'; as showo wh en they de fea ted lhc Bool< ~fill tc~.un b~t weeek. Member ~ of the «y , toom h:i~k.c lhaJl Mf'll fl ll nre con·<'hl n ~ the •li-ff(•J'P.nt dep~ r l m e nt al L~<amR. Se'"erat time,c,; dtl r i u l-{ Llle W<"<' l< they M! t 'J"P th~r, gHlina in trim for th~ game<s ah cHd of them during t lsd 1 t rip a ft er t he h.o lid~ l\·s. Th ei t· fi rs l ~uuw w:t::. pl uy etl :J~ . rar f> llllJ Qll Ute ir Ji ll le- J'JW ce"iJ i p~Pd cow ·t will• ~ sad r~~ ltH f(Jt' the '·~"" t e atn ~ liH.~ i r Whtd-t~ ~vmh in a lJull goi n ~ to p i<·CC:-o lll:l ­der t h:ll lwndh.:.tJ)) and t he !i t r j t n.tling; of the rd ·rcc. Bf'lt(•r su ., •• ~ •· n•·x ~ thm: 1,oys. Thr fovin~ P ic tme , (Jlt I ht: ~ ~·,., ,, n .v J ~ ht Pt Of.! • am nn · )Jill tJrt -a t a V'*l'Y .,,wtU Je t; f:>t , .fl'lJJ t·au t' faj()y 11 U(Jf,J p it•t ttJ t QhiJ\V \' i t Is y (l lll' r.r,.Ju; lc• f::tndly ~t v ry Jrl I 1~ . >. J.Pll '){~. U• ~· • ·u1J wr :.l l -.t, '''l'lw Jk~HJJe~~ lfOJ'o<:uutn," lnk~> n f r<mt lh<' L gend o1 ! .. l•• t·p y JJollt1\V wiiJ fw Lh f• l1ig IJWhlHt. Jt .) ·~Ji'~t·IH lt y inl l' f• • 1111 • lt~ 'it ll tu ;J ftt iJ~. ~wJ · j Jf IJ•> in HH · with ff1r· Cls l'J ~ lllla p •o l 'IJJ •t h t"'t·au" • t il t h Hl u igh f iJ Jf} J I nd H l.HiY \.. ..· UJ Oi:td flu •ud •;.;s ttw IJI"fr!l d }H.1., ~~s:~.;,, r ,,, !-'9Ju • < ,fr rlst JHH~ t.u·•; ~c nt • nnw <,II fli •IJht\' n l tltu '{, M. C. A. 'l lw nt t ni~tr1 ,,r ,,,,. mvvi • d IH I Ht < .b p l111a · WA' \' 1« w-tl ~du d Hy \ lf l lm hnd. A f'(,JJI•al ir1H ( f Ji t& l' l #•l '\ HI h 1:\' P ~~ JI .H't ;n l hC! )JTO! ,~;~10 . ~ l)ll h JW•. ••cw fh~lll fl lt 16 l1 ll fld h JIHW lJII'III \.\rrlJ H!Hl tltt!.,}' h:ivf: :1 fJJH' flf• t1 <t t tJJ ,. tJJ tit ,, fn ~, Huy~:~; JdJt t h• ~' ur.· r lliHJ;t. A(·<.:t•unl .tJI' IIH} JJ• • oulttwll( ~J I S.Ut! :•n• l•••llag w fi f (,,u 1.~· <t iJft; aPHl ju d i vidta:J ftJ and w i {l I • 'H~' \', ll >·tl n Ha l l 11.._\' Ullrl ch fltJ • IJI\ tl • · 'l't~ Nitti h..t V~ t· Jt tlwru lht> u fl \n r•' ·'n JliH\ ll11 Jt tU tt ' • •• .' ' I 11 1111 bt·fli J ~nir• C tC> ntl. ll 1tt IH>}Jt·•1 0 11'-,I Ju Atru tll l Hut.) J,l 11(" UilH j n I JJ t! IWUI J ll ( Cl l'i!. -.;.1,;....~-,;._--·-----~·--- .-.....~ -·- : 41 ........ -.. • "'!! • ' J'hfl Uui c u Th n lllts thi t '~ ·, · rvlm~ \ \ ; t ' lt·ld lhi~ on \' cd1w d.l\' ni ~h l lJl lrH'•· Th a u k~ -1h 1n • 1'Ju• ht<·rtl pu fuok p.a r t ... nl I h.- Sl't' \ it•(• HTHI He ' '· ~ [s • . \ '<:tJd( p rt·ndw J h1f '\f' l' lll 11. \ t'lwj J t() tnpot·d o f · n ~• · r . fN•m t il · \i C"hllrdu'•s with ~ l b s J\illi ttll fl ': StJiois t, rt ud ,.,.,1 f hr> ~1 • lllli .... U' • - -- --- - _....,._. 'V::tldl (OJ' :HIIHHifiCl' II.JC IJt · f'UJil'f'roip ~ \h (j o - f• •- f "hnr <•n Ca n'ltiJnign for lh b .v ·n r. Tlu· ~ liu i:..!l · r. , ftf'f j(.!ictU LnJif lll rl ~ r· ,r the V. i\f. C. ,\ .. ;lJHl ( ~ tHJHniU tw . l'r•t)J I\ Utt \.':rri,,u .., ( 'hun· w :•n.: '[9lnJJJ\ing tlltullwr wiJ i t •r t·n nap,,l f.!n. ... ----. • ... The LV(~<·um Cnn,.~c is the \ lnm tJc·~! lhis w·ar ttw l il h;l~ C\"t•r • been. Two JHIIIlhct·s IHl\'(' aln•m ly bc•·n :.,!lvf·•• •uuJ hnv • lH'' \ •·d I he wisclom of th ' Cornmi l! r·~ · i11 th ei-r dtt>k · nf first •·h (?ll f •r­luinm<- nl.s. D:\ is, lhc .\h•L!kinn. wu · fJ w i za r~ l ~·••d I kcod hy cverybt,dy. His trunl\ Lrick w:..s h.c·_y r) rtd the· ~_\'t~ <Jf f•v•n· Of' ('\'en of Jouc-. w ltn lied him up ~n \t:H. ra:HI ~ Ito 111u l • :1m t•k on his colhtr s o he •·c)ufu he i cl c: n titi~d " ht.' ll he t·,uu ~ ou t . • \ ..:k t he · little fe llows v.rhu n 's i l ud hi m . w.w l l he.· lhiuk about h im. il"\i-=' sav~ 1 hut ou t· n•·xt ntunbc·r, the fir~ I of Lh<:t y •a r. wifl J,.. ~~p ·t· in l- • l.r c ojoyablc. Tllt•y h:n c a mi xPd f>TOgram, t hjs C . ..-nt·y Cmu.:,.-r:t Compan.vJ and he ~ ays lhnl lhey a re we ll ·pukt·n ,,r \•h ··r· \ ' t. r go, fl lld he l<nows lh(•ir \'(If(\ JU:rsonall.\"'. Lonk rorw:srti to being lH'C!)~IJl at the ncxl number '. Tlte Y. M- C. A. htlildhi !! wi ll he cl os()d Chri.l mas o~,. that tl'i e 111 C'll'l h e r~ Hies. • Exc.cp l on cln~·s willt s pcd nJ $ uocla.v ~l ttC'J'JlW)n pro , r :llll " . the. r ending roon.1 nt th e Y. M. C . . \ . wiJ I no h>nf,!cr h<' op(·n o ll ')n .ul.,,· 3 ft(' fO GOllS. POWER, ELECTROLYTIC BLE CH A D F.XTR:\CT STAG P RTY • Ou Saturdny ni ~ht , :'\0\'CinC' h t 2,J_. ~l 7: :.t0 P . ,T. , fht• Po\ ('r, El ~~ tt·oly li'n ISlt?nc·ll n11cl t~: ,tnwl Sl:lg Pn rl~· \U J.' p u lkd in ~\Jud Sl>' le al lhe Y. M. C. ~\. \' innk-l',.~ ,~antf~khe ·, t)n iom• .l th l l 'Ht·­ret• ware sc •·vod ; A,ls •J ('Oh pip<'~ nnd P aim·c .\lhr-rt tol,n <.·•·u " ' ' " ' ser.-.·ud j n the lat es t c.'O IIl ~sin,e r. Evcryl)uo,y nlus t hu\·l, lu1d a J.!•)od tima plnsi n~ ~nd -;ul''l'­iri;.!. O <~ llll'S wr a·c pl ay<•d :\twh d !' t he o ld \ ' ir ~Hnitt i't"~ l . n •l;\_v t"t ~\t­J, :dl , \ ollfly hall. Hnd IHutcl h n ll . • ·1' hc flt~t lttrC' of tltl' nl'l l' rtltttHI wns llh' qwu-l(• l h· tr,llu lht· l :, . lt'llt'( kd L>.r " Pnr'\nll" .JoJt ('" uf llll' l'"\HYt ' l' Plnnl. s {'\'dt ( l t pft' nl"t,) ~nl ex ·lh:d :thuul ttli ~ limt· ~'nfl r •ttl !1\ , \), c·an ttl !.! ~' ' ' "at d (·.II n r ,, ' ( · i t r• •"" n t. S"uwvsw ltlfttll• tlw r''tnurk ' 'hill- tlu· ""'" " ''' d . 1u~·~· \ ,,, i ll pn••.{r ·~--s tlmt .. Hill u tlloll g ltl "' \ as ;'\I ' '-'"h' tllt l lcllh' .. ,.,,rn · '-: Itt w id ll t~· · itt \ i I' ~! till a. Sww·'m<' t·h•· n •h•nrt,, d lhnf he lh l'll ~ht tw lu•urcl :\ nhi~~.· lH tJrc h nleun\ , \lll'l'l ' lht• t.ullt·' 1111 tit<• lt-.lll 1'1.tHtmttte·,• \••r•· "''"'a i ­P tl . tlau t '• tH111d• d w• lito llw IIH I~-ok luttl u tl't•(•tt•<l ltn·ir •"'~"'.'· ' ~ hI 1'1-f r H ll f I h ' ' lo,.• I IIII I\ .. lh' p I'll:( I. ( Th \' ht•..: I J ... ) ld " ~ lliH u un tcJJ l' Itt UH' , r)f I' IHII',. , •, ) '' , ltt.t•'! p n 1 I IJ, ·H• lpl) 1;111 ' lt) t' H'flt '-i h HWllh hHl lhnt ditfp 't IH·•· t• hitu rt<ul ol flu· ldh~l..-11 . P~ t\lltln ~: d st• d ill •·tth•••.) \V1uk ( ,oil• r \ IU. IIW " • •ltt iiUIIIIIU ' \ttl lt \ IJ1\ll l•fttJ ••I' ( f',.,. lhl . ) t IJ.. t ,·1 )l t~pJu g -\1' 11it\l' llhllllll l -. ( ,\ SlUHl, Th• ~ fuu dh i t • ul• · l ' lals\lt ~ I' (JIHp.tnJ'. F1Hill tlu' lttth 1111 f•U11W ll jt\ \ I IIIII• \ I lit I ' : ' 'M •:ll h t l l', all I h• & .. ,, • h 11 o da•uu. S hnll l shu·t ... ._ •. , .. • • 9 • ' • • • • . • • J • • • • • • 7 • • • RIZE INN£Rs~ HOM SON ' • ... • • M~ OF MRS. - .APROPOS OF TUE B-l.l SlNltSS '1~-\:\V €LASS .. \ lawyer thus Utu~ ttnl<·s the l tm gu-a~ of his e1·ab: HJf o !lUll) '' •t·c· ir' ~in~ !lnollwr an nran.gc, Jte wonlcl shnpJ,t s·ay:\ ·H~ -e a'ft ·ol'rnr~~-' Hut \hen thf~ trans;\.c liou h. i-t:l t r nst~•l to a 1: wy<w .to lw put in ~w ritw~ he a<lt'n~ls this form: •J h._.c ~l.Jy give and ('!{)n­\ o't>Y 10 ynu, ilil ·and !t'"in ~nl~tr, my es t·:tte 3-nd intt f(' ·t~. rig'ht1 tHlr. .clui•u :..nd arh"l\Jlh,gcs of an<i in sa id ora,n ge. to {eliiL~r ·Hh all HJJ J'ilHil jUiC'C. pulp. pips. ;tud all rights ~UI{l 8 U·V£ll1ttl f,!l!s tltt•rr-in 1 \ fth 1 d 1 vu'\ et· to b i tc~ ·u t, suck <Hid oUH~nYis:e tn dll ttu.• smne • (11' ~i\'P lh(• "'fHl!-(' awuy with ur \ ilhoul tl~e rind. skJtt. ju, i.oe pt Jp or 11ip~. ·m_vlh i n~ Ju:rduhe rort' O·r th''f'~i,,aflt~r td !n ~ ~~y <1lher h!··:ut.· J[ \§-' lnlh'\~r naltJi"t' or kind \1\l ~.abit'~' Pr to th0 l'Ol<t­~ "an· In ~., .. , \Vis<· n~i\Hb.slaJI l i n ~.' •· \m.l llH:;n nn,,.t.h~J hn.,·~~ ~r e~.>mes ahjag a.nd tn1Ps it a\.l/O..f fr •TH ~ <.HL.,.-t>c; ... ~-on Clob'J, • " . HOME OF MRS .EARL PRICE Name PRO!\.IOTIONS r ro·m T· R. L. l tf'i~:!S---·------ '~loo~_l flnom ______ Pipf' F'ith~l E ~\.. \-r. l)Mla111$0U _____ \ •\;.IJ{><l flt)()J)l _ ____ H\lH.J.i. i\Hfl • A. \·. H:ul'i"- ____ .. ___ \VotKI Y;;trt1 ______ nnok .\T~ 1 f). \ V. l.e·tlhC'nvoood .... H. & ~\. L abnr1't' __ H.,ok :\Idt F. H. 'h1 nn _____ __ __ --''. ood R,ovru _____ P,.r· ,.k <\iiH \·. i\1. :\ h-~~\·r -------- \V<>od Hnom ______ \- ~l ~dnct i.P •~ ( f.'t .. t .cl~tlr s. :\I . .:\:llll'rnw · ------~- n. & A. LHhOI'(•r _ _ ~i".IK -'~iU \. S. SUla1ht•rs_ ______ H. ""< A. l..·tl..m rer _ n .)ok \ fi H \-. 0 . \-\' hilakl•r __ ___ H. & ,\. Lahorcr --='tldn .. ' t: r\'~11 n .•J ... H'' --------- i\.F1 C'R 'l'HE ELE.CTRh. \:L CL:\SS ---- 11 H<n~ n'l.:ln\· minute. :uc tht~l·t)f ih u ! ri lo·~.·:n tt h (J l\ !'~" :r-.J,<..'".d • · · rtn u ' ·. H:.r lcs_ • • ·, RIZE INN ERS~ N ILL • • • • • ••• ~- .. Ia .. -.~ ........,.,.,..,__ ~ __, , c "tt~t.---........ ~-~·--·-·-.-.- .. :..-,;----....----...----..-----:-~-----,-........ ~---....... - , ~ _ ... , 'Ill • ~ .. ' • • • I • • 8 THE LOG • • • VOL VII. DECEMBER 1923 NO. ll .. Subscription Rates: Per Copy. Oc. Per Annum $0.00 Invariably in advance Editors now under entt?nee and doing· time. WOOD BOYER PHTLLlPS - ~ - - ---- CHRISTMAS One of the sweetest words, p erhaps in lbe English langnage, l' Ch rist mas. l\ot mereJ~· because Chris tmastide is t11c cbHdren,s .res li' al: when ""Santa Clnus'' come making glad lhc hea r ts or Ute Ut lle ones, by some gift: a token of his lo·ve, but becau ~ c. of Him \~ hose life "·as sacl"iDced upon the crass in order th at we Hlir!h t han~ "On eartb peace, good will" in our hearts rttoword men:· a nd sal\ation by grace through fail h in Christ the Sov-ioul'. Christmas is the da.v we observe as the birthday of Clui~t1 the g lfl o t God's loYe a:n expressjon of J e ho,·ah 's corupassi <:>n for a los t wo rld- uFor God so lo,·ed t he worla> that he gave his only begoUen Son ~ that whosover believeth in Hl tn sbouJcl not p e:rrish !Jut haYe €'\·er lasling life." Thus we slng "Joy to lhe '~,rorlcl , Lhe Loru bas c.ome/' ll came upon the midnight c le:l r. . Tha f glorious son.g of <>1d. From angels ben<..1i n~ near the ~nr th To toucJ1 UH•ir harps of gol<l- ·· p~ace on th earth, go-otl w d1 to men. Fro111 hea\·en's aU-gracious King;;' Tltc world in sol ~ tJHl stillness lay 1Jo J•ea r lhe angels s in g. \' ith th~ C(lmi:og o J the CLaristn1a.slide, ~s \ 'lC feel the l otu~h of His upJjfting iufhJ(; Ilce, rtlll.v we show for-lh Jli~• .., ~plrH by re­memhearing ::;ou'' c)ne let>s. forltuwt•· lhsn our·~l·Jves~ \ j.Lh some IHU~ gift, a t r•J'"fi n of onr {on~ for 1IIrn •.vito ha~ done so 'l:llltch l or n s. thte;. (;CJI.l$ing Sf_ r~y (J( ~UltShiJh: anu Gllris tmns jCI;;\ lll l'OIJ\C to (:"Ver-v home jn GHnto-n. ,;._ __ ..;._ __ _ EDWARD l~'. CARRY, 'lHE PR. ,S JDf~J 'l Orr TUF. PUJ..l .. MAN OOMP Y, A Y!-): Be lfJ\' :tra t~Xc'f'rp.t · f ,'9Jl a uH·;1-.iufot• ~~~~1 to thi.typll'' t tllf>l t· santl csmploy c:c;s hy :.'(!~ r'l rri }-f". Cr n·y, l"l't·-,ldl·cll vf fit•~ PuJIJJ)Uil {~ u q,tw y. 'l'h y n·m i u!lt d US ~f) l'an·r~H dy (~)' o It t' · pt .th ·ci i ,J.I v m~ nt (}( 'JUf ,,wn Vi(•f• J r • idt>t>t4 t-tncl Gt·n-i t·td i\ :•n •• g£'1', \ ft . l tlt•' · bl'n l~. BoJ.,r rt. 'JH , p. JWt .. s~iu~ i•f~ <1 \'u .•tt•tutlP tl)\ ' iA·1<J ·• •~r. t.\ Fi," thfl.t " ' \' tl · irtPiJ to rc-pr uaf IJ tt'1-o lu '"Tlt '-' ' ' ·' ' \ 'I t• 6 lt'-i ... ~c:i• ,. when )'f\U n .• FJ I h i: th.Ht ~ rHI , llh. litutu lhr> \~ llr(l •' :h 11.11• pion Ji'jJJn~" t c1r " 11ttl1 u tttJl / ' und •1N : H it t iHc.,\u'l Otlfid tlkc u m ~satJ~ from M.r. HwfJt rtKo-tt. " f.. bUp••rvi~OJ' " tlc1 r{I.Jf'S uc)f )J .Ji (•V l 11 nmJ [IJ :l ·t tn UJJd tc>ncb Safcl>' Jtu ;il is lit• . , (•t•l<k nf ." HWI 11Ht ontv wHf ill Ju J Ju pn.JtP,, ..... s but lt•• \' ll go hJ ( '.k\''l~Pcl . he· r .ntf rt lld flh• tn l1 th •r ctu! frtJUJ th ·~ Jtl•- lt J.~ ':flu r Il l•· If fbl· i • :-tup•· t·vJ. ~' ' 1\ n1c ;.,,lifftt:J .. 'Ji l lv Oi' lul•·wunn • dln t! Snl ~ t } p• a•-i Ht·; tbut ~ jlJ lJt' tlu~ nltflutJc o f the \'\"'otlrer·"· •c;\n.v 111a·l'l wjlo P'-~rsj ~ J s i.n tlofJlf.! thin;.!~ t~ tu y u"S the\· ' 'e done 20 ·''tnrs oqo is o11L of t11ne w illJ t]w f imf•s, fHl•l tt'\~tn ut1! "l\ i 11 f1 nd b i luseJ f wh(!rce t IJc 11)CitJ()d's of ~0 VNt rs a !!O ~~ re f • - in t'lw dicarcL TIH•f1P olwoys will lx• ''ht!•n.v IJ'lt>ll, tuany miud'." but bt)th mu ·t k.eep abreast u l' tAtlayl. e<wtltlitJIIs a n~l tl1 ~ c c.1 ll for S~ fC Llr Fir: t. " A Pullman emplu:ree who doec; not h e licw· in ~..-fet'" Pirst, or who toils ltJ prn<'tirt- it , timl"'· pn,grcs!-1 in llis \'••,rk a '.Jiffi.cult mttl· lcr. The Pulhll.Ml Company cann£,•t nrtnn.J to M!vartC'e. men who fire iJHJHferen l to t'lr(•crtu ti C!H)~ that mean life r1nd limb t() tlJe>rn, ~s well as bro ken moruiC' nnd c.~pe n~e lq tbc <.;omp,any. · ('Sa fe tr Firs t has heccJme AS vUal iJ'! lmpt>rat:h~e fl p:lrf of our daily wo1·l< as nn.v other t ~.s k. 1J(·nef' lhe 111(1» who fsdl .. to give lltc ~.>e t he has in hitn to Snfety is a detrimept tu so­c iety wrhe P.uJimnn CompHny i~ irre\"Oea.bly and E'nl hu~ia~ l ic:d}v eomrnilt('d to Hn i"nfenshrc. a fet,v Firs'.! prpar :-nn in e\"l" ry th·pnrl­me nl of its ~'Orlc This det · nil inaJion Is dtote not t'n ~~ t h.(•nr~'tfcj f ::li)J>r<"ciaion of the value of Sa fe lJ~" work7 bu l b eC"f&llSC of Y'''H of actual u&roonst rntion of its merit!' .. • MAKING Tll'E F-IRM A.~ ORGANIZED FRlF.NDSRIP lV~r. Ht>-r)'>el't N. C:tsson. Eui lor. of ·'The Ef.tkiene~· \fal!.a­zine,'' London, has ~wrHl cn an tlb le nnd inte rf' tin~ a rti cle:- unrl1.•r th ~ uhave b e~dH ne. \IVe are re'l)flinting it in pa1·t ns i1. Ji!ct' the preced-ing ed itor ia l.. SCC.ft"'\S lO fjt iJ'l SO Well :With the. ethi t~S Of our GWn 01.1g'atliaa tio1,1: "Jtn (!)Flt'Rlili ~ed frie ndship! ean lhere, ll iJ, be :1 higher OJ' Iille r cl'e;6nH.ion O"f a $UOcessfn1 bns iness firrr:t than this? "''l:s not ·a oompa n~., an ass0cia tion or people wbo I ike ucb ~ - oHrer- wl1o are trne to eacn other- ,V:llo mnl<c up for each other' d e fe<?.ts by a elose4 l~iodly eo-opt"ration. ""This i~ wbat eu g)1t to be. This is the it.J(!a t. This is the one best ,v,ay, .tQ ~ondt1-o t a busines. firm . 14Stq~p0se you " re.nt to tlw zoo ~nd horrowed a Uon~ n pel kat'l. an at.Ji guto:r, a r ftl)bit, ~ giraffe nu<l 3 monkey. an-d t'h<.'H h <ll'll~s:-ic.:\1 ' th ~m nil t0geth er · te a r hariol wilh one "v he"l orr. "Wh a t a m-cs~ ~· o u 'd ha ve! You wouldn' t ~~ t ver_,~ fnr or 't'TY r as t w-ith :V<Ln:lr c ltn rio I'. Y ou '"''(!)U) d n' t h :1 ve \r l' I'Y m u<.<lt l uu 1 H I) ht ). frorn such a tcnhl. uH:o:w often people will worlt ~ hJc- by ~i,tl c for yt'a rs. "it hoot e \"er t,lnd e rs landin.g e:,1eh MhCT. and without h:n>i'ug tl t(' lu!htPst syrupnlhy with ca ·h ·ol h ct~ t;>o.i nt vf vi~w. " \ \'ll,a.t a t rug-~dy . iJ i .. and how it s p oils lhe 1 n ncr J.i\ <' of Hlf'U. u.o;;; woiJ a UH:i r btP\ i nes-. "'~l~cc • •·\tetnL)t.: l's o£ ~th e sr~m firrq hun· obti (J~.\Ih..,ns lc'l ~n<· h t)lh~r . t\S • W\1'H a ;; 1o the rlrt n. ' 'rflu•y eo· WOI' k(·rs. 'rh(',\' nHtl'l ploy lo lltlt'h ntl tt·l.\ n ttH· hcst f l)lllh:.tlh;r, du. ·•'fht·~· nrc {Hlid I u .-o ... op(_•rul l', :t ud H I ht•V tH_· ~ It' it In dn '10. t lu ~ du J H'J~ •:Uti thdr pn1v. z . .\ h •JnhuJ.:S or Ilk : t1l\t' li rtll tnll. t \~' f)f]i IOM~· tbt• J•; unc.l il tit.·\ • a • \ bt·. I h•"'l ....::UI do t:11un• I lt:w 1lu." ·l lw,,. •·nu (k\'-\'lop :\ " fl il'it c'lr I ' II Hl i'J.ttJ\.·~ h ip t hat \"iJf JJJ'h-!1tH ~" c •, t • r·~ W,qJdng tl ll~. , . · •( )tt llt i~ t-t llhjv t•t , t lio ~w '••ry ' 't· ll tllllt a tar~' ) Pitrt ol' tlh' It t­\ i l l i not 1 ,l]l'••'d h.)' Uu· h u~i u,•, ~ tlt~u llwau' t' h ·cs, hpt h~ 1 lwl r \' ) \I , '':.Mlll! }' li h ' . ft• , t·•J•· "1i•HH' ill "-' 'l"llhahh· fl·ntiui uc• l"\'ll'<Oil. t: ll , h('f lnt . l'~"i 'l'' utif td \ it h ·,u s piA ' tuca~ ipuJ untuH,sit it:.:- n~nin'l Ju, l'I." J_. lc,w , Hrh a•r ,, '''l'lt< Jt• ts t ~ u · hu.: l I dh IH)I L,ltow au,\ (' tit!(• h•r il : l.ut\" ht,t if,an~:-. t•:t h du u111~ · h l u IHiuhul/.1' I h•~ t ,•H. t .. \. t ·Xpl :lilllll t;t to tlu •11 \>\ H I' llh• r'• •'Hih' l'tdl\ t t·t. lLllll' u l 11 hll ~ llh '"\"\:-; fll'lU. ' "ltt t{Jc' lo ug raw , '"' wi l l' twltl" h t·a lw~l.uitH' lJ.\' ~t'ltlu~ In ,IJ illt~·d . jllld hHUt,\ u wik \Ill lH, quh·k lu nthlt:r~luuit lhi,, it' ht· 1l'l l ath I t l tllh l ett&~ IH·a lt {• "~l•;tt u l '~ ('UIIIIalt-ll4't} • • • • • • l l' fad i ~ , lh t i n (' \ f \ finu . ju~t ~•s in {' ~ ··y f:~f\1-fl y , we •· r\"·n l l't' ( IT· o.f )7,,r ti y pnf.• '· \"'~ • ~·~ d IJH\ 1' • ttt L'r\· ~- thau j l ~ ( .j i' ~ I 11 . ~ I H ~l' r wt· liv t·, t l r w ~ r · ~ li lt· thn t .. ·n t•:tl ,.:,, ut,I,J wi th Y<'Ur britlte· llla u .' ~·til H•>l.wrl ll•trns . th e l ·t nl oth .. F JH:opl <', lhJt lh ' \ Ot-' 1. •iJ ·t h im ~ htl i~ ''i t huut mt\ :U.thl t t i 1 t · ~s tltrow t he Hr:<;:t stow.), ~. I tl\ fh .1. wit\ h ~ thr•)" n. ··~ , nl ·l ~ --sn m ... \YOnd ~ rfn l ( :Ju·L lma" Dny, 01ny c·\)trU' w)H}I1 '' :(J: =-h H an, tu \.\ ritP O\' t · r lite dou1 n f on r ~h Op!-l n~1 d o f fi <"es ttud l t• t ~~.s t lult Di" in l .. aw HHH l ·~" ~ ~ to lltc hi gh 'sl Efrkieu \' aq • \Y' n ; ... th . h t~hc.· ·t R lig ion- LO\'C one Ano t h("r. ··~ } ,. tkiu . .;, us u tH an • f nrd ina t·y affai ns, a nd not as a \)OI' l u r n P:-\ t':'\vl\. ·J w o u'l (l s;.y tha t one s c.ret o f bu ·i:tia· s · ucC"e..~. il'> to •fe,' lop .n t. r fi n n i •l h.> an OT"ganit.(' d Friends h ip, in wh, k h a ll en- .\ ,lJ;tl ·a~ .1rc h \'ld t 1)s ·t hcr by a piril of · itH'Cre al'f ·c liou . • A. B. C. ttt 1 ., :-•rc th hott t''i s pent by the anxious molh<'r in lC:t<'h­i~ h t• ·h ildH•n t t.d r .\. B. (:.'~ so thn t t ht>y mns he nble to l'rn' 1 f1,.d wdlf' thu' be-tte r fi l l ing th ~ m for the problcn1s of li fe; t<.\• \r , .. ,,,~ ~.s • h: <.:ttd~·l n 10 " 'Jc''-' ~. 'fhc ruor\! know l ed~e we ~ t>~ ll~"r tit he{ ,, ,. arc 1'01~ lit' ·~ duti<;!S. HoweYe1·, we \' n••t ht·Pc tn ~: ;tn m ud a lcrww iNlg r· ('f lhe bi g.g~ r prohlems of li~t· .riU t(\Ut l\1 10\ J n~ Oll r .~' B. c:~ .\e :t..hl noticed l h<: le. ttcrs . \ . B. ~ post e-d on t he w3lls, ~~ flu: eutr . .&n<'<· Lo <~e:u.:h t"Oom. the he:Ht (Jr s ~ ai rw·urs •. a t Lhe dr, nV. , •t~-\ ff\tnJt tt ins amJ nuHlY lll h t' r pJ ~ (·(•o.; t h r o..: •rl '' • t L'fie. Pln n t? l )t • ou Lh'"' · o;·4 h~l tt ufe ntHl·~ Each Jc tte1· s t~ nd$ f or- :'\ ~"Q&'d and r th<''.C for" th .ilog,w ".\hY~lY:O. 0 · Ct•r c· fq l: " " hlc:h "'h t::lthl he (l c .l~ vri • ciple or cYcry JW1 on. I l w 't ~ • ~· thiul\ it i~ n go< d :- l ogan ~ 0t ;tgL l t Q d Q w 1 .w t H s ~~ " ? l f w ~"' 1 h c U l> I u 1 I l11iut< .· · "'('Jntd h:1vc fc"' N· nceitl<: n t ·? Don:t •ton think we • I n~hi n ~ · dnn't you •· •• FS : , • (A.ln.·fn )'' •neaus. whHl e t ' f' ) \)U nre d(l ill~, \h 11\~ r i· ru.. .... ..., iu ) ti\f: H(J'<!P t ~) r r :.lil rt,a d ; ::to in t:; up ot· d('WH ~b4(r·· , · }J(;r.:alin t a t; c·h itlc nn l1 1t-> fti/!lt v.ty u r in t lw f:wl ury ! li~Hdl in~ ;, (·:r . ' u .lt4·, i: i; ,,1· ~t ",,rlt o r at p }fty : " • s hould · \lWa)S Be c~ ,. f tl"' t~·1\ '\" • ll ff··· {l ' l i n j l j r y ... L1~~' • ud lituh fUV tut) PlUWi ' •·U." lq t ri f le \ Hh ""d \ he n onnt" \t t.: .._,~ , . ,_.,. H~Jt )1 • t t•p l:we.t. U.h : tc~ f'w · ~~· 11}t1. ·t :d , \.~!)-~ he t ··1 d it \l"'~ lu.J w iu <:b 1.qw <Wl H lt·nl:t ~ iuj 1r. •• •' ilf.JWl••,l ;(' , i :t t ll · n~ is not ~u fi H·. h ••L \ '~ n• ~t.\' kn,)W t1w H: 1(1 ow tJI' \ . H. C.'s hut n nlt ·~ W<' h t · np t.l it ~'tto~l ti tl ' ,., . iHC nof I)'''H li'it . .:•L 'I IH tilt br.f~ \t ~ •.>U ~IC' t <HH.l Hu·n tiff . U l •1 'J h tht· tlf UIJ1H'-:; Hl ), J wH~-" bt '.d'\•fltl/' - l ,. "'"" ' .. p ... _ _ ......,. • ht• ll1ll•l•ld •·l <'l:·Hi O l lllr , .l•H .!o /.l( l'hC" C h ti lll pi n rl lh II ~ (,r t .d ) , , 1~ :\ t• ia•ld N•i\ •11tfw f' :• ; tt .. \h• ... ,·~ .. J, • ( M I, 111 ,u tt l t·t J•tio~ · , ,r , d r(jh,:d lo ' r ' c.· tltr'* t> ·ot·W f 'l. il1 :-u t,fH ird \ tu IJwsu t s l r, I IJ • l J!1 h• HIt t] n I .. ... t I H t I I ~)c\ I lh n f J .t .W J ~ ( ;ln r k , ljr · ·,; .111d ~I n{\;, \Vl;. f •w. •, .. hut\1, I h •· \ ' :o. U:~ hd ion r c•t·,•h ,.ff •• f , '.\ lld1 /)t•\ t' .c \: '../. '• . .i~t" h ll , ( ) n 1 tt1 r { ' I W'I :. ~ h d . " <( 6 .1 I I I ' u f PJU · ·•~~ tua 1 It \ 1 !I •~n nwd d h t•l ~ ~ ~~ . l'lw •" rt" l \II' II ' IHtlllllll l ~tl ~)•'"r c 11l. uf t i1• ) r •f HJCt \ f Y IJt ll , ~2 pPr 'f'ftl tlf t ht"ir lit ur ~I(•IJI~I\11 Ht0 J ~, ... , ~"··· lht• \'\ ilt~ll . 1 .,. • •' lll ,,f th•' ~ ·,. ... t r.t IJu·aJ· 1tu·J pur N:t II J' (IJ J ' I ;J, l lh • ·\ ~.;Ot(\1 iUf tOll flm., I,'(' I IH IH' (l t : ; •t li"~ ···h. }.o hJ. U ' •11 :.11 ~ uv l t-tnc'• ot t hn~-.t w IH' h ~, c·d .ut i I { d f c)n.t l ~01• •)f l \ i: t d y Ji tl1H. d u ' t yot-.t \hh \hU w,-, ,•'! I f~ t \' \ 'IJ I f.' I l II •• l t: r\·t 1•, , tu b. t ' jui ll ' ( lib• u Jltnnth wh i h l hitl ul , JiH. I I ll·· OlQl'l ' ut \•Hfl' vun• ha.~ • '!' l•ou Sl r 1'1"','' Ht · t1 11, n • .> ( H •\ i II ~t• l hn<"h in t.lh I · . ,• · \ .,u, ' , ) t . tj p;., .uul I t l fl l t lh•m i u wh c•t• ,. ''' c•,· n n ..... t J u \ ~ ~ ••t t! \' t.· r he )ql etf a h•i' \ '{\ \ If tlt ~)h. iiHt Hlhllt' \'- 'f • • • .._T ULLUJ ALO'NZO 1 flSO~." -Foremtu'l Elect rolytic Ble:lCh l partrnent- ..,T ull/' I sa: ~.cL ._ Vhe re diu y Gu ::.4et yO't.n .,_,am,.,?' ' 'l ' tl l till .Y ou.: · h~ -.--tid : .. ~h-· lHOthcr ' uxrrie u me ont o ch1lTCI\ o n.e tbl\"' a n<l nn oh1 pn·~•d'h~ r a..;;k lod he r ·,, har my name \':. "· \ 'ht:>!l sht"' loJJ him l didn't hu' t' nn~ ~ be c;brL lttlC tl me 1'1 ~· 1 then ad thl' r C, 'J'·•t l li t lS lon'l., . He tnt l mc)ther th:1.t 1'1.1J Hu::·• ·n~ a greo.:t \ \ 1t t·rln r .'' ··J \v~" nt\sed ri f!h l hen' in H~ywood Count\•, d h n they twr;;U) tn b r ealt rlrottnd ror th I mill. t ~"H-~ tlr-idn~ il. ttuun. 'Ih~ Hr t n~n l joll) lhn l t h(ld t, f\ ' r thot \.1S dig!£,n~ th .. d&h:h n·om. the pn mp 1tou. (' lo t h<' ' '" Jl fnr t h ~ lnyh\{:! \ the pip· for- t ' !. uwiP w uh: r '-UI')P!'. 1' ht• flikh ''a' lhtoui.ti qtti<:.k , nd ,\ goou parl t')f tt. c- \ ny ~uld f r M' 'e '~~~ d· '~it ltmk '"'ll ,J iY !Ott),( to· tu"e Ol l t t!H) Jt'lnLt"ti u l whtC"h t\ on I l 't.t·~·1· Jn th1l"in· ·~ th~ nh.;ht. • " .Arter Lha l I w q·l<~ J . iu ttw .. n, l 4\ltll hlT -~ u ye r;;; ~ll t ·he tit · e()}1ll,~' ' ~ d ,·hh'd t•> l)uild ~~n Eic>· 1 l~th: l ~~!l\ Pl..u t J., t' t: l wn oJ f f·.n · l n i h in 1h t tl r~ t·t n"·nt. I UCt:''"pted tltc ,r~ frt rraJl i tl ~'mn t >-•11 ,. '' ilh ${' \ tHt• l o th"·r-s 1 W('t\t ton t'lnnt in :1s ... ~ o n :-; i ll itl th~ ,lt u.l of' inh•r, t I •l rn flUQlll Hlc pt'"r tion of tiH hlr<h:h ·· ·a ldu ~ (" ·H'\. r l t,t\~t' Ot' ' I \ ,Jrking st ·nddy in th E. n.. 1 l ~tnt ..... i u( l ' • lt.t,t l wh:· ,\1J'. ,l :tmi..,rm, na ··Tntr· as h. ). i.s hdt s l~no'' 11. is vne of: th<> HW\t fJ' l j \l lltt l' h\4 ,1 d h·t s t'\( th~ ChHntp&•Hl ... ~.ttHil)'. nc is l ~~ ld lf \'' It ltl ll"' { t il ~H't tH\1H of ht' q Uli 4 r,.hH s •[)h) ... ull th · llllt~U . ph r" '~· h · ns,l. w II ~: ~o n \'l~ ... l i,'ft ft. r h • hn.s 3 pC(·nli nml l \p n·~:-. {\' •' ,.,~{!) 11) H\d of l •:a~J is l'~ fh· ('U ft ll~H ·' stury. .\ \'• l•lp li• ) • t'.tl ~ u,~'' h e• \,·us •· '; ,r• out.l after lhtlt t~ • . "'" '' d 111 HH• '\ •·ud l tHt llt•p Jlltn-nt t ,. 'a ft" ,, w ... 1,~ b lt lu" wm; :·~ l tJtf fo 1 , •Itt 'Lf' t t 't ( ; l llt'fm r •l \'~ \' l' \• fJl.ld H I h :H e h.h\ kJtl\. ''· t h• 1 • ' ' u (· t'tt ttw \ Hln it• !1lcl ·n th .!t \ , & lln (·llu.l3ih !l lot~S,"nl ,., fll~tf hnld.\ I ht• n.'~ P' t t \ hls ft tl•l ,. cit 1?. : tl • H th ' mill llll 1 !)Ut. . I p tid t' t l(' 11\ home 1i nJ c..:rhH.· \( .,. ru "' r".u ,·]lild rt· tl W1th n\nl)( ~ 'ill'll• 'cl rl • ttl \ l ht• \~h;,nqH•Hl l·"'lbrv Comth&n::· .·aid Ttttl. •p t' nplt: 4.ti11U IU.t f t (•f"'C t)t\ lul \' • J liH..' 'WhRt •\ tli 1 t "H'(\f pi tt'<' llti; ttl \ , , i .:nH •· flh· mdl \'.ntl~ ul' '"·'\' it hn~ chan ,} sith: lh h &l 1\• .,.l:, \':-., \ h' 1 1 fn \ ,•ut t,, \ .. rr. P \.\l hi n ~ " !,, ~uid f "'u \'ly l'1r l. It a h'l hH \t;ul t .. ~tn•md JlP•'tl lu,:·l lw ch tlu't g~ t ht:nl. Htll it tl\ 'l tu l d.fil'l'J'\.'h t It ~ . \.: f , H, .H\:Hl H1 th. .. l-~· tlu s \rtUfU h •l l n H\!ln f, ) th.) s:ouw hin:~ t "' 1\t: \S HH.l slat)\~ hlm ho l• • ~ h.'l 11 n r"' : · .\ ~ s l. tll •\ tt b•Hl.' •' Ptll l1 • , ·: U ttl l"' ~h> L')•. f'oJ h)\ing is ' l ~ =• tltj r h' 0.1 Id s t\'tn h d 't •·h" 1..· ' • -·-·• • 10 THE LOG ' . ''Th(' first U1ne l l'l'h)\'cd :1 Clcr we got lll.U.rricrl, t:O:."" w· if~ ,~!.l l'­r\ cd the baby :md I c.a.nieJ the ful·nittll'C. Tfi<1 bou~c w,e mm·ect into had ueh bi~ Ltra<'ks in lhc rO<)f I hat we 'OUid set' ns Ulnuy s tars n-s if ""'e '\:\·c.n·e out of Joor . Anu th.('"r wor~: r racl\i' In lhc ''rnlls ~h~tc the ca.ts went in and out. ·c ,\ l l\lmo.., l Corgol. there '''S!:lo n hoot o·wl in the ~ttk. P\·c vonclcrc.~u n U1ousund limes why Fanny dldn't len""'e me." And so on, and Q<n he gOf:'.s, a lwt.\~~s \'llh good humor, ah-'f'.\-·l:l ecing the ~lniling ~,ide of ifv, n. gQOfl IH:>nckt IH'I;thbo.r, a Qheerful oontpnnjolt, and ,, jo) ou.s fellow workN·. \V~ arc glad \o get him in lh~ ··t..Q,..:' LOOK A D LI TEN I clo not fe'Sr a "i reu \Vitb .a llll\SS of mirtn'ig ht hnir );\-ith wicked dronping eyelids An<l a blase worldly f.lir; But, ol\,. 1 C'ross m:r fingers \VhL"n-1 1nect a bl ond-hait·cd rnlle ''"Hll a bluc-csed bah~ su.tre. • , • - Stralmo:rf'an. NA1:GHTY, NAUGHTY I I • At a concert held in an old co\~nt ry '\"'illnge tlle old w;lliLe­h: I ir etl reclor w1ls in the ch-ajr. The old gentleman -announced each song and <mnsed som,B smile~ when he took u-p tbe prognuurn.e and said, the nest wi ll be thal beautiful song ·•put :\1e in :\Iy LiLt le Bect.u by 1\l jss J ones, act."'rupanicd b.v our worthy curate ~ir.. 'Brown..-Selectecl. • • • AUl'OCALL S:IC ALS Si~n al N,tln}'~ 1. ----·---------- - 'Vhist lc SignttJ 2. ----------.. --·- .. no be rison _____ --------__ l·{o'h~ ~r1s ____________ ... __ \l\1 ~ tm<lr<•ln ucl 3. rl. 5. 6. 12. J 3. 14. 1 z. w. 2L ?...( ..l.. 2'3. 24. 25. :H. J2. :la. ~J4. •12. iL 1 r2. --------- ------ _Hi lu.nhra ;,.t _..,. __ ~---------- Lyr· rly ~ ------"'------------ \.{~rr ---------- ______ 1\fi t Chf' l\ ___ --~ --------...1- f~l:1r k ~---- -~~- ._. __ · ---Ci!.;, I vi tl ----------- ----- 'V(>Hd - - - ---------- - __ t(<- nn-y ------- - -- ------T ran LJ,J;tm --- --- _____ ._,_ ___ P l'ice __ --------------TrQslel - ------ _________ Sp ra.J,tg - ---- ---- -- -----~~a rri.son ----------- - - --Er11s t • ________ _____ J :n van: tn~h ----------.---- --I •' rtllt-. .' e • ,_, . l'l " ---------------- . \Js: l()S ---- - ----------- 'h'\•" tJ ii)l • • < '\iVfl~ R.ALL TRANSPORTATION LAGS. ~ . • • •• Teacher: · '~'.illi c w;ri Le an essay on the jucome tax.u '"l own a dog. His name ,is Tux. 1 oJJ(;:med the iloot· un{1 in­come T:l-\:.··-x. C. R. )ie·ws. K~t l'lS*ts ):rns~ or tt l d~' ·which orcl.~.rcd l ha t "whe,n l wn _t;r a ins aP,JHO ~he ~ ~aelt eth('r .ala c.ras.siog t h<!.y $1\~111 both rom~ . L0 a £~1H shop," n.oef "ltt:' sha1l s t ~rL tip ~1,ga w :UUlil liH• oth<-r " • • • h~ ·g0n:e-: f • liHrtiHJn ;\[won•, Phy~->knJ llh't't!l nt•, ,..;. N .. Ci;utJ. \o\rc1~1\l'l SP.r•·ll ... ; \I Ia •rl Huhi II ~ ~ll ~ H u•o l SiH g.ftdrrll ~ t, ktlll S1rwtlwt : I •t• Mrt-;IJ•~tt ll , Bn·t ( .. c 4 t(•; " . j. Hin'l.c l" II il htl'tl UnJI ; Snm 1~· .. hnr L • • • • • • • ' r • ' ' • • INNERS 0 HJRDAND OURTH • • • • - ~O M E Of MRS .JOHN GADDY ~b ~ '1<'C:•:\nq m nyi n l! tl holo wa.;; la}{~Tl lac;. l :"1\lm"lrt'(tr whil<' G. 1 • >tnit l) !ll.d \ if,•, '\"'i ll (;.-lf, in and \ ' Jfe . .i\ J ~. JosJi U. ll('C J.o~­fin., l~r nHw. Mnri~ nnd Baby Ca l \'in \V(.. f~ c' njOoy in;4 their v. c~H ion l' hit h jn. htdcd an a tttoJnohile. trip ltJ l\lu• han ~\!viU c, S;.u·~ to ~~ :lnt J ;··~'" • ~l~org• · . ·,.. '¥ Yor k. , ) r. ·n~;t h ':lnd party were :1.' '-'ft.V f r<nn C:t ntl)n nne monlh :tfld '\hH · () t t th ... h· j ()Ufll.('J' the; ,·is itf'' l Hallintun·. Philnrle lphia , • l~ · • Yo!'k.. lb:•nv. Sdn,t:ctntly und ot her wdl known c it ies. (Jtd'T l'IJI ·· ~wei fl ~ nt ol~cnr'tf'u. This w fls nt ' V;' \'a. Penn., • wher" Mt". CuJ in stU'ppe'-l h1s car· at a ra il'rn:ld Ld rlge and '~ Hd thy g";c· JtPtl ., •HtlttP f c-o1n thP 1'('~11· . Til e ~' ~~~~ \ , ill s l rtrl(•cj t<> 'HY ~mt~th i n · Nl; , ut ~"\' hf•t are ()U doiSt ~~" but got mi l.v.l ''tl ~ ~~~~ t t • uabu· «JJ t h•• t o\Hl h '~ w~t ~ Lu atHJ a ll h.c .·!t1c.l '"as ·wa l I :J~ ' ........ __ ._.,.... ......... • • • • • 11 RIZES OWER IBREVILLE - H OME. Of MRS. f RED SC HU LE R •• 'l' hc ra r·s rc~ i s t e red 2,5 !0 m t t~. The serond nj;~ht out on thetr j"tn.· n~)l' there ~'as a sho·wer during the Jgltt wt1id1 lu~ ed hut a rew montenls: ··Smithy" b~ i ug t.h~ oHIJ; one w:1 ot There wns no o.ther t'ft iny day until after the partf' read c.d Ute lll11: f{i tl g~ on Lhc ret urn t ri p. Ttv•:r u~ u a f:)" c· mpeu at nigl1t oul!-ide of t~wn. lo be un <'\'J)t'rl n t pic-king out spots "'here the nu.r.:i thkk and has been fas ting for a fe\v da)·-._ •• • tJwy we rt.• los t , " lHtr· staru:-d 1Y.. ck to an o d fa m bon up in \' i r ginio tQ ge t some information and , .. i ;le on hi ... wa. wa.s uH ten "nmcwh.cre belwcen tbe atrtt• au! th fsu1~ ~e J.>y :l ho und uog. fhe CHl'liDe took jl, S! 4'\JW ' ip, then tt• .. ,fiz.• f\ t nut h1• hw1 w ntle ~' oti~ t ak~ he l~t't.. '"Riu•· h~ld n ha~ • «.iter- .ef ... ft;£.l " lJuL "Sn~i lby•' s~'·et\l 01a t lhe tl \~ ·\~ .na· ou' '· (dm~inu-cd ~ n 11.~xt page} • • I • l • • • • • 12 1~1-IE lAG • • • • • \ 'OOD ---- Under a mi~ht~- tree in a f\ rest of ~nnls we mnrveHcd aboul wood. 'Voo(l made possible the di ~l'OVCry or Am.6 rit~n. The SJYi f'it nf th~ naYh!n&or: Chris to-pht?r (t()Jumlms. was 0 11~:' Il('lnly brol· "tl. [htl the .. tout hc:rrt of lt1e ship be s~ilcc.l: nc er r~ ll e t·cd . ''"ood-T.he ~Jnyflower-brought the first settJ .. .-s to New r:n;land. The unt'onquerable frame of that nobJe s h jp, defied the ft•rv of wind and ·ea. \Vood baltl ·d in the ser\'ice of de- • tenltincd mC'n, frightened womenJ terrified c hildre n-and won at th(; Jla,·en of Plymouth Roek. Standin !:! there in the forest of the Gr c3L Smokv !,founta ins. • at tlh. foot of <'DC of the giant spruces which would e \ entnalJy bP('onw Ch!Hllplon Plllp and then P:lper, we cxperi "need a touch .,f it. :..;rt'::\lncss-with it came a sense of humility al our ow·n il•si -~ftitkancc.. But the most bewildering si~ht, one that su rpasscd aU olhers 7 ~rns. lo s~e thot magicia.n und the miracles w hicb he pcrrormed t\·ilh ju~l ordinary wood, known to us as A. D. Durned if he rUcln't make him blow half dollars out o) his nose and then pjcked a lot more righ l out of lhe top o· his bald head. For a week or more it was noticed lh :tl i\fr. Phillips. upcr­,.- Lor of the SerYice Departmc.-:nl "as hobbling around on crtitebes rsnd in ac. c, ordance wittl lhc Safely Firs t practice some-one started out to lind out if he had suffered an acchleTll and .itt l lllH\ it lw ppcned. Fo1lowing is ll1c s tory as we received H: Mr. PhilJj~!> v.·a s l;i lling a.L his d~· k in lhe Jilth..· office next to lhe First Ajd room, ~~t ilh botb feel on the d~k. his chai r till ed h~H~k :.tnd tis lhOU~hb; deep in the prohiCJ1tS or his WOrk When Mr. HobcrL,on t~nlE: fcd . J1 was no t the usuoJ qllh' l cnln~ n ce, hnl he came a::, jf jn a hurry anrl when ,,. al1c1 fo()kt>d UIJ he \WlS ·ur­pd :cd to ·e ~ hint ~t••n<liu~ r·jghl at J1 b d~-slc Ue was o sl u rt lr d th()t !Joth fe(~t ,.,·crc t drnwn back off lhc desk and ca ~tlc lo lhe fli>Ot '' ilh u crash. 1£ JHJJo: bf·en su~gestert tbat in orde r to avoid fi similtlr 3<'y.i-d( 1ml in the 111ltrre that a sign be pl~e~d on tb~ unol" rcml i iJ {::!: "Ehl t-J• s Jq,: Jy and c an.dull.y" OJ' f·\Vhi, tlc as you ap()rou.ult. '> .~--=------ - ----,-- flABJT Jfahi l i: 0 (UIJJ'IY lJJJug, \.,.~' Vt• fi ,•:en) tlf lhC' nf,r.<·nt lllillciNl yo•1u~ lrid~ 1\-\'f•o tJJ;, ,·k• n •:J her lips 4vHh •tn ey•"'" pcnt·jl, llu·n lir> ~ tkl '.JO lu·r 'yt•s. \Vh •u t1u· malkr wn~ utJJNJ tc• JH. r allctl­tion tH. s l ~d •·d tl,at sh•, <l )rl rwl n ".. "a ftzc ~ h e had IJ• ,.,. u' J" ~ 1Ju·o:e things .at a ll. ~u rmun Prr~ ·lc• , o f lllflt)le o1 llu;;; lf~ mkw;y rang '•Htl ht!: :w Wt•red it. the ~ys lem 0 Jfi<-,..t ~•Hord : ,,r our..s. 11H· of ltP.-r tluy plwu~ •·Tc:l f 1~. B. \Vn I !-;11 11 to r<(JJHtt hnrh · aufl p ·.m pfa<) Jll• 1},,. cltrc I ''"• j>J•~ru-• ·/· w; s f. he m< · ne~.~ lt/) hcwr l lu hi1 tl~tJ(d JWHwer, ! ht VII • h•· tm L-· •vlwn tor lJ'''·i ~tl r< p:-dJ' j•;Jw. nncJ )1i:wlt-t ~ ~ ~~l 1 w·w·y <' :\ llr.l.l iJv J.u. MHrl in • ··1s !Jr. JGftU l)fl iH I" Jl ,• ,, It nm. w<•a1 H· ~ cull ·~ 0 l f ~f' J'S t It ' Ill il II "PJ•·uM. hang up "' tu·ch·r for a Sf;t-<•nll ~~tlJ ul llt'l \1Hh)rttt'N ltn11u! ;md ght•~ ll w J)c wls \'h(; Jl ttl! NH1W iu. f:S• •t kr &Hfik•· H rt Y~ t! II')\V t.~r<.lcr." :\'P. .tu.h·rse pn~ 'Ills fo IJ•'\ ~HP ,,f tlw • yo.t •· u f ,, ll<• r, r ''l' r­~' llt.'' t•olbA S•t~tl d:.y o I nJ,y \ill;,,. h 1· .\'ilh H Jt'h 1111111J~w. • ."\ nd it en IIU' In pn ~s i" t hf! tl :• ~·~ of I I • u~IHnt·nsc, I hr nw 'tfH! or Tr:lfflr thnt his hrnll n•n't'n('(J for the Ji f(• of tht· hunl ·r. ''t·.n • \'e rily ror tlw huu tin!.( nr hirrh. I'Jf thf! 1\ir. And hr ~ pnlu· Hl'ltll HtlH»rd :llld nJ .. n t:nto r, .. J,non, lltHt•r·~ in thP phu.·,.. whf'rr llw n·•·(m Js nrt' kept. snr in ~. " t A·I ••!i l,tkt· nr> arms :nul hunt." nd th e,\· journ(•yed unto tlH' l tlml t·c:tliN1 Crub 'frcf! whh·h is nn:t· n ~o in ·t Jono I h on'" Ct·{I(•Jc And llnghrrH'!H.!-ot' saw 11 hinl whkh tnok tH g hl trom n ~~~and .. J1e ki11cd it. ;-\nd Hilliard rlid ki ll two rabhib. hut f'.,d(•tw-Jn kill'"d l)(lt,h i ng. And they journ(•,,•r-d nnto the atmde ot the nwncr nr lhc l:t nct who was c:n ll rtl Fc r~u~on . . \nd Jfu C! spHke unto th~ \ \f•IJI lfl of 1 h e- bonsc, ~ayj ng: " lkholcl I h t• J>hra.sant whkh I have thi ~ tl:t.v k illed." · .\ nd she looked npon ltH• '>ird which w:•~ in his hnnd and 'n~ mndc answ r , say ing: "T'hat n !rily is o n~ or my c hi c ken ~: · 1\n I JJughmca ·c w:1. downc:·m:t in s pirit. And {Vhen they h ad s up pe<l onu ·wc.:rc ll't:l\~in l!, the wntllrtn spakc words of counsel nnh\ fl illi~trcl saying: ·'Go thou with t h4l lillie m an anti him t h rtl he k eep ~nnty fron1 tht» cr~~k. tor we h a"'~ then.· lllt"tM:V floc k~ f>l t.ltl<.--ks ~,rul be~ll ~hoot 'em sure." On [he r. r!\t Tllcsda,\· j n De< umher, Mr. noh c.•J'hOU \'f}~ 011 duly hHc l· thnn us uoJ in the eve- ning an~l '' ln•n he look fli, <·:•r from. the gnrage .Jncl< wns no t o n hand tn . h ut t ht· cloor an<l lnd\ it. Alon-g abau l 7 o·c lock, Dave l{ err caoJC' to tcac·h hh dn~s .. tt t he "Y'~ and a.s it was ra inin g . h i~ fltlent ion was cHIIt·d to liH! op~Jl door nnd empty gn ra~c. , o be druYe ri ght i t1. \' hile he wa a t clas . .. Jud< came oYer to shnt the gnragc a~ u..:un l ~nd w ben Dnvc came from tht• •·y·• he foU"lHI the lloor lo<:kcd. It i~ re ported tha t he spent sonw linw looking for n flu sh Ji ~hl mul after finding one he UH\Uut!cd lo ~hH' llis e}'<'S to a rr:wk in the· doot a n<l wa · nhlc lo read the riUillhc r on bis licenst> plntt·. "H assnr it1g hi n•"elf lhnl the car ~,·os ~nfc. H e Lhcn starl rd nfoeal np lhc lp ng wet trHil to his horuc. '''~' undt>rslnt'HI f'>:H' • i:- nnw J)rtt.tJn rit1 ~ 4l . l•rnHH1, th' t1·\ t Pf w hi ·h i ~, "AHd llu· ()(l O r \r<1.5\ Shul.'. MA ROO~ED. D 11 ri 11 C. the n•t 't>lll dry 'P' ' JI 1lo1n Stt''('·m: lw~ hc·1.·n in lht' • c·t•'lrH).I or \alh tn ~ o11l on a l!r::t\~1 hl'rl ncar lht• hritl ~c nurl tlh·rt'' sitlj n~ t> l) :t lug lo l i·~un· up hi · Wll()d t\t: ' Olllll'\. 't''hl' thcr ••·• t twn· \a :~ hu:l\1.'' ruin ttp I IH· r i vt:'r n 11J '"f'u. h'r ''''JHlf:' t h.ll J uh 11 lind lcJ wndt• kl\1 l' un·p ill lh<' l\~<'Oll l1'\ J;fl•l IMPk to . ' \llt ·. ------~~~~-------------- -- U IMEit TRIP. (,·ontilllh'U rrnm lutJ;e t l) 1\ f111111.' 1 hinM lmppt' ll •d llfJ In l'rl t lmh:lphlu. ··Hil l" ' pu '''" n s l rt-t· l {':tr rHI•l l ll l" l rulll•· , ·np ~·• t ldtn. 1'1)\) HHl l.JJii\ illl,\ '"·d~ i ll Pltlhtd -~phi u '!!>l • skl'd l lw P"ll~·~·~ Jnn••· "t\ ' • .,:· ·,n d Hill. " h ut I 1\rltH\ u \'o\qJ..h• o l I" .lim\ ~ tluw11 ln ~ :· 111- luu tiHd ll,,.,j lo l1 ,. Ill fIll> td !lr'P, ~.II' . \ . 1·:. lh lu•rh tHid ,\( 6'. \' . H. ( tlli1 •. ' I •J&'\' (tn b••th J-itlod frh.·u:-. c)l' 11111lt•.'1 t ' ~tl 1 ok•H•-•n 1t .tllln•d Ills h tiiHI am.l ~ hnn l\ it. · • t ;lv~ Ill f• 1ts (, ltii ·JIJIJHt h \ JH I\ \ Ult a..';l· t h,U'J.i,' ' lw ' Hill. '' ~\11d If \oiU , •. , lttfo l ilt\ ll••llh ll' ha ... lo • J Hll gnl ''" ret I U\ U, HH'tH ' hac· t•fllt lfH> Ii 1111 ltp. ·· Ph, t 1 p WT•s iJt ' u l•n' •-th·•·,--; , •• uti f•\' t~ l J mt•tniM•r of 1 h ~ l J(l t•t \ If J.l d , t Ill I r ( } 111• 1 • ____ ....,.,_;._,..--,.,.-,o.~-'l&,.,~_,o.....,..,..,-~--"-~-.-·•. .• .,.. . _,,..,. ,...,- -:"'.,,_,_._,_ _,s_z •...,.,,_•~. ..._. . .._w'o•.,...,.....,..-'"!,.....,.-'·,.-:-.,-•-•- ----··~'41=-·-~ .....U..--~~~--.... "''""-""""-""'~._ ·--·----..,...;.. ,. ...,.....,~..,._. .. •;c s fL!!! r ~ '!i! EE"'I P L •• .. 11 lj llif a ·· ~ : ill • ' I .I I • • • 14 • THE .. O ~ RY Cl s -.,s The t btee ~tn:-. 11 t)iChtt "s <'n this pt\g~=' sh~v· sotu~ of the t binp;s built bv t he masonr " • • ''Tt.,mmy)' Furness. our or the first le_son \)hen cl::l "'~ unrl~r lh ;) c:lpnhlc ins lrn<:tinn or :\1a~t(\r Iason. One picture ls tbe worl< the tudenls wer ~ Jellrniu.~. how lo h a ndle lJriLk. £Tltwt-nr an(l ltow~1 properly . . A litllc lnl \r, the cl-a~s lnlilt ~CH~rn l lire places 8 l their instruction p lace in the nuolt Mill bn~ - mcnt nnd these \ere tollo,\ed hs the- l'himnt;>y top~ , b >wn \.n I he third pklurt-. T1u~~e m n in th i~ ciR s who were a'l~o masons' h ··lp( 1~. h~l\-.:> bc"~n _,i\'C'n opportunity· nt lh t~ !-:a ll'\C linH'. to put in a\'lu:ll proetice whnt th<".\? letrrncd al c ia.', h. Jnring the cemcn l- 1,1nd\ "all~ ol the nC\l' fu nmJry and pulling in brick ll ndcrpi u­ning n· se't'era.l FibreYille hous~ \ ·c t·~pt"c l. hl lc r. to .-:;h~- mort> pklurrs of tl1e pro~ rc~s of tili'-. a~ well as o t other c l a~scs whose worlt can uc pho Log HtplH"d. ECO:NO~fiC THOUGHT A ynun!! huh · of \Yilmin g lon, Dc lnwarC'. • • l)f lhc high COS{ Of Ji\·ing \YU. \ :V{')::nv:HC, Saiu she, l suppose I can sHYc <>n m~· dot h e~ Jf l unn'l ~vc:ul·~m wh~t the llc law:J r<':· FI l {£ PbA CES HO.SPl1!A L NOT .S. • • J. \V. Ltllfacr, t•IOJ1!on·d ill lh\· I' 'J''. ,. dq>aJ f ,, t•ut. rl ·llft'tll'd fJ'Otll lht ht,-.J,Ihl rf·t·J·ut iv . • \her~ ht. hn: hl••·11 trrldf•r tlw \ 111'1' .,r f> •. l::. H <.lc·tll •. L 1Uwr wn r·arrir•d to tlw ltu !)it:d •~14'\f' l c \'N·hs a ..,.rt Jo\UU' rin~ 1 rcHH :• v.t·r.v 'rJdly .fnwlltrc•ll l •~JJ, \ Jddt wa, l'Ullb•''l J;y rU tHdll;.l. inlu ;; l'HT \Jt:i Jc• rj.diltJt H Jllt ,J (•l'• ~' ·J '. Br•tl Ct1glc·. Q} ltHJ l ,.:,hnr•alt ... r_r f l I'' '"• WHS l'••n •ufly C'!fllt•d tlf t lw lwd. ith• Jf hill- Jll htJH•J'1 \ ho H"·ldc•i> i t I l f, w lt•J qnv HJc·, . < • .~1 r ::>. C11t4ll. i:; g:! y• ·• ·· ~ ol st'' ·, awl fw:; ,,,.,.,, • •utlllll'd lq lu 1 lwd ~ t:JJ' llw JHI 1 lh r• ·t.: Vr t> l~s. \Vt• ~~ r~~ 11Ja rl I CJ r• p t •fl ftu -. • • ••1, th:d h~· iti Jco•·fi Jl'.t ht•llt r. 0 H< \''P,' (l illc"!-.{~1<', rJj lt''' ~1.11 11 I'Jf fil :t·, \dJo Ji ; l l\ J,, •tl'tl llflt•l .. iu.g fi"~JU u !'\PV,! u ull .de ttl t•lcUJ'i ~"Y, rt• ltt,·rwd a f•·\1• tlny"i "~" l l'htn I tw J ~l l'IJ .-I t Bfltlld r l tU~ l Jib l , WJI• ' I' \' lu! lHt-H Jjl 'l' ll r o . t A l'tt l f!.w/JJ. r; . o -==--• = f ... - i Pc._,~---- • • Fl nsT L J~SSON - . ... ·-~- N. n. C:oh' Jn!JI1. (•mpl oyt·d in fit t.' f'O\('r d •· J>:Hlnlf'nt. ha . h· II <'0 n tlm•cl I n It i~ il 11Jl1'' r0 I' !'~' \ 'L• ntl w. ~ r.. . k s \ il It r h r·u ow I han. \ \." ! ! l tO)H' he w i II ~u· rn ()(.! •lhk I o r..t ut·n I o wntk. • --------··~--------·----- B uln ' lnr ~nn . l i1.<' n lll ~~-.\•' n t·-o ltl dmt,.!llkr of "(" u(·)t" G t"l•l't.!f•." 111) t•mploy " L' i 11 lhc,· ~ ( r~ ;.· im' tl~"L>.n r ' ) li <' Ol. who ~lll h t> '('}I , ..... ..; u-.J • Si('lt rt;r lit<' pn l th rc•c \t'd-\!:1~ due·~ not s hrm JHt H·il ilnprch"cltlt'nL '"<.: ll op<.L in lhc n c.•lH Ftt f ure. to n: port h~ r bt:l t••r. ---------------- ~ l ns lr r 1'. P. nice . .,on of' ~ lr. <tlHI 1Ir-s. T. P. J1i f't' . , ... ·hn ll:t hC'cn st•rio :ts l.r ill fn t' the pnsl l11rec \"cc>ks. is bdlc r. 'Toitl, .. l h~ l'ntltt·r. is t' lnployed in the H. & · . clcpn r tmcnt. -------.....,.. i\T .. ~. ~· Ol)l'C . \~1 j n.: 0 f II tlt"ft (' (::' '\ r C\Ol'C~ w h () \ () r " " iII I h c W('lOd _:(·ani, we;•~ o >c-ral"d un h~· l) t·. E. B. GJcnn at lite M ~:riwct he,. IIos­pilul two w e,~ t~.s a~o . .:\ ft·s. "\ loon·. who has h l't'n in ilJ lw·nhh lor :e n .• rn I 111 ' ) nt h ..:. W() a re ~hl d to rcp0r i. st'l'rt\" l o h 1..• i Ill p ro,· in~ r. I)­idly and w i l l be able to rrt urn tr) her ho 1H~ in it few dn ~·s . Roy " ·"ild. p-U>lt~ 1wpt·ctor, \Yho h <1~ . for sotrwtiml", L>er·n s uf­f'tH'ing f 1rrHn n gro ,,~tl l in hi · 11() ~(>, W< !t rn:l: &~tl.\· up<>rOtC'd ·•11 h ..~ · Dr. rr. H. Bt·i gg,-;, c:l nd we nre .!!,l a•l lo l'ej)OI' l, lhal lw i-. imprc,,- • ing rnpidly. ~lr;.; . rr. D. :C(•t'l'St. \"''10 hr~ ~ !wen umlct l hc c:ar(' of l'r. u. fl. nt·i !J!_!.!oo, Of t\SII C'\' i llC, ~. C:., Ullth.•r\ t•n t H Sli {!hl OJH' rctl 01'1 l't'\' ('0 11~, ~ It·..:. St.•c·t·e:~~ l i ~ t hr wi I'(' ol "llnrr-r." \ lu> i~ s lali!"li~i au in l h c• :\l;a in Ol'tkt•. • --...., BJRTH . Thnn In \Jr. aud . 11~ . J . E. \ ld'n.ght on. Ot•\'l'lllht"t !lth, ., h,l, . 'rll<• rallu•l' i ~ IIJI(' Of tJtP \'OIId _\"Ul'd tlll'll. - - - ··- .L \'. li l h:t•, C Jnpln~'P d in Uw n. ~ · A. tl'<'Jl!H'liTH~ ut rl''l>tH!S ;\ fi ll'' ~ j r[ ; t( h i"' lfi J II -.;(' -.,..;..,;...~ __ .... __ ,__ ... _ • ..... • -~ .. f-1111!• , ........ • • • • • • • ' . • • uAes 1 zn ••• :u uuJri 2 a ' 51&) a a PRIZE AWARDS FQR ~SUGGESTIONS FOR 19Z3. • • • • • - ' • ,• • ' • • W. \V. MitrheB, St.ea111 Plant - Ttnproved 1nethod of handli·ng ashe· in main boiler house and <.-hange in ~teanl line from Extract boiler ·house -- ·-----~ -=----- ------- ---- -- :_ ____ -----·-_- "f 100.00 - • ' .. • • . J N. r,rPe1nt1n, Roda )fill--- Change in sched\lle of loading· lime f< r E. B. plan-t _______ .:_ ________ $ ..... S· bane, R. &.A.--Qhange in brick work ~tract boiler h ou~e to r educe nmintenanee cost .. _ _ • • •• ru:-- ('-( ,<\. ". Soda Evaporator's Recirculate wate.r to \vash leaves out of condensor soda: t r iple e\ aporators - - -- . ------- --------- _________ ...,: ___ ------ - - - - ---- -------------------- --- ] o. ' , . • • • • F~. ~r. rrHvl()r. Woorl Y$rd..--·Rearran_gement of" waotl yar .d crew to save l~b.o r ----- ------ - ---- ~ 1 J)f) • • • <' • ' • l'. VJ . X 1otn] .... on, Sulph&te · -I~e arra1igement to-t re.duction of labor •• - - -- -- - ------- -- - --- - -~- i l • • <:.t & Wa tts Machine Roon1- - U.;"'H rocker suppor ts fo1· loacHng hnlte roll~ in .ear's _______________ ~ lO_u ' t L . FL. ~lark, ft & Pi.- -Concrete ba:e fo1 supp(}.rt ing colurnns o ~ crane run -ay in generator r9:hi)1 to prevent failure from rust _- - -- .. ·-·----- - - - --- --------- ·--- ----------- - --------- .';) 5 .. ·0 • • • J. J,6~ fla l' ·i ~; .~l)da Min ·-1~,~a:rran g't·n1<'nt nf ·~f· P. screen drive and pucnp to better p ·~ "' . hltf Cf ncJitjolt -.. ·--··- --- -.. --~- --·..,..- - -~ -- -·-- -- ~-· · .. ·-------... --...:..-- ---- - ---- ---------- --- -~- --.... - - - -~- ·~r.,t;n · or ris, l;Jr Kiln·· ltun f111 nt· up tc, tin1<"' of .. h utl i tlg' tln vn r otal"V kiln t~o pr< vzde liil1e r,vi .h v hith t() st:u·t l lp ~--~------- - -- · ·--- ------ - ---- ---- !-- --·~--- -- ----- -·-- -·--·- ·- ---·- ). () • U. I!~. ( 'ol.J, . 'Ada ]Jig~t Pf.i Cut ad li1.1ona l hole in bf,tton1 .1 fo. 1:~ ronv' T\n· t t \ ennble n1o1~e ehit s hetn<£ "' '(J }'(Jd in .. '~'o.) bin .. r' _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ ..,.,..,. ___ .... _ ____ • _ __ _ __________ ~ · --------- · .. --- --------- - f 00 ' • • • • . $. 1'1 t · ~ P .. & A. Bh ang·(~ in J>att ern for a1:fH)l' nnd 'Vh itr clut\ h a.; 'h l)J '30 ~ ~ tn n1al (l nf r t< ·t~ J Ol ' tncallt.;a.hl,.., j}'f)-f) _,...,_. - -- ---·- - -- -- ~--- ------ ... ., .. ..._,._ __ ._ _ __ ... .._ ____ ______ __ ______ ~ -- ~ r.Q . - • • • - (). V. 11 il1 l~. I . J->.Jant - Put trap in 1ini<;~ lint<r to n _,v· l l<~at·h ttlani t< t*tt.Lch p ,htll•~s-- ... ·------- - 2.GO • \ 'J; . t .. J1dl. "'r£,, d Yard Hupput·t roof c1 Pt loading· phl tffl t·tn \VO.h hr/tek@t~· t 'D:"tbl ('('t Hn.n 'I Q\ t·d out (,f th' W'ay of' jitne.yr--: _ ,.. __ ...;--·~-- - -- ------· ------....--- -- - ---~ - ~ - -- .... " .... A. l'h• ng lur·at i.,n of ~xhau ·t· on ~ize J llJr1f) to . av building~,'' all ~ ntl s t :), 1n ~ • • . to. t· ' l~ J})t'd r).)par·tnu!nt In ~taiJ rnll }jftet' on,'( c..1H hr()ktl ht·ntt'r ~ in·dtu· t( on ~ on N£1 . 4 flt • .~ I I ~ ut •r· __ -----""?-- --·----- - ·-- ..... - ~ ,.._.,... _, _______ '"h - ·---· - - --- - -~'!'!" .-.... -- ____ ___ ').!)t) • • • , • • • . ' • • • • .•. • • • • - ' • • • • • • lG • 1'IIJ~ LOG • • • 1''. F. Hipps~ Stean1 Plant Install s1u all putnp of sua~icient size to supply water for locomotiv.eij and wetting a hes in Ste1~li ng· b0ilcr house, to save operation of large pump for this pul"pose --------- - -- ---- - --~ -- ..... -- _ .. _____ ...._. _________ ..., _____ -:--- ----· ---- -~ -- - ... --~ ............ ------- $ 2.50 -~· \V· l\1€'1ton. Ext1·nct Weld up holes in botton lids of autoclaves to prevent \vas te of €X ti"aCt liqU Ol.. -------------·---· ----·- - ·-------- ----- - ----- - --- ------------ ------------ $ 2 .. 50 • .A. B. l\1oore, Wood Yard , eparate large and small logs \Vhen unloading to storage, for Ct1nven1ence in 1·eloading ' v-ith crane ___ - ---- - - --- -------- ---- - _________ ..._ ____ ________ .... _ !$ 2.50 Fred Early~ Steam Plant Incline bottom of soot pits under economizers main b!JiJer hou~e ___ !;; 2.50 • H. G. Ha1nlet, E. B. Plant Change method of discharging bleach sludge from settiing tanks to sludge tanks so as to use Blut:1ge tank as settling basin --- ------------------------ ----·- $ 2·50 • Ed Harbin Wood Room Cut out lights at night in wood room ______________________ _,. _____ S 2~50 G. A. Holtzcla,v, R. & A. Use black oil on chipper bearip_gs --- -----------·---------------- $ 2.!50 • N. D. Presley, R. & A. Print on work tickets and store room nrders. "retu!rn all unused rna t e1·1. aI t o st oc· k " - - ------ ----- ------------ - --------- - --- - -----------· ·- --- --------·- _ "c:a < • 2·50 · '.L'. W. Mashburn, Book Mill-Change location of beam rail in fi·ont of sheet cutter to allow rolls to be placed in cutter wit hout 1noving crane- ------------ -------:---- -------------- --- $ 2.50 A. D. Herron, R. & A.;.-carry stock of pipe nipples frotn 1''" to 6" long· in store roorn _______ $ 2.50 • • C. E. Ferguson~ Soda MHl Arrange uptakes fron1 b1ack ash boilers so they can slide with expan<;jon and not break down br ick work __________ - ..... --- ... --- - ------ - ---- ---------- $ 2·50 Z. B, ~1'use, Ster.1rn f!la.n Us~ globe valves 'vith rene\vablccseats for feed val ves on boilers .... ___ $ 2.50 C· E. Cole. Sr>ua Mill--Put in chute ft om chip hopper t op u( soda dig·ester to save operating tt·ansfer conveyor in both d.irecLions ------------------- ---------.-:---------- --- - - ---- $ 2.b0 - Ed I~'urness, 1 . & A.--Split etJlla J·s \ViLhout. f·t'e\VS on fcJt r ollH n rnnrhin<~ ---T--------------- $ 2.50 • IL A· Smathers, Soda Mill Cusing· hoJe ar<Jund hol t ttn J htc·l. nsh r(, tl\"eyor to prP\'PUt. lurnps ' fr< •1n fa J ]j J 1g in hol -~------ - ,... _ ,... ____ .,.. -~ -- ... =- ____ ,.....____ __'Y'!: ______ .... _______ ...,.. __ JIO!"_.,..___ $ 2.50 • ~1. W. Cox, Soda Mill ·- i''·J·ov idt~ trlJugh to t u ln~ !'{fn •k \~t hh·h tJ \' tl t·flo\vs fTntn soda oC'tagonnl vvash<·r 1.0 sn V(, aH in has "u 1 lnt __ .,.,_ ... <'\"'_____ ... -..,..., -!""'-""" .,. __ --- _':":_.,_..,. ___ .... -------· $ 2.50 e* ~~. CrJlB, ScJdc.t Mill -Put in drain Htld t. Urbs Hl"f l;l (l;L) pif (;_.S t hnl Hlling floor svdR di~Hs ter to a How us n f hrJs<· in. ~'a :-Jh ing· «1'---~- --~-- - -~ __ ..,. .... --- ...r-- ------("'-- ----~· .. - ~ ... .,..___ $ 2.50 -· •• ~~v- • - ' • • ' • I • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 - siit1 I ~ 7 ''P m I FJ 7 1 s 11 's uc s a• illl THt s , e .... t I ,., «•t ¢ I 4 tt • 1 8 ¢ 4 1V $ $ , ' tl •• • • J4 to 1 • . __ ,_...., _ , .,.. • • • • • • • • WERE YOU? WILL YOU? • \ \- "\: ~·on '.-.lll' (.)t the tr.~ or uu,re ID CD t r.y ng t<, ltt\prov~ by uttendlng ,·ocatton-.ll clai$seS this fait • • . l fl • AN' yon ~oing l{) : -ttend one of th~"<~ el3s"es th i~ wm h·r whe n Htt:' · r:c:nl~e ~or!~ ~ rr­ing tb w~k of Jau:~ary 7th? ~ 'riJ you t L11s he on ' who is .. ma\ii ag- tile Gppo'l"tUt!j~ ~ ·· f• :r u bett~r l~h'!-' • ·N. ' . d' :o. I e : fl'\en_try .... t•\'l riCl.! Schedu . nf Vooatianal Cl • ' uai'\· .. • ., I • ~8 . h • • ~ . :e •) ' I (, t i n t t·,r !11'!)' ( ·o; ~ • tl • • (hl )!} '"~}; i 1 ,,.')U • • , ---4· __ ,.. _ ...,. _____ ..... , o,. "~'id Tt1 . ..... , \V't\F~~ .,; ..,.._- ,_ __ - - ...1 1.1 ~. n ..• .I ' .l" .'. 7. ~ " .... ---- - - --~-- -- -... ~ .... -: .... 11 . aud f"-'d.~ rf' 1.'' .. . 1'924. • • d the:.e cl~ . in' :•• '"~ r;; .. I.--- --- • ,. .u •• .,. __ _ iiH~· r· h!i~ .. - ... - - ~- ---- --·1' t • ~ n i Fn .•. :t .. 1-5 J. __ .. .._ __ _ • • .. • li-e ) .'} ......' "..'. l-sliP r E ·ng ----- -- - --- \ ~ ~. u1d P.r.i ~, t ! P. ~ .... _ .. __ _ •in Ol . cti 'S · m-sn ~ F ~tttlJi _..,..__ ---------· l U(>.$ ·md F'it ~1 : 5 .?. ~'f~--~ __ .. . ... R·ne ""l ~ . .. fi a;nd Sul "1at .. 'P I)l ___ 1Q;l , ~ n .. ~ T !lur.tL i:OO F.\ r.- -~ --- b I J nl Jracth t -··--- -: l· 1.. :a d \ ~fHH~. P~ . L ·-----···:y;. • In. i :ons). · :sll lth J H~ p,, f;l ~1a ·n ! ht 'hop tt~ hw n cl I d . el il .. g}. w alt be .,Cl"Ai:~· .... d fo r lf e:n.,...•~ J 'it . T n ' tl\t one uC lfl ~ -'~" • ~ c ('.St. • • • tint th .. d or t-e:u lnt ~~s • ' :l • l ­t)¢ 011: \on t •I• 0 it • • • • . • • • • • ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f I 1 1 ~ f l t r. l i • • • • • • • • ' \ I i ' s • . . • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' s THELOO • • • • • • • • • • • '· • • • '; 7 qg • • • • ' • • ' a t • • ' • • • • • -- • • • • •