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Hardwood Bark, 1922

items 1 of 22 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6470.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • January, 1922 11 MAIL BAG GOSSIP News and Personals from the Field should be sent in so as to be in the Editor's hands before the end of the month. Shortening of articles due to space limitations sometimes is necessary, but is no reflection upon the contributor. Care will be taken to preserve the writer's meaning in all cases. COLUMBUS OFFICE. Everyone seems to have taken up bowling as a recreation. Did you know that we have a representative team in The Athletic Club League? Well, we have and it is giving a good account of itself. The team is composed of the following: O. Burlingame (Capt.), C. B. Weakley, W. E. Weakley, J. W. Mayhew, L. C. Bell, C. E. Elsass, and R. B. Rigdon. Bowling, however, is not confined alone to the masculine, but quite a few of the young ladies are members of teams in the Girls Athletic Club leagues. If you don't believe they can bowl, just challenge any of the following: Misses Brundige, Dowd, Brown, Athey, Weichold, Reinhart or Sargent. Miss Athey has set a record of 193 in a regular league game, while Miss Brundige scored 218 in a practice game, and actually bowled the sleeve out of her shirtwaist. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Steen Mrs. Steen handles in a most efficient way the incoming mail at the rioter °,ffice- ™ng fro^ ^is the rlf6 f VS° knows how to handle i^ne male at home. Lutz and Smith would like to arrange a set of three games with any other two-man bowling team from the office. Wanted—To know if anyone has seen Ann Nangle's double chin. She says she has one and wears it every day, but it seems there is no one who can see it. Let's all put our glasses on and have a real, honest-to-goodness Look. We were very sorry to learn of the death of Mr. H. R. Harman's little son John, who passed away a few days ago. Mr. Harman is our salesman in the Rochester territory. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Harman in their great bereavement. This Doesn't Apply to the Girls in the Columbus Office. We heard a man say the other day that wood will last forever if kept well painted, which would seem to indicate that a lot of girls he knew would live indefinitely. *• "b HAZEL CREEK. The ladies of the Club House entertained Monday night, December 26th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Andrews, who left for McClure, Virginia. Misses Grace Wilson and Eleanor Marshall were home from their school duties at Sylva Collegiate Institute and spent the Holidays with their respective parents. Miss Gertrude Marshall has entered Sylvia Collegiate Institute. Miss Ruby Wilson is making plans to enter Dr. Long's Sanatarium at Statesville, N. C, where she will take training in nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Wolfe have returned from Alamogordo, New Mexico, where he has been employed, and will again take up duties for W. M. Ritter Lumber Company. No race suicide on Hazel Creek. The last census shows North Carolina leading all States in the Union in birth rate, and Swain County at the head of the North Carolina's County list; and Pourneys Township, our own township, leading all. The census taken this year to determine the number of bags to be made for distributing Mr. W. M. Ritter's Christmas to the children, disclosed the fact that there were 435 children between the ages of one and fourteen years. During the yen years in which Dr. Storie has been located at Hazel Creek, he has officiated at the births of 685 babies. Mr. E. E. Ritter (viewing wreck of locomotive No. 25, lying bottom side up in the creek): "Well, there lies four thousand for repairs." Charlie Wilson, engineer of same, also viewing wreck (very sadly): "Yes, and under the engine there also lies twelve cans of Prince Albert I just purchased this morning." We are all well pleased to know that we are again to receive The Hardwood Bark, as we missed the little book very much. * *> BEAVER. The mill started January 2d after a shut-down of over one year. Seeing a mill run is something new to some of us. On Mr. Calfee's last visit to this place, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Calfee, Mr. Carson, Mr. Rogers, Ed Jackson, Mr. Adams, Mr. Hunt and Mr. Chas. Pendleton went possum hunting. The principal catch was a large size mash barrel. All come back reporting a glorious time. Mrs. Harry Hall is visiting Harry's parents at Maben during the Holidays. Needless to say, Harry is spending every evening at home while Mrs. Hall is away. Miss Gertrude Gortner visited her brother Charles during the holidays. Since getting married last Thanksgiving, Center Halsey, our flooring grader, says that married life is the only life. He has about talked his old Buddy, Earl Leoty, into taking the leap. Mrs. Stroble Mayhew spent Christmas with her husband in Columbus. She returned the first of the year and will continue her kindergarten in the Community Building. Mr. Carl Crockett spent the Holidays with his parents. He returned to Washington and Lee the first of the year.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).