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The Log Vol. 1 No. 10

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  • wcu_canton-179.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Arthur it t.-reatdea as it is, in the first or working schedule . 'nation of the new Sulphite Digests p. The progress of each day is shown on this chart along side the estimate. and the chart has become to him w'r race is to a follower of the turf. He is "doin' his durndest/' to beat the schedule. We bookmakers have no doubt that af.erth/ last tar, t he judges will r'.ndhim ••Under the wire- with a worlds record broken. 9 signed Janua.v 13. and digr • shipped Jan. isih. Two carloads arri ed at Canton on Jan. 28th and two mo re, completing ship- ment, on Jan. 31s' As soon as con- il The additional | Sam- Just exactly 210 pounds. 1 within a few Workman ■■■ If that thing there ■ 210 pounds 1 weigh five tons. A Slip of the Tongue At a recent meeting of the Foremen's Club, held in the K. of P. Hall, the meeting was turned over to the "Safety Committee" of which Mr. Arthur G. Pounsford is the genial Chairman. He spoke at some length upon the impor- aanee of the enforcement of Safety rules. When referring to the rides relative to exercising great care in working near moving machinery, and the use of the signs which are to be placed on the "starter," which read "Do Not Start This Mator," before beginning any repair, he became slightly confused, probably due to his enthusiasm, and very impressively issued the command, "NEVER'START A MA- CHIME WHILE IN MOTION." This statement is responsible for the lines which appear below. Their moral which we presume will be appreciated by Mr. Pounsford, is, "There is danger everywhere, even in addressing a 'Safety First' meeting." It was up at the Foremen's Club Meeting (The Safety Committee were there) When "Safety Man" Arthur G. Pounsford Was called on to speak, by the Chair. He talked of th» "Safety Commandments" And "warmed up" and said "Land o' Goshen, DON'T START A MACHINE WHILE IN MOTION." vill n "Safety" IN MOTION. N. ft. Wild, who was operated on for appendiftti I St the Morn wet her hospital, \&j the nth, we are glad to report, stood the operation splendidly and is on the road to speedy recovery. D. W. Robertson, who suffered an injury to his foot, in the Extract Plant, due to the breaking of a gear, is also at the Merriwether hospital, and ia getting along nicely. Jim Hyatt is confined to his home in Fibreville for a few days on account of an injured foot. The physician reports that Jim is doing well. SPECIAL—By wire tappers-"Charley" Sparks, Assistant Chief Electrician, and Miss Flora Thompson, were quietly married in Asheville, on February 3rd. Before calling upon the minister, Charley visited Dr. E.Reid Russell, the Eye Specialist, who corrected his vision, thus .enabling him to ."see his way clear" in taking this step —to the aiiode of the Parson. This couple has our best wishes M will be shown by Grover Smith and his reserves, in Martin's Drug Store, at an early date. SAFETY FIRST A Black-Ash Parable And it came to pass upon a certain day two workmen in the Black-Ash sought and found their Foreman, J. Med Williams, that they might counsel together with him concerning their labors And one of the workme i was Jamison by name, and the other s called Shim- olis, for he ca me from a country afaroff. And the tin ie was n the close of the day, whe i Btraog .■■s seeking em- ployment wei e wont t me and apply for work. And there came i nto that ;-lace a Well Dressed St.rangi id he spake unto Jamison saying. •1 would that I might see the Boss co. ce. ning employ- And Jamis. n answt rin K said. "Be- hold, he stand ithheret lge herwithus." And the itwmger, I ooking upon Med" and h s cal < f B ack-Ash, be- Th« Puper on Which 1 lis Issue Of THl:. I-OI. I unite and Soda Pulp

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).