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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 62 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9848.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Instructions to Leaders The duties and obligations of the hike leaders include the following: 1. Know the trail, or learn it before the date of your hike. 2. Confer with your co-leader in advance and make plans for conducting the hike. 3. Make advance arrangements for lodging where necessary. 4. Be at Saunders System fifteen or twenty minutes before scheduled time for departure. See that cars are ready, assign hikers to cars, etc. 5. Assume full control of party on hike. One leader shall precede and guide the party, the other shall bring up the rear. See that camp or lunch sites are cleaned up and that fires are extinguished before leaving. 6. At the beginning of the hike make an announcement to the party concerning the route, lunch site, etc. 7. Make a list of members and visitors on the hike and turn it in to Miss Ella Luttrell, Secretary, 413 Bankers Trust Building. 8. After conducting your hike this year, please report in writing to Miss Luttrell any suggestion for making it a better hike next year. Hike Supervisors It has sometimes happened that substitutes have had to be appointed for hike leaders because of some unforeseen circumstances, or that plans for a hike have had to be considerably altered. To insure that someone will look after such adjustments, we have found it advisable to have an officer of the club in charge of each month's hikes. To this supervisor of his hike, each leader may go for advice or help or suggestions. For this year, the supervisors are as follows: January—H. M. Jennison July—Helen Northup February—Ella Luttrell August—Rhea Bryan March—E. G. Frizzell September—George Barber April—W. W. Stanley October—Mrs. Hugh White May—Mary Coleman November—Raymond Siler June—Harvey Broo:-ne December—R. L. Mason 62

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).