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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 29 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9815.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • This toast was responded to in an impromptu manner at a meeting of the Bench and Bar at Jackson, Tennessee, when General Nathan Bedford Forrest proposed this toast to the eloquent gentlemen from East Tennessee. The quotation of the toast follows and its inclusion will make this annual edition of our Hiking Club program very desirable to all persons who love the divine art of eloquence: "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: I plead guilty to the soft impeachment. I am from East Tennessee. Evidently the distinguished soldier proposing that toast was not himself born breathing the pure air of the mountains. At least I understand he was reared in the sluggish atmosphere of a lagoon far back in the swamps of Mississippi. "Yes, I was born in East Tennessee — on the banks of the Watauga which in the Indian vernacular means "Beautiful River." And beautiful river it is! Standing upon its banks in my childhood, I have looked down through its glassy waters and beheld a heaven below, and then looking up, beheld a heaven above, reflecting like two great mirrors each into the other its moon and planets and trembling stars! Away from its banks of rock and cliff, csdar^Jjemlock and laurel, stretches a vale back to the distantmcluntains. more beautiful than any in Italy or Switzerla*id. There stand the great Unaka, the great Roan, the great Black, and the great Smoky Mountains, among the loftiest in America, on whose summits the clouds gather of their own accord even on the brightest day. There I have seen the great Spirit of the Storm after noon-tide go take his evening nap in his pavilion of darkness and of clouds. Then I have seen him aroused at midnight like a giant refreshed by slumber, covering the heavens with gloom and greater darkness, as he awoke the the tempest and let loose the red lightnings that ran along the mountain tops for a thousand miles swifter than an eagle's flight in heaven! And now the lightnings would stand up and dance like angels of light in the clouds to be music of that grand organ of nature whose keys seemed touched by the fingers of Divinity in the hall of eternity, sounding and resounding in notes of thunder through the universe! Then I have seen the darkness drift away, and the morn getting up from her saffron bed, like a queen put 29

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).