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Cataloochee tract 284: Jonah Phillips

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  • This 64-acre tract 284 in the Mount Sterling section of Cataloochee was owned by Jonah Phillips. While, in general, the Great Smoky Mountains region was sparsely populated, the Cataloochee Valley remained an exception. By 1900, the population of Cataloochee had grown to 1,000 residents living in hundreds of log and frame homes. A few historic buildings have been preserved on site, including two churches, a school, several homes, and outbuildings. The North Carolina Park Commission was tasked with purchasing land for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and people living in Cataloochee were among those displaced. Cataloochee families continue to return for annual reunions. In 2001, the National Park Service re-introduced elk into the valley.
  • 87 ··- ., .• 'l J·' "'. ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ·············································:·············4lans:b:···ptr1·t lip s ·-------------------------------------------------------------·--------------------------------------- ········:·:···:··········································································.-·· Township ···'···························H-aywoo-d················-············ County. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION ( 284) JO'm ; All bofi rtnga i n ttd.e aeao tpt ton ,~-re t urne4 fro~ tt\J! ·true ~1'itl1~!,_ ~nu ~11 f.Usta ncea sre exprea­o- et 1» otu.vl ns t;>f £6 t •t• Boginn1ng !l ~ ~r~n•e-r 1 . J 1~* ot-eetnu.t .en~g on top of t ~e ~-a"ttl b~he;en C~et.tmlt Er~neh end Le!lthet'V!OOt Brm"Je-h. b"&tng Cor~r _.5 td tbe ~a lter Cr.oom r r soi ( ! 8~ } end Cor ;er 2 of the Jolin B•11-.ul TI.-t\ot ( 2t0); :~h ence .. a tmn th• r14 p .. it b 'tbel'1.:2p the Job:n He ilmfln Yrao' C 2.'90} 4 . 00 -Co¥>nel" ~ . e 15" pin~ on top of t he r14g-e , ble.s• 4 an4 aer l.bed r. c .. Cor .. 2. L·ei n.:~ ;;or.ner 1, vf tbe ~!:.>hn Ee t lme.n " r ~c t- ( :;s o } · r: ti:! Car r.or :5 of ·the I'r~so;ter1all ~ .· tiftOn ~ CiHl Ol • rt:..ct ( lei!) • A !4~t p1no blfittM e.n4 t:Crlbel B ... ~· .;r . c . Oor . It bettr s s .. '1 -~K> N.,. ,.09 e.bttlr dietmt ; ;.·hence . lee.vins the Jotm lie11- rr..Mt 1'r~ot u~go) wi th the FroebJte:rlen M1 . ..:e1on sobool : J"act ( gac;} Ulil doiin t he :ridge w1tll 1'a mc:tuA•ra N. '18..01 E. a.u Corn~r 5 , o 24" caaetnut etttmp •1tb pa.1nt ani • 1tneeeee on tcp of t~-e ridge. Col'Jler 2 of the Preebtt orian 111 es1 on Sebool t r net C !621 A 10" black pi ne blEJ$84 end sor1bo4 :s. ,r.J • .P. Cor. 1. b&e.J"e s. ea.-oo iJ •• lS ebuin 4lstont; heno.. les't'tng the !Jto•b7ter1an t:icb.ool ·rr .not ( f tB) ec\t l.-e&'V1niJ u. r J4 ge . Sheet A - ' .. ~ .• ~::,.;-·~ . ·-~· _:......_. ~- ·-~ -...~:.-..::_,.,_ __ ~ .~ .... ··-·------.-~-....... ..,...._._,_ __' ""~-·......::....:,. .. "'--'-....:..""~~-. ~-~.._,...__ __.__ - ·. -'-'""~~• ... .-;_..........,_. ....,.• . . ,. _...,,:...*'" "-"'...-.."' '3""'"*""*:.,..-c... x..+a. .·.'.-,-·· ac-""~',-.:,..&~~~·t;.<-&.,.._.:,..,n.: .•. .Ji..>. .*"'""--'w· -...:,. .:...r ..r. ..__""""""__ · · ;;·,~;;-~ \____..- . . / u.e& 5.1t Oor~r 4. a 9" 4••d eh•·attmt •1 til Wl4a ln fGJtM oomer. Set a 6" oat. po•'\ 1 11 a moca-n4 of •toaea. "":ritie4 J.p. Co·.l'• a. . J l!" .otld~t. l1lAa~e.4 ld . eo.r1b.t lltol'.J. p. Cor. e. . · li . M..OO J • • &'1 ebe1n diat.a.u\; :run'• 5. • · Le~ tlUti'W004 bl'a•1a fiov:.a .I'O at hefllt Cor.ntr e. a l0""116btnias ta.'tl'tlok" obaatonat Ot!lt 1tltla palnt erA wttn•ue.a, me.r to» of a 1'148•• aor1be4 J.,JJ. Cor. r .• A 12" 4bt•tJl.~t Q&k bl&i'~d ana SOt'ibe4 .B. '.r.J.J?. eor. :;. be&ra s. 'lh~ ~~~ . .z.r.; chain d lsttmt l'beaoe ~ . 46~.,, '• Cort:ctr 6 , e 10" hickory i n old l.&{-< t hel'~ 09 d llne, aor1be4 1'1. P. Co~ . 1. b~tn ~ Corner 2 of the J . ~ 111e i~1ll.1pa T-rec.t {261); l hence . down e spar ridge • d. ttl 1 ts mef.'indtt"l an i with t t e ~1. r'l'Jlie Pbill1pe 'i'rriot C 1:86 ) J ~o int 1 • . SS-M· .a. 2.!9 A Fo1nt a.oe A Polut f ' Po1n\ .J. 7'-'81. • B. '1'1•11 E. COftl.W '• • -'pc>:1nt fJ-t a •h'• fmce _OO!'MI' -_ b.tna Oorner s of •• d. Wtllo Pbilllpa 'i!r-ao\ fee!) Tbtu;;.ce li. 6·19 R. Cortlll" a. • JOint st a sst• po·•'• CoJ'nu • of ta. J. I JU• ftllU .. tpa 'l'raot ( t86l •n« com.r 1 of t. a. Yi el tel" ~- '?;oaet ( ~8!) • 'l'bettce. lea ~ tns t be J. t:7Ue Phillip• Traci (!ail, \\ tb tile Y':altel" GI'OiJfD8 f .rsot ( !!8Z) :;. '14-21 ~ . Oor•:r t. a •~~ pottt sorlbe4 w. G. cor. 2. be ins Corner B o1 tho >1 t&r Ct"voma I r uot ( 265) ; 'J.!bc cce n. 8-IH s. ·_ \ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showillg must be made by us~ _of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). _ The property in question is assessed for . taxal>ton for the current year, 19 .. ZO .. , at $.8 ... 8.6 .................. , in the name ..... ~.!-~-~-~~~-~~P-~---·······-············--·--·and the taxe~ for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows : 19:?.~---· 19?.?. .... 23 19 ......... . 24 19 ...... ... . 192.':'. 5.... .. .. ;~ . . ·-----·-------~AlP .................................. ------·-----,~------···-· .-- 26 19 ......... . ····-----··---·--f.~~:P. ........................................................ . _____________ ,l>~A.JlL .......................- ------------·---__,_ _ _____ 19 ..2. ..7... . . -------···-------~AI~---··-·······--·--··-···-·-----··-·--·---··········· PAID -·-············-·· · -·· · ·· · ···· · ·· ···· ·····-- · --·······- -· ·· ---- ----- ···· ·-·· ·- -····· · -·· 19 . .2.8... . ................. PAID ............... : ...................................... .. . P4I:P 19 ..2...9.. . .. .PAID ·······-----·· ·· ·· ······ ······· ···· ············· ·· ·· ··· ···-·· -·-·-- ·---· ······ · ·· · ··· ·· : .. ... .. ...... ~~;o.-··············-·-·-···-··--· 30 19 ...... ... . Jlot JAil> --- ------ -···· -- ·· ··· ····· ·· ··· ····· ·· ·· ···· ·· ·····-·--··············---· -·· ···· ···-··· - ASSESSMENTS Not any LES PENDENS Not any MECHANICS LIENS Not e.ny JUDGMENTS Page ..... l.O.O!!!A. ....... : ..... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION TRACT Wo.884 IT IS liEREBY CERTIFIED: That tl)e, title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : J~NAJI PHILLIPS ....... iJl .. seized in fee simple of a. good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES l. One-half UAd1v1ded mlne·ral interest outstanding 1n Love Heirs. 8. Ta~es to~ the year li30 not pa 1d. This .... S.,h .......... day of .... .................................... , 1!80 ... . • , v ANALYsts ~"'OF filfLE. !RA.CW 284 J .B.PBILLii?S OlfOR. 1. Thie boundary ls wholly within State Grant 252, ieauet f;. As title tothe holdings under this gra.nt has been fully treated in tbe analysts of t 1. tie to ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ; -, ' ' ' ,• , the Siclney Nelaon tract ,from the time the saicl grant was isaue4 ·. t 'o John Gray Blaunt 'down .·to the 'time title to the same paslle4 )7 the wili of Jas.f: ~Love t<> hts Executors, the same w:tll not be :epeated herein: \nit may :bee seen by reference to paragraphs one through ten 'of t'he/~nslya1s of the Sidney Nelson ti tle,page ·three ' . . . . of this ebstract.wherin reference is ~~ de to the various instru-ments: lllak'ing up t he chain o£ title to said grant. 2. The first instrument we Will. consider -in connection \Vitb this tract ;as such, is a bond for t itle, by Sama.el L.Love to !.!.Leatherwood for fifty a.cres,referred to as the Harrel place ·and as joining the l ands t hen oo~upied by Alfred craig. This bond bears' date,oc·t.l4,187Z,and is of record in Haywood County. See page £L_of this abstract. ~ .... On 3ep.26.1896, the ~ecutors of J as . F- .Love executed a bond for t1 tl• for fifty acres to J!;.A'.Leatheraood. The description 1ri this bond is by metes and bounds, and makes mention of thie tr:1ot joining the E'.A.Leatherwoo~ borne plnoe on the west. The bond is of record tn Hsyvrao4 County. See psge pot this abstract. · 4. Under date•March 31,1915,1.f .J . Hannah, Trustee and Admin-istrator for the Love J~ state,conveyed two fifty ac:re trnots to A.J .Leatherwood, F.eserving unto hi me elf as said. Trustee, onef ha.lf the mineral interests with mining privileges. For the author-ity W.J.Ha.nnah as Trustee &dn Administrator for the Love E_state, see pages 76 through 80 of this abstract. In its recitals, this deed makes ment1.on of the bond referr e<t to in the previous the bond to A.J .Lea~hernooa.· for value. With regard to the sec-ond tract descr1b•4,it is stated that A.J.Leatherwood had purchased the same from W.J .Hanne.b;Trustee ,for the sttmof $'75.00~the agreed purchase price~ It ie riot definitely known that this second tract is the same boun'dary as tha,t intended to have beoll. covered by the bond to E.A.Le!Jtherwood,mentioned in paragraph two herein; But it is ,~t least,fn the imr~ed 1ate v1cfnity,and it is the rea-sonable assumption that it was. tt was upon this traot that E.A.Leatherwood had established his home at the time he acquired bomd for title to the tr&ct lying to the w eat of 1 t. · .e\nd it is known that it was his intention and purpose to renounce all his claim to l ands in this vicinity, to his son,'l~ .J .:Leathe:rwood;eome time previous to the ;ve&r.,l915.,at the time of tlle execution of the deed under discussion in this p aragra~h. The present owners of fill unsold lands :formblly belonging to the Love Esta.te.,coneiders that this deed was intended to oomply >Vi th the two Love bonds referrec'l to. See page 2.:!_ o'f this abstract. 5.· 131' sui'f'ictent ae0d, bearing clate,Sep.5,19lo, A..J •· . . Leather.vodd and hts wife.,Frances Leat herwood,conveyed a boundar7, said to contain ten ncrea,more or less,~o Leonard Hall. The d.escription 1s not as clear as 1t ' n~1ght be,but·it fs . thought that i.t embraces within its bounde.,eome part of the land covered by each of the fifty acre trilete mentioned in the previous paragraph. This is unimportant :from the f nct that by :fUlly re'corded chain of t1tle.th1~ tract,with the except1on of about one and one-half acres, previously conveyed to another party , cot'H!IS baok,&long with other parte of the two fifty acre tracts,to t he present owner. See l)age I r;.iif this abstr1.::ct. 6. On Oct.27,1917,L£:?onard Hell &nd hie wife,Mollie Hell. by sufficient deed,conveyed nbou.t nine ncres of t he boundt.ry mentioned in the previous l)ar agr aph.towelter Grooms.having conveyed one and one-half acr~s previo'usly, This deed is ;reg-ular in form,properly executed &nd~f rttcord in Hayeood County. See page f£...of t his abstract. 7. On Feb.l4 ,19201Walter Groo-s. and hiu w:tfe .Ado:j.e Grooms, by suffiCient deed recorded in Hajw·ood County,conv~yed the nine acre boundary,mentioned in the pr~vt()ue . paragraph,to A.o • .Tao'kson. See page f-C. of this abstract~ " " Caldwell. · 1'hie deed is re&i\-iar i.n: fo:rrn, properly exewted and recorded i.n ffa)'Wood .county. ~ee ! page tio:f thts abstract. 9. A yea'! previous to \the' above msntioned transactt on, na.rnely,June t,li21,A.J .Leatherwood and his 'tVii'e,Franoes Leather­wood,. e:xecuted a deed to J . Y ~O~ld:~v~'ll :ror the two fifty acre tracts : ~ .·w:t th certain exc,eptions. These \:f:):xceptions comprise what we now ,' ·~ know as tracts 283.285 and 2 86,wh~ch have already beeh acquired. They.together with traot 284,now under disouee1on,make up the two ori.gina.l fifty ac:a r;eatherwood tracts .aeverel ment'lxmed. in this a.naly(!iS. This deed 1s"t" ln form,-properly exe-cuted and r ecorded in Haywood County. See page~of this abatrnots 10. On llarch 3,l926.J .M.Oal dwell,joiaed by his wife,Etta Caldwell,eonveyed t he bound~ries of paragrt~.phs a and 9 herein to J.B • ..Phillips,the present owner of tract 284. This deed is in form~properly executed anc1 of record in RnYRood county 4 See page .!l.J_of this abateact. 11. We find on :record one paid deed of trust affec"tifB a part of thts tr{act. See page -9/~:;f this abstract. " 12. M.ineral res•rvation referred to :tn: pa.ragrapb 4 has recently been cleared. up by a desd :from l l'tlgb J .sloan end others, otvners of all unsola ltmd and m:hiera l interests formally owned by the love P:state. See page q_'s of this t.tbstrsct • .f.ngineer's a ffidavit at f1-o~ th:t.e a bstract. ~ ~.c.o !;,!) ~ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged samuel. I. • Love Proven ~----------~------------~------------------------~~------------------------ ].. E• .A.. t.ea1Jhe:rwoo4 !;,!) 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ ~~4 .... ~~r .... ~;\..1!~t ....... . 2. Date of Conveyance .......... l~l4~.7.3 ........................ .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... .... ..................... , .... .. , ............ .. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... J~.t.!$..!Q.!L .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ................. Y08 .............. -.... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........................ NO ............ . 9. Date of acknowledgement... .... l2.~.!1~f3.5 .................. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .............. .N~L .. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .................. ...................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ................................ NO ................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct... ..... Yftll ........................ .. 14. Date of filing for record ....... 1~l-~i5 .................. .. 15. Book ......... ....... f ...................... Page .............. lf.? ........ .. (b) power to convey .......................... N'O .......................... . for .......... HaJWO.od ..................... , ........... County. (c) against encumbrances ..................... NQ ................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ................... .NO ............ .. or restrictions .................................................................... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ...... ............... ... ................. None .... Qiven .................................................................................. . '----· .................. ....... ........... .................... .. .................. .. ........ .. ............ .. .......... ...... .................... ........ .. .. ..................... ... ... ................................................ . Exact Description of Property That the said Samuel L. LOV. doth make or oauee to bfl made a good and aur:t1o1ent 4ted ot oonveyanoe to~ fifty acres ot lan4 lying on Anne branch, a tributary ot B1s Ql"eek - formally surveyed by P. w. E4warde to~ john suton .... known now as the Ha.rel ple.oe adjo1n- 1Il6 the land& now oocup1ed by .Utred Cre.1g. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged :: w. L• F.J.lliard ancl w. L• If1l.1ia2.'4 and Q ~ s. L• _Love. s. L• tove, f Executors Exeoutors Proven ~~----------------------~------------------------~---------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance..-... .Bond .. .fCJr ... .ntl.e ....... . 2. Date of Conveyance ............ -9~.2.&!!94 .......................... . 3~ Is it properly executed .............. c .... . .. . .... . ...... . .... .. .......... . . . 4. Date of Entry and No .................................... .................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ............. C.-..8. •. 0 •... 6. Acknowledgements, regular ............... Y$ •.................... 8. Did all grantors acl..-nowledge ....................... NQ ............. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .............. NQ ....... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ..... ~ ............................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... .... 8~.9-~l. .................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............. NO ..................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct .......... ....................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ........ B~~-01 ....................... . (a) of seizin .................................. 110 .............................. . 15. Book ..................... 1.4 .............. Page ............. 24,6 .......... . (b) power to convey .. ............ .......... JfO ........................... . for ............ F.nywood ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances .................... N.O. .................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of aU others ................... NO .............. . or restrictions ··········································'··························· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ............. ......... _______________ NQnO .. G1ven. ............... _________________________________... ................................... . ... .... .. ............................ .... : ... ................ .... .......... .. .' .............. ................. ............................................ ....... .................................................................... . Exact Description of Property SAID EXECUTORS ARE TO MAKE A DEED OF C ON'VEYANCE TO 50 ACRES OF l..AJ.'TD ON T".t!E WATERS OF BIG OREEK I.N HAY­WOOD COUNTY • 5EGOO;ING at a ohostnut oak on the soutlf side near th• top of the Dl()untain, and runs North 35 East 99 poles to _ a ououmbe;r1 the· Soutbwest oornexo _of his home _traota thence wi tll tne West boundary line ot the same to the Norihwe$t oorner in Aoa J'ttnkln' s line: thonoe w:t th said line south 50 East 25 poles to his corner; thence south 35 West 20 poles to a stake; thence to the beginning, containing 50 acres. . ·:- """"':" -·· ~ - . ~- ~ ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ W ;J • . H:annah, Trustee and i:i Administrator "..' Same Same c~----------------------~----------------------~~---------------------- "~' ~ ;... A.J .Leatherwood ~ L_ __________________ -L--------------------~------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ... we:r.,;;·.anty. ..... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ...... z~zl...,.l-5 ............................ . 3. Is it properly executed ...... yes ..................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ............................................ ..... ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. H ... .P ................... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .... :y-ee················ ················ 7. If inegular, copy in full on back ................................ .. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. :x; ........................... . 9. Date of acknowledgemenL ........ 4~31~.15 .............. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... ]: ..................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ...... yetl···························· 14. Date of filing for record .... 4~.1D~!!l.fL ...................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... yea ......................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .~ .................................................................. .. 15. Book .4.4 .................................... Page .. Z-&9---··················· (b) power to convey ..... y:e,.g ........................................... .. for ·····---Haywood-············· ······················County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ~ ... m.i.n~tr.&l. ... ........... . ............ :res.e.rv.e.d ........................................................... . (c) against encumbrances ... :x ........................................ .. jf;~ .. (d) against claims of all Jt'Etr$1,;;-.... tov.e.a---------------- • .( fi' "C'Tr · # 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .To···h&V·e· -and····to··:hold ··t·he---~for-e-s·afd·· ··t·raet·· ··o:f····lti"na······ wi.t.h .... the ... pr.iV:tl.eges ... and ... ....' -~nt-G----t-he···s&i-4··· ··· ··· A .. J .... L.Nt.the~o.o.d ... .ana ... his ... heirEl .. and ... .e.s.s.ig.ns ... to .... h-1-s---:;.nf.---t-he-1-r----on-ly---lle-e···and··· b t?.AoP.f. .... .•.................................................................. · ······---~---··········· ............................................................. ··--·························· Exact Description of Property This eeed tr.ede this the 31st day of March,l915,by W.J.Rannah,Truste r..nd Hdm:tnistratoe for the he1Ts-atle.w of Jas ,R.Love ;,deceased,Bnd others, owners ofthe lands known s s the Love Speeulutdon Lands to A.J.Leather­wood of the county of Rayaood and state of Norjh Carolina; Witnesaeth:Thet,whereas ,Jas. H.Love,Deeeaeed,unoe-r a decree of the Gourt of Equity fo BUncombe County,North Carolina,made in the year 1857 ~nd under the provisions of e. deed o:f agreement entered into on the icth day of Oct.l857,by Jas. h .Love, E.M.Henry,Jas.L.-Renry.William i1Jelch ,John .:e.Lov4,Dillard Love and ~illiam I:I.Thornas. became !I'ruatee for himself snd the said parties above named of the Love Speculation Lands, lying in the counties of Yancy,Madison,.Buncombe, Ha.~w ood E.nd Jackson, v'ti th po~ver to ¢onv~i make sales of the same and execute title deeds therefor;and Wh0reas, the said. Jaa. n .Lo'fe died seized end possessed of the said Love Speculation Lands as Tru.ste.e £H3 aforeeuid·cnd vVheeeas,the said made and published a last will and te;;tament in writing,and appointed William R.'!homes,Robert G.A.Love, Nilliarn L.Hilliard l!.nc1 samuel L.Love,E%ecutors,vTho qualified and took upon themselves th,c execution thereof: and 'Vherea.s,the said J&e. R.Love sold. many trt-:et.s of said lands to dif­fe: rent persona and authorized and empowered his Executors to continue the s ale of the said _landa and make titles therefor;and ~Vhereas,upon the death of the sata· William ;L. Eilliard,the eole acting Execytor of the said Ja.s . R .Lov~•<lecea. sed, the superior Court of .t:l:syw~ od Coun:ty,a.t Sp:ring tern l89l•tnt h~ case of W. L. Henry ;~ ;no w.r.c.Hen­ry , Adm1ntst:rator of E. 1.1. Henry ,de>ceased, agninst W . 1:,. Hilliatd and others, a npointed one, : .D.G1lmer, Trustee fo r the heirs-at-law of J"t:te . R.Love, decea se.d, and other-s,olj-vners of the s aid Love Speculatio-n '.~nnds,with pmr1er te> make, sale of the s aid lands, bnd e:l'.eeute titles tnerefor;andshutB ~ ete&s the ss1d l' .• r. .o:!lm~:r~iltUl ~;ppolnt etl bonfQ non with: -t l".e '>Vill allnltted o:f lae. t. ~'love,dGO·eaeed.b1 tbe ~u.perio:r Court of &1Wood c ount_J',on the 18t h d&y o.f SeptEmber 189l;aad · ~hereas,the satd H.n .. calmer,.Trostee &a&fore.:f3& tei'll 19ll,.of the Superior Couirt o:f' na:;wooa. eourrt7,to wttt.:O-:n Jreb-rn.ary 16th l 9l1._.:zeetrrned hi s said 'l'rus.teQ.ebip of th ~ e~tete of Jaa. ~ .Love,de-- . · ~~sed .. end others ,to ther Ju·d0e of t h~ s·tdd auperioT . eourt.nolding · i!w:td te:rm,,wb:1ch was 1mmedtately »J,ecepted . b9 tbo ssHl Jui! ge;ond J he:reae.the sr::1d. :n . D.Gilmer.Admtn1strator de bonis non with t ho .. ill s nne%ed. of .Ju.i.Lov.e,-deceased;reaigned as wen Admtnistr&to t n w :ritin~ to th<2 Clerk of the :mper1o:r c.ourt of aaywool county 1a1 t he 16th day of Februsry,lfll,whooe :r, s1glWt1.on :.ttus accepted im• med i ately by th:t!! sa:td Cle.rk of the superior court;and ' llheress.,all of the ~ecutore appointed by the .last will and t ·e st ~ltl()nt ot Jaa. R.J.ove.d, oeeaed,at t he tir;;{l of the said resigna­tion of the said :. .I.Gilme.:r.were dead;Wld w 3h.ereas after the death of the said r-.• D.G1lmer. rrru.stee ,eo e.fore­sc1d on the 16th il.ay of Februt\r~,ltU. at Spring term,l9ll,o:f teh ._;u.per1or Cou.rt of Haywood Cou.nty , t.b.e JUdQ'e pr (lnd holt!ing . :c'ai d term of 0t>ttrl, t.oppointed ,y .J. Rttullhh, ::r:rustee f or the eaHi heirs­t.. t. l &\<'1 of Jttfh .R . !sove,deeeased~ elld othera,O'Hnera of the .Love Speou­l c'tton Landa.,with power to make ,aalos of t he said lends and execute ttt lea 'tbfrefor: and · Ob•reas ,,the said fJ .J . Hannuh Wtl a appointed Adviil'liatrator de bonis non with tb.e w111 annexed of J ae.': .Love.deooased,b~ th ~ supe­: dor court of Haywood Co11nty,on t he 20tb .day of Fehrua:r;,l9ll;und Wh-ereas.samu.el !HLove and rt. L. Rillis.rd, Fxeontora of Jas.E.LOVe, rnade CUld executed a bond for t 1tl$ to E.,A.Leather.vood.on the 22114 t'lay of ${tt'tern'her ,1886. :f'or tt1~ h.el"ein..'!lft&r described ltmd far s. con­e1 derat1 on .of f lle . 50 for wha.t is ae the firet treot herein­t:. fter described. the pnrcr.ase .money of which w.aa paid to said F%- . \____/ ecut o:rs of J£ts. It . I,ove,whloh bond. 1a re.gtstered in Bokk 14 ,on · 1:46. r-eeord of Dedda for Rapood County:end · \V'hereaa ,the said :F .A.Lea therwood aee1gned t he aEdd bond for t'!tle to A.J .Lee.ther.7ood for value; snd ~ heret.l.S, the second. trcct described herein, t he ooid A.J .tenth­er-~ ood ha~ pur chased the same :t'rort'l t he ssid \VI.Ji.o i:annnh.'f rnstee,for t 'he snm of .~ 75.00. the agreed purchase price. Now theroforg end ao forth • .Adjoining t :n,._. lands o'f As& Jenkins and others, b.ounded as follows· First Tract: .Beginning·at a chestnut oaknear the . top of the • mountatl!•e.nd rune,N~5 E 99 poles to a cucumber.the south-west corner of the Horne tract; then with the ;Vest line of the same to the north­west corner of Jenkins land.; thence with said line S5·E 25 tolee to his corn~r;thence SZ59 20 p~les to a stake;then~e to tho begin-ning, containin.g fifty acres ,more or less. . · · Second traot: Beginning on a cucumber on the l~orth bank of a creek near his house and. runs ,.t~35 E 47 poles to a chestnut; thence :tl55W • 50 poles to o chestnut o:t :lop of the mountain; thence along the top of t~ "" mountain 117 poles to a. chestnut in Asa Jenkins 11ne;thenoe to tne beginnigg,conta ining fifty aores,moBe or less. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged -~.: Leonard Hall a n1 Wi r e ~ c Nellie Hall Le~rd H&.U Nellie Hall Leona l'd llllll He l lie Hall 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... J?.~-~---························· 2. Date of Conveyance ....1....0....-..2...7....•..1....7.... ........ ...................... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... ............. Yea ......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ......... ...................... .................. ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... ..J. •. l'•-············ 6. Acknowledgements, regular .... Y.6a---························-;-·· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .... ......... ........ ............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ Ye.s. ..................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... 2 .~-~lEL ....................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... Yea ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. .. ... Y~---· · · ····· · ·· ·· ······ ·· ······ ·· ·· ·· ··· 12. Was order of probate correcL ... Y.~-~---·- ····· ···· ····· ········ ·· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .......... 3.~~4c-~~-- -·············· ·· (a) of seizin ............. Yt}4 ............................ ................... . 15. Book ............. fHL.................... Page ........ 5.5.3 ............... . (b) power to convey .. ...... ... Yea ...................................... . (c) against encumbrances ...... -.. Yea ............................. . for ............. Ea.yw.ood. ............................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .......... Y.~---······· · ·· · · ·· · · · or restrictions ............... 1'10 ............................................... . 17 . . Habendum clause (iuote fully) .TO.: ~-fi- -8 .. d-- -~O .. ~old:--t.he .. at?~O&ai-4--t-r.act-- --or---t&:!Oe-1 .... 9.f. ... J~Jlq ___ ~~----'--- l ... P.~.:lv.1.l~?-~--- -~xJd .... ~ .JPV.l. :t.Qn.anc.e.s ... t t.l ... reto ... b.a:Lo.D.iPng .... o .... the ....2 .J~J~.--W~--~~~-r: ... G~9.:~t;J_ .. ___ !l.+.." ---h~. tr.~----~nQ, ____!:) _~-~-1ZA.~--- -t.9 ... h.1. .s ... Qnly __ us.e. ... a1Jl ...b .ehuo.t ... .... f.9.:r.@.Y~1:.!! ..................................................... ........................... ..................................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property BEGI':NING on a stal(e 11ear a b~al»h stx or seven poles below rrau•a house and run- w1th sa14 branoh 59 polea to HarriSDD Grooms oorne:r intthe old oond1tiooal line; t he nos with said oonditional l ine 22 polea to a chestnut i n tb.e outs :1de line; thence w1 t said llne along the top ot the ridge 66--i poles to a chestnut ; t i ~&nCe ~n1ng $. 45 W. 34 polea to a sta ke; tbenoe tf. 33 w, 2 poles to a sta ke; thenqe s. 49 \'V, 6 polea; t enoe s, 53 w, 7 poles t o the B EGIN!~DT G, nina acres .more or lass; NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance .............. ~-·-~·-······························ 2-14-.,0 2. Date of Conveyance·-···:·····················:--~·-··· · ······················· 3. Is it properly executed ..... : ....... , ........ ....... : ....................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ ~~.:f .•............... 7. If irregular, copy in full on b~l~·:acr·················· 9. Date of acknowledgement ..................... : ................. .......... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... .............................. .. ..................... ... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- . (a) of seizin ...................... Ye.s: ...................................... . (b) power to convey .................... Y$.8 ............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ................. J~.'!J ................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..................... ... ¥.~~---······· 10. W as pn·v y exam·m a t·t on of WI· fe t a k en .. -..........Y....e...s... ..... . Yes 12. Was order _of probate correct..l~"2e*!"1················ 14. Date of filmg for rg~: d .......... : .................. 484 ............ . 15. Book ·--·-······Ha·ywao·d·-· Page ......... c··-·······t·····-·········· for .................................................................. oun y. (c) against encumbrances .................. Y\9.8 ................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .................... Yea .......... . or restrictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote . fully) ....... TO. ... hav& ... AJ'ld ... t.O .hold ... the .... a1'.oresaid .... t.r.act ... .Qf. ... le.DA ................. ~.n4 .. ,~.ll._ .. Pl"1.nle.sea .... e4 .... .... thereto, ... belong1ng ... to ... th$ ... sa1-d ................. Wf.\l:t,•,~---G~.ooms.1 .... ... $.lld ... as.s.1gna._ .... tQ ... only ... us.e ... and. ... beho.o.r ... r~.$¥0l:-•·· Exact Description of Property BEGINNlNQ on a stake neEU' a bran()h 6 or 7 rod$ below hoUM,runs '\'lith aa1d wanoh 39 poles tc> Harrison Gl'Oom's oo:rntr in old conditiOnal ltne1 thEmce w1tb said line 22 polee to a ohcuJtnut in the outstde} then~• with ~a14 11-.:u along the top ridge 6&} to a oheatnuta thence running South 4CS w.,s'\; $\ pol• to a stake·; thenoe North 33 . Wt.rst 2 poles to a stakeJ 'thC~nc:u; south 48 East 6 poles; thence South 63 West t'f poles to the bee;inn1ng. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged El lox1 Ja ckson 1. Kind of Conveyance ____ l)$.~4.-----------------------····--------------- 2. Date of Conveyance ... ---------9--'-*---l-'·2--o--o---o--2---2·- ---------------------------- 3. Is it properly executed ...... ...... :'fe-&-------------------------------- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged _______ ;f _ _._:p_. ___________ _ 4. Date of Entry and No·-------------------------------------··----------------- 6. Ack~owledgements, regular ........ X~-~---------··---------·------- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9 . D a t e of ac k now1 e d gement.-----------l-.-O---- ----6-·--- "--"--2--2--- ---------------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................ Ye.a. ________________ _ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ......... .Y!a-.8 ........ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ N.O. ________________________________________ _ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order of probate correct ....... Ye:;s ........................... . 14. Date of filing for record ........ 2.~.6-~~------····-········------ (a) of seizin ................ JIQ ______________________________________________ _ 15. Book -----------------.6.2 .................. Page ......... 42l .............. . (b) power to convey ........... lfQ _________________________________________ _ for __________________ He,.yW.Q_(~.d. ............ ~-----------County. (c) · against encumbrances ...... NO---------------------------------·- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions ( d) against claims of all others .... ll.O----------------------------- or restrictions ············································-····-······-------------- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. TQ. ..h A.V.~--J~.M .,. teO ..b .Q.l.4 ...." 1fJlo. ... ~.t..Q~~-~~1.d. .. ~.n.Q._, __a _l?_Q.V.J;L_4tlt~. _____ Q_l'1.b~d ___ l.9.t ... :Qr .... ~.r~ttY. ... .9.f ..... ~.t1.n4.t .... ll.P:~----~-u ___ P:f ... ~~-~----~J@.~.1----~--t~J~,---~~l4. ... ~-g:!~!lr~:~~ ··---~-n.d .... ~l~_;tm, __ _-t_Qs_g_l.l1~.1.: .... W1~:t!: .... ~ .:U .... ~J~~----;r;tg~rt..~-~----P.l.".;tY.ll.~.g~~----~-00-.. -~1U:t,~_t":l~~JJ~~-~-- ··---t.he.l(eunt9 ... b.~l.On$1ne ... \1J!,.t_Q ___ :t!n~ .. -.~-g_~_~.--1~-rty __ _g_f __ ~h-~ .... ~~_g_®4 ... .P..~n ... ~.l14 .... hl.tL ..... heil's a.n4 as ai~a t o his and their only uae benefit and bohoot torpve:v. Exact Description of Property :SEOJr!NING at f:l s t ake li.$L\l' a b:re,n.Qh six or atven p oles bel.ow a b.ous~,. and runs w 1 t !t said b~oh 49 poles to ua.rriaon uroOIIUl aorner on old oond1t1one.l line~ thenoe with said lin• 22 poles toa ohe:;;<tnut 1n the outside l!.n.e; thenoe v~lth said line alcng to.p o~ the said l'idge 6&1t pole$ to a ohostnut; thence running ~ 45 w. 3' polo a to a. st ~t kQ; thtlnoe N .. 55 w., 2 poles to a stake; tllono-& s. 44 E- G poles; t henoe a. 6 W. 7 poles to the BEGJ:i;N!NG, one acre l ess sold to J. H. G·rooms by I. . eone.rd. Hall. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowleda:ed ~ A; 1J Leatllel'wood A, _ :r. , Leathei'WQod At 1t. Leatherwoo4 Francis Leatherwood Francis Leatherwood Francis Leatherwood J .• M. Caldwell 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... De.e.d ................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ........ ... 6~.4"!.2l ............................ .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... .. .............. ..... .. .. ........ ............. . 4. Date of Entr y and No .. ....................... ........................ ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... .... P . .......... .. 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ...... Y6.8 ....................... .' ..... . 7. If irregular, copy in f ull on back. ................ ............. ..... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. YeS .................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement... .......... 6~.4 ... ?.J. ............... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ....... Ye.S. ....................................... . 10. Was pr ivy examination of wife taken ....... y ........... .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. ..... y-es ......................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a ) of seizin ................................ Y~UL .......................... . (b) power to convey ...... ............ , ........... Y~UL .. , .............. . (c) against encumbrances ........................... XQIL ...... .. 14. Da te of filing f or record ............ :t}.•5-.a;J. .................. .. 15. Book ...................... t}-'7 .............. Page .............. ~5e, ........ .. for ....... ................... HaywGQd ................. County. 16. Does deed cont ain any special limitations, provisions (d ) against claims of a ll others ...... ..... ....... .. ......... Xt.~ . or restrictions ··Y8B·a···SG8··bel&W···· ................. .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully ) .... ..... . TO .HAVE ... AND. ... TO .HOLD .... the ... at.oresaid .. :tr.act. .. .or ........ .. ........... :.paro•l---and ... au. ... pri:v.ileges ... an.d ... app.urtenano.e.a ... ther.eto .... bel.onging ... to ...... . .............. tne .... aai4 ... part.y. ... ot ... the ... sec.ond ... part.t .. .his .. heirs ... and ... as.signa1 .... to .... their ............. .only ... uae ... alld ... behoot' ... forever .............................................................................................................................. . Exact Descr iption of Property Fi:t-st Traot. BEGINNING at a chestnut oak near the top of the mountain, and runs North 35 East 99 poles to a cucumber, the southwest corner of the home tract; thence with the. West line or the same to the Northwest oo:rner ot Jenkin's land; thence with line South 5 East 25 poles his oorne1:; south 38 west 20 poles to a stake J thence to the beginning ... containing fifty acres, lUOre or less. ~econd TrkPt. BEGINNING on a ouou.m· ber on the North bank ot a oree near his house; and runs North 35 East 47 polea to a chestnut; thence North 55 West 50 poles to a chestnut on top of the mountain J thence .along the top ot the mountain 117 poles to a chestnut in Asa Jenkin's line; thence to the beginning ... containing fifty acres, more or less. · EXCEPT a boundary or land sold George Green known to all pa-rties oonoerneti and except a boundary or land sold to s . L. Hall known to all parties concerned. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In P1·eamble As Signed As Acknowledged ttl~ ...... -- ' j • M. CttldWelJ. j~. B, I1lillips 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... J! ...................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ........ :Y~Uk . , ....................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... J.:t.Pa ................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. .. 9. Date of acknowledgement....2 ::":".2.4.~~ta ...................... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... .... .Ye.tL ................................ .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ................... YE;lS .......................................... . (b) power to convey ................. Y6J!L ............................. . (c) against encumbrances ............... Ye.s ...................... . (d) against claims of all others ................. Yfl$: ............ . S • M. Oc.ldwell Etta. Caldwell 2. Date of Conveyance ....... 2:~2.4~~£L ............................ .. 4: Date of Entry and No .................. , .................................... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ....... :¥:~,$ ............................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............... Ye.S .................. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........ .Yee ........ . 12. Was order of probate correcL ...... Y~~L ...................... . 14. Date of filing for record .... 3..'~J...l~~l. .... , ....... -............ . 15. Book .................... '?..9 ................ Page ........ 4.U .............. .. for ................. Bayw..oo.d .......................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ~C]-~P:!l.~.Q~ ........................................ .. ~t l~~u~.~us~ fiuo~ii1~ff9·--:riv.:n~n:--:~~r~~;!n~---~fiii:~!1-ge~~a.l.~-9fo·t-~e:t -------- ------·---~------.---------- ---------·--·---~------,-------- ---~-------- -- --- ---- - -- -------- -~ ------·-· · ···- - --- ---- -------------------------- -------------------------------&in.B. .............. Jla .. . . a.§~~ ---P~.r.~,Y ... :f>.f .... :ti.~~----f.J~_q_~:~~---~M_,. ____ :_\. ~~-J-~:t~----~4 .... ~~-~-~-g~-~-• ----~-9 .... ~~--~-~---9.A.l.Y ....... .. ~§~---~W. .... P~A9.9t. ... f..~~-~~----- ----------- ---------------- -- - -----------···--------------------------- ---- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Exact Description of Property F:t~et l?.aot; BEGII\~UN G at a ohes'l;nut oak near the top ~· tl¥1 JIIPUn~in am l'.'\.UlS lt 55 E. 91 pole o to a OUOUllb&r t he aruthW~UJt OOJ"ne%' ot the h o~ t .r aot; thenee with the, west lin4;1 of tllEt sa:me to t he nQt-ih• troEJt eor.nelf ot JQnkine~ l enti; t hence v1i'th said line s. 5 E., 25 to hls oor~r; 'bhenoe s. 5:;> w, 20 poles ~o a atak$; 'tllenoe to the BEDINN:mG, e ontaining eo aores , more or lese. . second t rr;H\t : BEtl!NNnrG on a etu.n:anber on t11:r north bank ot a branch, near'' nitf nonl$ am lmlUi ll. :15 :m. 4'7 polaa to a chestnut; thence N. 55 \Y. eo po 100 to a e.betJtnut on ·~op ot t lla mountain; theh(H) a long the top of thi) •ou n~1n 117 poles to a chestnut 1n As~ J' enk1n~ line; thence to the BEG:U·UU!fG. oonta!nins t1tty aore~ on or loss ~ · EXOJ§f% a boun<la.ry ot land a old t~ Geo-rge Grooms, lm<>Wn #e all pa rt i es oonetumed, a 11d the a.cNa ot lend known as t 11e Walter G:J:OOll'l.8 acre of land.. Page .. ..... 9Q-................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ..... lm..~O.O!i ............. COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO --~-!!?. .~ ~~~gp_~---~~~---~!.r~t __________________________ :_ _________ --~~~~~~~----~~~~~-~~~----------------------------------------------- __: Q~~-~~~-~~---~~---~"~-1---~·------------------------------­Traot Number 284 AFFIDAVIT. ___ R~_g_.!.!?l~~~-~-------------- --------------------------------------- • being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of _____ HaywoQd. _______________ County, in Book. .... ai---------------• Page _______________ , ________ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy . at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. u.) / ---------------41"-----~--------~~---- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 282 284 287 288 289 251 - 2 - PRESBYTERIAN MISSION SCHOOL About l0 1Acres of Clearing 32.46 1 11 11 wood School Building 1 Dwelling and OUtbuildings JONAH B. PHILLIPS 37.66 'Acres of Clearing 26.69 · " '' Wood 2 Dwellings 1 Barn end other Outbuildings JAS, J»>KINS 1",7-' ·~Acres Pasture J.?~ ~ " Cultivated . 11.76 " Wood 42.46 Acres 64.35 Acres 28.19 Acres Dwelling, Barn, Outbuildings and mill W. G~FIELD JENKINS 12.10 Acres Cultivated ,. 2. 76 " Oro hard 22.80 u Pasture 4.07 '' l¥teadow Total of · 41.73 " Cleared 52. 26 " i'/ood 4 Dwellings 1 Barn Outbuildings SPENCE PHILLIPS 93.99 .Acres 4 3.37 .Acres J.• ~. 1/f'l'( 17.80 Acres Cultivated and ~ Field 4.18 " Orchard and Pasture Total of 21.98 " Cleared 21.39 " Wood . ~~ 3. 22 ·• outside ~ ~ ...---- l 2 Dwellings Barn and Outbui+dings \'lm. J. HM-.TNAH & JAS. H. HANNAH 32.44 Acres I 12.40 Acres Cultivated , 20.04 " \'/cod ·-~--_q_ p __ Q __ () ____ _ ~- .-C-J. • Q_ o__ __ --- IJ~oo . ~- ~ . . . --.- - -. ~ --- ·-· ______ ___ , ____l____o_ ·----o-, __ ___o_,. _ _ __ ., ____ - -- ------ -_j ___ 0 •. C? ... Q .. ·---.... / .- ... ____ - .. -- _.:J-__,5 :-2__(!__ ______ , .........~ ..5 _--,-p -9. ... ... --~ - -0 c:J ... <!. ... O - .. / -CJ. o- --c-:--J-~-- - / a C' 6 - ;,p/ ' -- - . - . -- · ·---------- -~ / ... l7 71, .').J ~ . . "--~ /o ooo 2oaoo - J - - - I C?. e_.o. ___ _ ___________: .. ~ -·--~.t __________.. _ ___ -·----· --- ------· ..._ _______________________· ·-- ---------·-"·-···~--·-------·----·--------..· -···-· -·------··------·.. ...- -..... ... -··--~ ..· ··-~----- ; I ! : ~ -·-·--·----·----·-- ·--·--·-'--· --------- - .... -----· ...... --·--·- ---·------ ---.. - ·-- ·-·--·---.... - -.. ----·-- - ·-·--·- --· .. ·-. ____ , ______ ·--· •. ·-·-·- ------~1 ·~--------------- - - ---- ---- -------- -----· ·- ··-- ·---·--·- ..................... --. __________________ .. ____ .... . ____ ___ :; ,., ___ ~: --~- - -- - --- - - -.. ·--··"'-------- -- - - -- - ~--~--- --·-- .. -.... -----· ··- -· .. -·~ .. ----·-· - .. ... _- ·- ... - . ----- ---.. -----·- - - ·---- --- ·~- --~ · -- ~ ~--.. ·--· -- -----··-------- -----~-~-----· , ~ . I .. NORTH CAROLINA, HA.YWOOD COUNTY. ) } ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE ) OF ~Im LANDS OF SIDNEY NELSON : IN CATTALOOCEEE TOWNSHIP, HAYWOOD COUNTY. . • ) } AFFIDAVIT H. C. WILBURN, being first duly sworn, says: ' That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book _______ , page --------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investigation he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise em-braced in the several component lines shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and ad­justments were made as between adjoining land owners so that ' there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworh to and subscribed before me, this the day of ----------------------- Notary Public. JONAH JlRILLIFS 57.&6 Acres Cleared Land, ~ $30 26.Gll Q ~10 2•roam Boxed House 2 Ol d Houses and Barn e4.35 Aores Total $1129.90 265.90 100.00 150 .00 ~his land has been out for wood and poles , and has no oommero1ai t i mber. The is wired with woven wire, but was placed 'there by :former owner. Bu1 l d1nss are only This :plaoe is looa ted about one mile up rwood Bre.noh, t :rom Big Cresk . NAME L. A. Hopkins, (130 J. C. Hopkins R. Price ~. M. Caldwell,(393 George Phillips .Jonah Phillips James .Jenkins Garfield Jenkins Spence Phillips John Heilman TAX LIST AS GIVEN BY OWNERS ON BIG CREEK ACRES acres listed at $1120.00) 51.36 40 ?5 acres listed at $2200.00) 39,20 50 70 28 120 31 1200 .. VALUE $550.00 638.00 203.00 375.00 259.00 880.00 381.00 6600.00 . l . ... r ' .. 279 • • t R. Prico a room tr~od houae 4 stall barn -3- 30 acres cleared land @ 25.00 '75 apple trees .)-s-~acres wood land 280 280a 281 282 284 285 286 ...1..1... ..J...; T.AX VALUATION J. M. Ce:ld.Y~ell 3 room boxed house Old barn $638.00 10 acres cleared land 18 acre a woodland. T.A.X VAI.U.A TI OH George Philli}?B Log House ~12200.00 10 acres cloared land 30 applo trees 50 yow'lg peach tre ~s Old stablo 35 acres woodland TAX VALUATIO.N . %~20~.00 TAX .~ · 42.46 Jonah Phillips 64.35 2 room boxed house 2 old houGes and 2 barns 40 aores cleared land ,-:; 30.0v 75 apples trees 24 acres woodland , .. ~ 10.00 TAX V ALU.AT ION $375.00 J . ·~Wi:.l.~y l'hillips / 11.53 Owned bj - Mrs . HiLey' ··.McGaha 5 room boxea h~~se Log smoke _llo·uoe ·--.... 11 acre .~ · ..... clearod land · ~'~ .. 20. 00 T.AX VALUATION 'I f ' if 150.00 100.00 750.00 ..~. ~·00 ..!J ,· .-aa 100.00 50.00 200.00 180. 00._--l$L5;:;.3::...:0:....:•:...::0:0::_ ___ 50.00 200.00 60.00 50.00 ~.oo ...:~=..=...::...;o• ;;..;;.o_...JOI~~. oo 800.00 100.00 ~·~·-~ ~- 1000.00 ~4~0~0~·~0~0--~~2300 .00 50.00 10.00 15.00 100.00 50.00 1200.00 75.00 G40.00 250.00 30.00 220.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 ~ {)~ I :. · 0 o \ /I 3j;l665.00 ___ _ ~ : '/00. -00 -- -- MAP NO. 264-b 277 279 280 281 284 APPRAISALS OF INTERIOR HOLDINGS ON CHESTNUT BRANCH BY W. H. WOODBURY OWNER' S NAME L. A. Hopkins 4 acres cultivated fields @ :;p20.00 2 room boxed house 47 acres woodland --~8' 10.00 J. c. Hopkins 7-room boxed house Old mill Barn nnd out buildings Crib, shop and smokehouse 20 acres cleared l and @ 30.00 2.; boxed house 2 small sheds 41 acres woodland ~~ 10.00 R. Price 3-room framed house 4-stall barn ACREAGE 51.36 61.41 85.50 u . -y l-· -3{)"'"" a c res cleared land @ £5.00 t .s. .-' 75 a1?Ple trees Z..\ §{)acres woodland J. M. Caldwell 3- r oom boxed house Old .barn 10 acres cleared land 18 acres woodland George Phillips Log House 10 acre s cleared l and 30 app4,e trees 50 young peach trees Old stable 39 . 20 4 5.47 \ , ~~ .I I.'::J ;~80 . 00 100.00 470.00 .~ .YlOO .OO 350 . 00 50.00 50.00 600.00 100.00 25 .00 410.00 lQO. 0 75o·'. oo 5!'/5 .00 50 . 00 $100 .oo 50.00 200 . 00 180.00 $ 50.00 200.00 60 . 00 50 . 00 50. 00 350.00 35 a~e1~{ w~Jt;.~~~- L--~~L~ - -J.. "~· - f\ ... '\ ,.. .. · . ./ . 1.,: ., . / .'''-- ~· ··.,. ·' '\ Jonah Phillips 2-room boxed house 2 old houses and 2 barns 40 acres cleared land 75 apple trees 24 acres woodl and ·~ 30 .oo ~11 10.00 64 . 35 ~100.0 0 50 . 00 1200 . 00 75 .00 240.00 AMOUNT :~650 . 00 ~5 . 00 /j -i), ,;_,_, I <l ~ ' t \} ..ll •) . •l .) 7 ~ . {.1.} ' -3:~~9 il .. ·~·-t, / .· , ....•.. . 1 i"".,) ..... 530.00 760 .00 .. . ---;--'""": ~- ~ .· Jf {;7'_: ~ .;~ 1 665 .00 NAME L. A. Hopkins, (130 J. C. Hopkins R. Price ~. M. Caldwell,(393 George Phillips .Jonah Phillips James .Jenkins Garfield Jenkins Spence Phillips John Heilman TAX LIST AS GIVEN BY OWNERS ON BIG CREEK ACRES acres listed at $1120.00) 51.36 40 ?5 acres listed at $2200.00) 39,20 50 70 28 120 31 1200 .. VALUE $550.00 638.00 203.00 375.00 259.00 880.00 381.00 6600.00 \ CO:MPARISON OF APPRAISALS - HAYWOOD COUNTY PROPERTIES Tract No. Owner Acreage 2nd Haywood 1st Haywood Buncombe P-ark Tax Award 235-a .T.H.Woody Heirs 183.00 $3, 500.00 $3,200.00 $2,080.00 $2,230.00 $1,104.00 $3,708.50 249 J .s .Woody 149.19 2,635.55 4,000.00 2,968.00 3,475.00 1,650.00 4,500.00 253 Mack W .Hannah 152.06 5,?57.10 9,345.00 7,623.00 9,170.00 1,602.00 11,023.80 264-b L. A. Hopkins 51.36 632.10 638.60 650.00 () 2, 02 7. 20 277 J. c. Hopkins 61.41 3,782.90 3,036.38 2,285.00 550.00 5,235.95 279 R. Price 85.50 1,430.50 1,079.00 1,285.00 638.00 2,000.00 281 Geo.Phi11ips 45.2'7 1,039.25 928.76 960.00 203.00 1,500.00 2~ J.B.Phillips 64.35 1,408.40 1,018.50 1,665.00 37 5. 00 2,518.45 28? Jas.Jenkins 28.19 1,899.80 1,909.75 1,750.00 259.00 3,051...45 288 Garfield Jenkins93.99 3,405.40 2,714.90 2,495.00 880.00 4,487.67 289 Spence Phillips 43.37 1,363.40 1,268.70 945.00 381.00 2,016.44 ~ 290 John Heilman 1322.35 5,289.40 6,611.?5 6,600.00 7,2'12.92 - - ------ --· --·· )--;--·---~- . " ' l> vi ~/0 1(.)•::1. I. - ., C) ··i ~ v,L?I' i \ 0 (NOTE: Tax valuation f'or 130 acres, $1,120.00). •' f; C7H'ST1WT BRAUC ii Aim U.·rT.S'l11T. :.JTliG ~RAf"· :;'S . owners and Olalmants. 265-a. .'trr..G.White, Clvtr.:ants,,~'rn.G·.Nhite nnd wife florence '.Yhit~ !f.t.S1.eJ·linc-,.:r .c. 27f>. J .Sn.n .ecther•,vood.Cl~imunts,.J .Sam Lentherw::,od and \7ife Jane Leatr1en7ood, 1\!t.sterlin~~.r;.c-. 2 76. r!trs. "!r.:. :~ . iihi te et al, C le n • :;-:lorene c .vh 1. te and Husband , .vm. G. White, iir~. dter line, i:i .c. J.,.. I::lns .r-.;uriu roberts und r~uob:, nd ,Cho.s .C .:ii.oberts. ~ rJt. :;.;terltnc t .; .c. ~ ( ~Jrs.'j: clitha Clerk ~nd husbnncl ,E.P.Clurk, ~ "' no:lport,';enn. ~ i._ l~~rs .Cat he rine .Leuther.voofl (divorced) • .J ~ - Mt • :3 t e r l i.n e , ~·i • C • , ~rs .Alice ~hornpson ~nd husbond,~heodore Thompson, L Akron,Ohio. ~ 277. J.r. •ropkins. Clai.mants,J.C.Honki.ns ~::na wife,i~;El ybf'll : J-e.~;~·"'ff:l:&-fff6- t«ue~~:~::ra~~u~s. j1t. Sterl in :· , if .c. 281. Geo. ':' .?hill1.ns. rlo1m;n~s, Geo.W.PhilliJ8 and wi.fe Viola Phillips, Ut.Sterlin~:, ,n.c. Chas .c .r,oberts, Trustee :for J. ~~ .CaJ.d·N €!11 • .!\~t . Stcrl inn- i·:. U. ····~·*~*·~··· ~ ·· · ·· · . -· 284 . Jonah B .Phillip ~. Gluirnnnts ,Jonuh B.~h1111ps and ~ife.u~r ~uret ~hillips , ~t.sterling,N.C. ~~ ···· ~ ···~ · ~~ ? ++• ~ 287. Jnrnc3 Jrr1 1'\''4nc. ('.lnis' fJnts,Jamf' r: Jrmkins uno wife F l l rn J cn;:-inu. ;;;t. S t cr line, lJ. r;. 288. GDrfi~ld Jcn~ i n~ . Cliirnants, W.Gurf1eld Jc~kinc und ,·,rifE~ , !'dD Jcnki.n o . t. r..u Jcr:1.::irw D.:-.:d his w·ifc Jenk1ns ~llfe-·'eotnte) o.ll of fit. St erlin~: , ;; • c. G.U .Ward,~ rustec , Ja~lrsvillP , U .C. M .K. ~u1t on, !r in . I ·ocd o f 'Irust , erlinE.~ . . (; . L.A.Sutton,'l.rU~1ti t> for 7'l.i . ~3u tton,J;eed o:f ~· ru e i, .. ·t. :Hcrlinc ,_,. c . ~89 . Spence Phillips. Cl~iJnonts,~pence Phillips nha ~1fc, .i1achol !.'hillipa , :ht .t>terlinc-, ... c. J. ~ .Cula ~e ll, ~rust e e f)r J. ~ .Le a t herw J o d,L ~ edof Truct , ~it. dterl ing ,H .c .