Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (20) View all

Glimpses of the Plant of the Champion Fibre Co., Canton, North Carolina

items 35 of 38 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2944.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • CThe Champion Creed We Believe in the "Champion Family," Makers of Champion Products, and that an Organization can prosper only as its members have Faith and Confidence in each other. We Believe in Justice, Thoughtfulness, Kindliness, Sympathy and in the Golden Rule as taught by the Teacher of Galilee. We Believe that a joyous heart is the reward of industry and that human happiness is realized in the accomplishment of work well done. We Believe that Trouble is born of Misunderstanding, that Misunderstanding is ofttimes the product of Ignorance, and that it is the duly of each of us, regardless of his rank in the organization, to let in the Sunshine of Knowledge, that each day shall make him a Better Man. We Believe in preparing for those opportunities which frequently arise. So, the "Champion Family" have adopted the motto: "Co-operation—Good Fellowship," with Faith that our Products will reflect this Spirit and bring I ASting Satisfaction to our Patrons.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).