Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

George Washington Carver to Mrs. J. H. Slagle, April 2, 1925, p. 3

items 3 of 8 items
  • wcu_highlights-102.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • I am sure something will have to be added to it. Dont mind troubleing me in this way. I want our dear, dear boy “Dick” to learn all of these things, I am so anxious for him to be a real creative chemist. I have been unusually buisy this fall and winter I am shut in now, had my voice to give way again, by an attack of the “Flu”. in Indianapolis Ind. on Mch. 1st my voice gave way completely, but thank God I am getting in back again. My Dr. says it will be some weeks yet before I will be able to do any public speaking. Well the papers are saying so many many nice things about me that I feel whol[l]y unworthy of I am simply trying to do my little job in the world as God give me light. God permitting I hope to see you in this life, however I am not a young man any more, and not and never have been what you would call robust, but God has been so good to me, I really feel that He is not ready for me yet, to give up the job. I want to be with “Dick” some again this summer, I want to do some real collecting with him, and you being a student of nature, could help us, so I thought if my health permitted, and they did not make too many demands upon me here, I would come up there, get our dear boy “Dick” and do some collecting in the Mountains if he had the time. I was talking with one of his proffessors at the university, who knew all about him coming to Tuskegee last summer, He said that another professor

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).