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Correspondence regarding organizational meetings of the Appalachian National Park Association

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  • 8. WITTKOWSKY, PRESIDENT. T. S, FRANKLIN, TREASURER. F. M. SHANNONHOUSE, SECRETARY. B. D. HEATH, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. J. P. WILSON, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. D. E. ALLEN, THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT. Otmmwce. vn*zxm$e, Jr. v.. November lffth, 18$9 Mr. J. A Nichols, President, Boari of Trade, Ashville, N C, Dear Sir: - [ have the honor to acknowledge yours of the 7th advising me that pursuant ;to a call of the Park and Porrestry Committee there will be a convention held on Wed. the 22nd inst. at Ashville for the purpose of organizing an Inter-state Association, and inviting me kindly to be present. 0 * < In reply I say that the Queen Oity is heartily in accord with the movement, and will do everything in its power to farther the plan; and that I will do myself the honor to be present on that occasion, an! will perhaps bring one other party to represent our Chamber. Yours truly, ;.f7 P. S«-Please advise me at what time the Convention will be called to order, so that I may know what train, to take to reach there on time. ■

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).